One chance at life

>one chance at life
>tan skin and brown nipples

alright then

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Are you the same user from the other thread who had a sister with pink nips? I think you're far more concerned with this stuff than you should be.

maybe? but originananly

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You do realize that what most matter is the look of your face, and shape of your body right? If you are at least half as attractive as the girl in pic i would smash

well show them

The only time it's okay to have brown nipples is if your are non white.
White girls with brown nipples are disgusting.

well they're nipples, but brown.

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You look 99% like my gf.
Caramel skin is sexy.

them bitches more pink than brown retard
get off my board stacy

they're literally brown.
the luminosity makes them lighter

Im just like that
Its whatever just dont expect to get white or light skin asian women if u are M but I personally prefer brown everything girls

>actually showing some random losers on Jow Forums your tits
get off this board you impure, attention-seeking whore

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Women don't care about guys nipples color do they

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user.....its just a nipple we can't even see my """""boobs""""

You will say that regardless if she didnt post her tits
this is why youre a fucking loser irl

what ever stacy, i hope u learned a vaulable lesson today.... NO ONE HERE CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how do i get this white

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roastie IQ

>you would do thing because I say you would do thing

I pity any future partner you have because you disgraced yourself so hard on some imageboard for attention

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id suck those for a year straight 24/7

stand next to a window

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okay user why are you mad

i will just get tanner

Tits or gtfo has been law long before you existed

To my surprise they do actually care about it at least the ones Ive met

>just be born white
theyres a lot of skin whitening stuff online
most are shit.
the ones that work and aren't expensive as shit are hydroquinone cream, lemon juice bleaching, eating well, drink lots of water, just using sunscreen and avoiding sunlight.

I have a pale skin fetish

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Because I fucking despise roastie culture and breasts and cocks should only be available to your lover. I'm not even religious.

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What the fuck, why would they care
i mean most girl including me don't suck their bf nipples?

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As long as I don't get skin cancer, i'd try anything

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>one chance at life
>latino & aware of having an inferior genetic heritge
I won't kill myself but my thoughts are constantly torturing me

Brown nipples are, quite literally, the sexiest kind. The darker the better.

But I have a lactation fetish, so I'm incredibly biased.

being latino isn't bad.
at least you're not chinese.

Try a parasol

Latinos exists as the product of highly inbred Asians and Spaniards.


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The age of this poster is dubious, where are you from?
Also those tits are pretty much perfect


Why would you care about this? I swear, all white people are mentally ill or something.

My white girlfriends never cared about their boring pink or skin-tone nipples.

Only my asian and african girlfriends mentioned their nipples being colored. A filipina girlfriend took pics of her vag and was super embarrassed about the fact she had brown labia. I told her "you know some white girls have that too right?" and she said "yeah, but freckled redheads don't!" and I had to sigh loudly and lengthily... basically the same sound I make when I cum.

Insecure women who don't allow you to examine their anus under a magnifying glass are the worst.

Any fembots wanna play detective? HMU

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Those aren't brown nipples. These are.

And they are sexy.

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Have literally never had a gf be self-conscious about nipple color, and I've dated every race except for Indian/Middle Eastern.

Breast/areola size? Sure. How broad her shoulders are or how pronounced the bags under her eyes are without make-up? Absolutely. Nipple color? Never.

you are really encouraging this bitch to go michael jackson? lmao

i'm from europe

guys care about their dick size
same for us but for nipples and labias color
(also boobs size)

that's because they're less pretty than the pink ones ):

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latinos are the master race tf are you talking about

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>Nipple color? Never.
Well it was on top of her claiming her breasts were too small. I thought they were super cute and the brown nipples were like hershey's kisses.

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Southern Europe to be precise?
Is one of your parents south american?

>michael jackson?

choccy nipps :p yummy

>that's because they're less pretty than the pink ones ):
Don't talk that trash unless you want a spanking and nipple torture.

Nope and nope user

same here man
when I was 16 I had bleached my skin so much and I started removing the melanin in my eye to go from chestnut(shit) brown to green hazel, I am so glad I can pass for white now

I hate race mixing

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a girl that looks like that pic is aok in life, i'd paint her insides for sure

I'm a white dude and my nipples are kind of a shade of brown I guess. It doesn't matter, your big fat titties are fine, stop fretting over bullshit nothings user

Ahh good thing you're not the person i was thinking.

Anyways are you here to lure a poor robot into your gracesdeath grip or just to show off and ego boost, because in the first case i could fall for that.

master at being corrupt trashy mutts? okay

With a body like that, only the biggest of incel faggots would care.

but my dad's mom is from middle eastern so maybe
she was born in north algeria and people there have pale skin lol
pic related is from algeria

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>a spanking and nipple torture.
>i'm from europe
I'll cock-whip the impure races right out of you.

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i'm not into that user i'm sorry

You can't be some pale skin white girl and sit out on the porch with watermelon and fried chicken all afternoon. You'll end up voting trump!

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Well since yuro girls are pretty rare in here, i won't waste this chance, also before anything i want to try to see if you're another person i know.
Do you practice islam?
Did you have an italian boyfriend you've met on a book forum or /lit/?

no. master at not getting sunburned like a lil bitch

No and no.I'm not the person you think I am, sorry user

Don't be sorry, I'm thankful you're not, i wouldn't want to apply such behavior with a friend's ex, in fact, would you like to get more personal, if that's your purpose at least, else just say so, there are already enough orbiters giving free attention

>there are already enough orbiters giving free attention
Start your own thread and if it's cool I'll come "orbit" you.

(Are you large enough to attract a satellite?)

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what did you use to bleach your skin?

yeah why not
give me your discord

Also just for your info, these are brown. Anything less brown is pink.

These are pink.

These are chocolate pancakes.

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For reference; if they make you drool because they remind you of hersheys kisses, they are brown.

If they do not melt in your mouth with a sweet cocoa flavor, they are pink.

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for you
There you go

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they're darker IRL

>they're darker IRL
That's possible but I can see pretty clearly from the photo:
Claiming these are "brown" is just wrong. They are slightly tan, but only barely so. So I'll give in and admit they're "not pink", but they're not brown either so you're even worse off.

Not only don't you have cute pink nipples (ew, skin-tone is the worst how do I know where to suck? it's like being color blind!) you don't even graduate all the way to supreme hot chocolate cocoa nips that gush chocolate milk that I gulp intensely while moaning and convulsing between orgasms.

You're just some in-between lame shade of gray.

Do you need a hug?

yeah, please user......but origig

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I didnt know women were insecure about their nipples. Cute, but not really a problem to me.

These nipples neither have a weird shape nor do they have any odd color

They look completely fine what the fuck is your problem?

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Is it brown? Flush it down.
Is it yellow? Let it mellow.

>when I was 16 I had bleached my skin
fucking dumbass
to actually believe you're inferior because your skin

>to actually believe you're inferior because your skin
When I was in japan/philippines they had loads of whitening lotions and powders and shit. Every girl had them in their bathroom. They told me girls/guys with brown skin or nipples or tans were "poor scum"... it's evidence they worked/spent time outside in the sun rather than in the pure dark with air conditioning.

They told me you can tell a "good person" because they'll have extremely pale/white skin and hair. They said if anyone has a tan it means they're "bad people", probably servants or maids.

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>bleached asshole
>sand-tumour tits/ass
>ballooned cheekbones
>forced albinism

Doesn't that echo beauty?

Just let your insecurities run free and you too can transcend your foul fleshy form and become the perfect manufactured woman.

Can't really tell shit from that angle, but judging from the angle you took your tits look like shit sine we can't even see them

probably american propaganda from when they were over there

Stay away from anyone with a tan or dark skin, they'll probably try to rob you. They're poor.

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shut up weeb ill rob you and your waifu

>probably american propaganda from when they were over there
Not even close. That's honestly what all the "rich" asians know. I've had multiple rich asian girlfriends. One had a house here in vancouver worth 10 million. Her bedroom was the size of my parents house and her bathroom looked like some fucking palace where ancient greeks would have orgies.

Don't let yourself think it's anything remotely like the racism you have in the united states. "White" people in the US are trailor trash and usually even poorer than anyone else. Their racism is rooted in their inability to come to terms with the reality that they're poor uneducated trash and that people with african heritage can honestly be much better than they are.

Making it all about race is a pathetic scapegoating.

When I was at the airport in manila I asked some guy in a suit "hey, do you know which way I need to head to get out to the parking lot?"

He led me directly out there, all the way into the middle of the parking lot and helped me find the driver working for my girlfriend's family.

I handed him $50 USD and said "thanks a lot man! I really appreciate it!". My girlfriend looked at me super wide-eyed and said "you realize you just paid that guy what he makes in a whole week, right?"

i just took a pic of my nipple. didn't try to show my whole boobs

no i mean when americans invaded phillipines &japan they probably had propaganda about white people being pure and good so they wouldnt rebel. but yeah i believe you there

shut up no one cares anymore lmao

>they probably had propaganda about white people being pure and good so they wouldnt rebel
Oh... I don't know about that. Look up the war they had. I'm pretty sure they weren't looking up to americans as "pure" or "good"... more like demons straight out of hell.

Now they look up to them as some kind of demonic masters and that's part of the source of all the ridiculous corruption in the philippines.

Japan is pretty similar in a lot of respects... being occupied seems to fuck with your head pretty harshly.

I mean look at this shit:

I remember this deodorant commercial I saw in the terminal in narita airport once where they had fucking jet skis and motorbikes and guys doing backflips and shit... then all these nude women are crawling all over the guy.

So basically like an axe deodorant commercial on some combo of harsh LSD, methamphetamine and whatever they put in the japanese water.

Very nice. Would wife.

Reverse search my dude