Have you guys ever fucked a fembot?
Any experiences?
Have you guys ever fucked a fembot?
Any experiences?
I fucked your mom, it felt pretty good desu
you're not even supposed to be on this board if you have fucked anyone and it wasn't you getting raped, you brainlet
While we're on the subject. Any fembots tryna get some dick? I'm available
why would you slap her upper back like that? I can understand the ass but just imagining guy slapping the upper back looks silly to me
I've only ever fucked escorts. Can I stay?
Getting raped? Wot
They love being hit like that and slapped tho, just any thing that involves degrading and pain
Some women just love being hit anywhere desu
Fembots love being degraded tho and choked and shit
This. They sure do love an Alpha male.
Yes. I fucked a fembot I met in an ideal bf/gf thread. Didn't expect much from her but she turned out to be cool and not bat shit insane. Our two year anniversary is coming up soon.
Lucky you user, you mean those threads where they draw their ideal partner? Or?
I met one on those bf/gf application threads and was all wholesome but she was mentally bad and thing ended up so bad, not like fucked up schizo shit but yknow mentally bad. Feels bad man, I miss her
i met a girl on here the same way..i really do miss her too, i wanted to be with her but she was in the usa and im in uk and she couldnt handle it.
Yeah I flew all the way out to the USA to see her. All fell apart though. The sex wasn't even worth it.
No there were popular threads some years back where you list the qualities that your ideal bf/gf would have. I met her in one of those.
I'm sorry things didn't work out with the girl you met here user. For what's it's worth you probably made the right choice by breaking up with her. In the past I've chatted with other r9k girls and a lot of them are really hateful/crazy/severely mentally ill.
I consider myself EXTREMELY lucky to have met such a kind (sane) girl, especially here of all places. It's like winning the lottery.
>Have you guys ever fucked
>Jow Forums
nice job clown
You met her irl? Or just online? I just happened to live near her and we started ldr and eventually meeting up irl, meeting someone in a different continent must be really painful to feel
Oh those yeah similar ones I guess. Yeah those threads were somewhat okay years ago but now this site seems to be just shitty.
Yeah it was really toxic and we ended up hurting each other too much, but I know now that I need someone not as mentally ill as me, at least I've gained that from that experience but on the other hand it was all wholesome and cute when we were not toxic, love between me and her was intense and we couldn't be away from each other. Same here. I've even tried with someone else but it was all the same thing, I happened to meet some girl from here as well and she was the best not that mentally bad and she had her stuff going on for her and was not some womanchildz actually cared about me and liked me but sadly luck is not on my side and I fucked things up and well rest of the story is that we stopped talking. I think I threw away a huge opportunity with an actual amazing human being..
Yeah keep it up user, try not to fuck things up like I did, being this way all alone sucks and the only thing that keeps me moving forward is that I try to focus on myself more now so there's that
Not a fembot but I have fucked girls I met on some other boards.
never got to meet her but i was in the middle of planning a trip to see her when she ended it.
how was it meeting her in person vs online?
Don't be so hard on yourself man. As cheesey and annoying as it sounds, everything you've been through has been a learning experience. Maybe you messed up somewhere along the line, but you're self aware enough to realize it and try to change. You even said that now you're trying to improve yourself. You're on the right track to finding someone who will reciprocate the love and respect you give to them. Don't settle for toxic chicks, they'll just drag down into misery and then dump you. Just gotta keep working on yourself.
Damn lucky guys.
I never met any women from here. Would be kind of cool to talk to one and become friends and maybe something more
Maybe help each other out in becoming better people.
I wouldn't consider a long distance relationship though since I value intimacy a lot.
That sucks man, you paid or? I'm assuming she freaked out or something no?
And it was really awkward cuz I never did that before but the first time I see her was awesome, I remember that day a lot still and every I think about it makes me feel bad, fuck. I don't think I will live that again
Yeah that's my only hope I hope eventually someone will be there for me who accepts me with all my shit and for who I am, right now I'm trying to change for the best and I'm more aware of things like relationships and I'm careful who I let in my life in so toxic people are not on my list, I can accept them as they try to make it work or something, caring about each other on the same level, but it's just toxic that's just a no.
Currently dating a fembot and banging her mom as well.
Maybe if you're in US. Unironically how tall are you? You better dress nice and have transportation too.
Stinky anus..
Also, why are you smacking her shoulder blades?
Oh yeah, ive banged tons of fembots. I run into them alot while working for 100k and hour at burger king.
>why are you smacking her shoulder blades?
Why not? Hitting and smacking a girl while conquering her pussy feelsgoodman.
I was going to meet up with a fembot for coffee, but they bailed last minute.
But that's ok, they were probably a dude anyways.
All non virgins need to GTFO
Where did you meet her?
Pls respond
Here, like just on the board. We discovered in a thread we lives in the same town, so we swapped emails, shared a few details about ourselves and agreed to meet for an afternoon chat and coffee. Nothing major and no pressure, just meeting someone new.
Then she bailed. That was the only chance I've had thus far to meet a fembot. But like I said, probably a dude larping, so I wasn't too heartbroken about it.
USA? Im guessing?
No way you happen to live in the same city in other continents
Canada, actually. Southern Ontario.
Five feet and ten inches tall. I have a car. It gets me places
Dude thats not a fembot thats a stacy
Any fembot in montreal?
Requirement: Dont be a chub that has a flat ass. Ive had a bad ezperience with aomeone like this a while ago and im just absolutely fucking grossed out by this bodytype now.
Dude a chink gave me one of these in montreal plus wooden bracelet and said you want to donate to whatever building in china
The whole thing was really asmr inducing and i couldnt say no, gave a 20
They do that all the time. They're called false monks. They're just chinese/taiwanese immigrants who pretend to be monks to get dosh. Real buddhist monks can't ask people for donations, nor are they allowed to repay or even acknowledge when something is placed in their begging bowl. $20 is usually what these guys want out of you. Pretty cool cards regardless though
I have fucked 4
Currently dating 4th
I fucked two girls in my life, both the culmination of everything r9k hates. A stacy roast and a feminist sjw.
The roast was hot as fuck and had lots of experience, but she could get sex so easily that she took it for granted. I lost my virginity to her and we remained fwb for about a year. She was really deep into BDSM stuff, she showef me her gear, but, in her own words, I was nowhere near experienced enough to get to that level. I liked being hurt and we kinda had some chemistry there. She said that for an inexperienced guy I was impressively good...but for an inexperienced guy. She liked to fuck with my self-esteem since I had close to none so she liked to hurt it when she could. Jumping from praising me and giving me some good boy points to endlessly criticizing me and belittling me on stupid shit.
The feminist was really cute, not as hot as the roast, slimmer, but didn't shave. I wad surprised by how nice a hairy girl feels to the touch, it's not rough like dudes, it's more like a fuzz. She was more respectful and caring in bed. She made me feel more like it was a mutual effort, but she liked it soft and tender and I like it rough. We still had good chemistry in bed. I fucked her twice, made her cum several time each time, but haven't heard from her in a few weeks now.
They both had one thing in common: They didn't care about me in any other regards than my ability to fuck them. This is the curse of being Chad looking. Girls always go after you, but only for a dicking and despite my Chad loojs, I'm not a fuckboy. I'm done with sex only relationships.
it were 5 years of good pussi so far mah boi
I don't think she was really a "fembot" poster but I knew she at least frequented /h/ alot and probably /e/ and /u/
She ended up getting drunk and asking me what I jerk off to and I kind of beat around the bush and then finally she just blurts out "so do you know what hentai is?" and she went pretty in depth on what her favorites were and she had decent taste. I asked if she went to Jow Forums and she said yes.
As far as fucking we had sex alot but it wasn't anything extraordinary. Most of it was fairly normal sex except for one time her friend watched us fuck and we had sex with another couple having sex in the same room at the same time, visible and known to eachother.
No, but I cuddle with one.
It's very nice.
Did a virginity exchange with a girl who was somewhat known on here once. It was fine, awkward because its virginity loss, and her social skills were worse than mine even, but she had an 8/10 body. I think she was pretty saddened I didn't want much more to do with her though the whole thing was a means to an ended for us both really
Can you tell the story more
I am too looking for a U.S. fembot
I understand slapping her ass but why in the fuck would you slap her shoulders?
I like girls who are really into porn. Hearing a girl talk about all the fucked up shit she gets off to is a massive fucking turnon for me. The more fucked up the better. One of my fantasies is going to visit a date at her place for some netflix and fuxx, but it turns out she set up /d/ tier porn to see how I react and we just start watching together, turning ourselves and eachother on until we just fucking pounce on eachother. I'd also wish to be somewhat disgusted by her taste so I can punish her like the dirty little pervert bitch she is.
I fingered a fembot while we were watching henta, she came and lost her mind(i think)cause I did it way too fast and hard
girls like some odd porn. i was talking to a girl and we somehow got onto porn, she was sending me all types of forced lesbian stuff, lesbian stuff where they act like fake dicks are real dicks, bondage stuff, public stuff. i didnt really like any of it, it just bored me, they seem to get off more to the emotions that are brought out from the situation than the actual porn.