What's the point of living if there is no free will?
How much of you do you actually control?You can't control how you feel about things, you don't control what you like/dislike, and you can't control your fears.
Are we just here for the ride?
What's the point of living if there is no free will?
How much of you do you actually control?You can't control how you feel about things, you don't control what you like/dislike, and you can't control your fears.
Are we just here for the ride?
Other urls found in this thread:
You have free will because God gave you free will.
If your 'God" gave me free will. I would be a Chad right now.
God is real user, and no you wouldn't be a Chad because other people have free will. Therefore, they can define what's Chad and not Chad.
I'm sure we're just here for some sick bastards' entertainment
I can't see any other point in enduring this bullshit
Quit being a lazy fag and take care of yourself, workout, hygiene, and other misc things that will make you Chad. you are just a degenerate incel that sits around and shitposts on Jow Forums
>Just take a shower bro.
Thanks I needed a laugh.
which one do you think takes more care of himself?
which one gets laid more often?
I just try to enjoy the ride.
You'd be a chad if there was no free will but because there is you're wasting your time being a loser, kill yourself.
>You'd be a chad if there was no free will
Can you go into detail, or are you just trying to be tough on the internet?
Right side takes more care for himself, but the left side definitely gets laid alot more because he doesnt looks like he molests children
only babby tier "deep thinker" fags get hung up on free will.
What do God tier deep thinkers think about then?
I don't believe free will exists. Every choice you make is just the result of whatever complex fuckery is going on in the brain making it work. All your experiences, thoughts, etc. You never would have made any other choice.
>time manifests itself linearly, only one one path is taken at any one time
simple stuff, but really think about it, and all it's implications.
>what we think of as "free will" in the human consciousness is not limited by what could happen but what ought to happen
>since we don't know anything about the inner workings of reality, only the manifestation of it, it's pretty dumb to say "yeah this could have happened" when in reality that option likely never existed
this isn't one of my main points, but then you have the whole consciousness argument
>there's been tests and shit that show the subconsciousness knows what it will do before the frontal cortex
>not to mention the consciousness likely just linked to our bodies, and is from something else altogether
Are you babby tier then because that post just says that you hung up on free will?
Let's ask John Calvin if this is true.
I don't think there's any substance to it. It's an infinite ladder, if you say "i made this choice" there's always a level above where you could say you may have been influenced against your "true" will.
It's a pointless argument.
>materialistic determinism
lol @ your negative iq
So you're saying getting hung up on freewill is babby tier because it's pretty obvious it isn't there? It's been solved, so why worry about it...right?
Nevermind, I see now.
You can, but it's pretty contradictory. If it makes it feel better, fine.
>What's the point of living if there is no free will?
Because you don't have a choice. Now keep on living like a slave until the universe grants you your freedom from life. Even if you kill yourself, you would only be able to go through with it because the universe allowed you to.
>it feel
*you feel
based and metaphysicalpilled
I like it better the other way.
And it's important to point out that none of this has an impact on daily life. You can still make choices, and they can be your choices.
This is just metaphysics, which most people don't want or need to think about.
I'm not the guy you were talking to. I just liked the typo. I already completely agreed with your position. The Eternal Recurrence is real, so not only is what you say true, but we're also going to make these same "choices" over and over again for all of eternity. We even have this same thread and these same posts, every single time.
ah right, yeah that post + image went right over my head kek.
Eternal Recurrence, large scale cycles, etc makes infinitely more sense than the inane "multiverse" bs that's often used as a way of justifying free will. overall a very negative view of things.
right side needs to take off those glasses and get better hair then he will be chad
>What's the point of living if there is no free will?
What would be the point of doing anything even if there WERE free will? What exactly do you even mean by free will?
I don't agree. The question of "free will" is something that's extremely important to how society functions at every level. It has massive implications for religion, politics, medicine, the list goes on.
Is this a trick question?
Right side for both questions
I know most girls like a feminine guy
But Im a big girl and left side couldnt physically sweep me off my feet if he tried
Take scopolamine and you'll see there is in face free will.
>You have free will because God gave you free will.
It doesn't say that in the Bible.