Does anybody else here dislike racist, like why can't they just be chill?
Does anybody else here dislike racist, like why can't they just be chill?
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No, most racists I know are great guys.
I actually come here because that is the only place I can enjoy some good ol racism.
Does anyone else here hate filthy jews? Like why can't they stop being scum?
The racist are actually the ones who motivate me to improve myself after being lied to my whole life in believing we were all equal. Then again, there's only so much I could do with a below average iq lol.
There just not open minded enough for my taste. I mean they can be cool but I have to limit from discussing a variety of topics or they'll spurg/dip. It's probably just personal but I can't really jive with anyone who's annoyed by something like skin color.
Does anybody else here dislike niggers, like why can't they just be normal?
Fuck off, we are NOT equal, get this through your little subhuman head.
You people are worse than niggers, spics and any other race
Maybe you should stop tasting people for ideological agendas and care for what they are.
Most racists are great people, truly emphatic.
Most "tolerant" I've meet are terrible people that love to signal virtue.
>little subhuman head.
little subhuman LIBERAL head*
>Most "tolerant" I've meet are terrible people that love to signal virtue.
This. Not all them. But way too many.
It's all about being able to see with your eyes instead of virtue signaling labels.
As a brown dude I can tell you that I have never experienced racism from a white person in my life the only ones making jokes about my race and all that dumb shit are other colored people
it's not
>ideological agendas
it's just sharing music taste and different culture but I guess liking only things from your race is immediate shit taste. All in all some can be pretty cool people just not interesting to me.
only racist to blacks because they killed my family and rob them for no reason. also is literally only blacks doing this against my good family.
Most are terrible people, some few are decent but they are too rare.
I'd like how someone that pretend every culture and race is equal can truly enjoy diversity?
Racists are scum. Yes, there are statistical differences between races, but that does absolutely not mean that you should treat them any differently than your own. The only thing that accomplishes is making the world a more miserable place by spreading unhappiness and unfairness.
user, I'll treat every single human like he is.
What's the point in pretending people are equal when they aren't?
personally I don't think every culture is equal, if that was true I don't think some would be more successful than others. I don't think skin color is a limiting factor to intelligence though. I just think racist at their best are boring and at worse are insufferable.
So you think that a person must be boring or insufferable because that person is not progressive., no matter how that person really is.
Of course people are different. Treating a dumbass as a dumbass or an asshole as an asshole is totally fine. Treating a black person as a dumbass or asshole just because you assume that's what he is because of his skin, is not fine. Because chances are that you are wrong and he is far smarter and kinder than you are. Statistical differences is not an accurate tool for making judgements on a micro scale.
user, no one become a racist because of statistic, only many irl experience can forge a racist.
Then why is racism inversely correlated with diverse communities? Most bigots are socially isolated from the people they hate, either by living away from them or spending all their time on the internet rather than actually interacting with them.
why do you keep using the term "progressive" bro I'm just saying they can't appreciate a good beat or art work if it's perceived as too foreign. it's like trying to eat out with someone who hates Chinese and Italian and only wants Tex-Mex. If anyone's being political its you.
You are saying that a person how act like different cultures are different cannot appreciate a good beat or art work if it's perceived as too foreign.
While someone pretend all cultures are the same can somehow enjoy them...
>unhappiness and unfairness.
I do not think blacks should be happy, ever
>Then why is racism inversely correlated with diverse communities?
What is this supposed to mean, if you want to prove you're right at least say some real statistics.
Lol, if this is what you base your opinion I've some really bad news for you.
Care to present any counter-evidence, then?
The very word "counter-evidence" presume there was some sort of evidence in first place.
>Then why is racism inversely correlated with diverse communities?
You are so wrong it hurts.
There was. That study shows exactly what I said, I have no idea why you think it is insufficient.
Just to kinda rope it back on topic I'll ask again. Why can't racist chill, how can someone actually care about something so silly? I can barely care about my own life let alone "ethnic preservation" or whatever.
I do not dislike racism but i agree that this edgy alt righters are annoying as hell
user, I'll be very clear since you are having some difficult: Please show me some sort of evidence of your claim, so I can present a counter-evidence.
Why can racists hold the same view as me, why they have to think different? things would be better if my mentality was the only one.
>user, I'll be very clear since you are having some difficult: Please show me some sort of evidence of your claim, so I can present a counter-evidence.
I can't post it a second time, the robot prevents duplicate posts.
Then post something different, some sort of evidence this time.
Nice trips, btw.
No, it's your turn to post counter-evidence. If you can't, you should accept that you were wrong.
>relaxing around blacks
you should tell my cousin what happen when he did that shit. he let some black guy borrow his phone for a seconds and ran away with it. also he had to be hospitalized because the fucking niggers dragged him thru the streets with their car.
Bruh imagine you're hanging out with someone having a good time. Then they see a oak tree and shit a brick. They complain for 5 minutes about how this oak tree doesn't belong here and should be chopped down. then you ask to do something later and there day is ruined. I'm just saying I hate people who care so much and racist care too much most the time.
I'm the kind of person where you would never guess that I'm racist if you met me in person. I've had friends of all sorts of races, but I know deep down that the world would be a much better place without most current races.
your cousin sounds like a bitch Lmao
Most racists don't bring it up at all, so in other words they're passively racist.
I would guess a majority of people are passively racist, and would only say racist things to people they trust.
They are bad because this one hing happen to that one guy that one time so now I view over 50million people who are definitely all the same .
i dislike racists just as much as child molesters
Exactly what kind of dumb ass would give another RANDOM human being his $500+ phone
I say this because I was friends with a racists. This isn't really an outside opinion, I hung with this dudes for 3 years and now that I hang out with non racist people it's pretty chill and fun.
So thinking different is having racist beliefs now OMEGA LUL
intellectual conservatism at its finest
Racism isn't a solid stance fren
So basically you have a sample size of one and use that exclusively to determine your view of racist people?
Not me I'm racist as fuck
Like how can you look at Africa and see they didn't accomplish anything in thousand of years and still not be racist?
Some races are better than others
I dont hate them for this though
I have countless stories of blacks robbing innocent old people and stealing their car/wallet/phone.
>Most racist I've met don't actually....
>But hey you can't judge people on a small....
the complaint stands that I hate anyone who cares regardless of how data or conclusions were met. Racist care too much about there own race, prove to me they don't retard and maybe we can play the
>well actually
Based unhateful racist
Racists are an inevitable side effect of the melting pot meme. Once we get ethnostates it'll get better.
people only believe in racial superiority because of freemason scientists inventing the skin color classification meme and european colonialism subverting nations the same way jews do it to them
The Chinese even laugh at them because they can't even maintain the infrastructure the whites build for them in Africa. The blacks will end up destroying it.
At least post the link, user. Maybe an original one.
I'm not racist, but I don't want foreigners creating no-go zones in my country, occupying housing that was meant to be taken by the natives, and seeing genetic abominations created by interracial relationships (which wouldn't occur on this scale if the state wasn't shilling racemixing).
So, do I have a problem with other races? No.
Do I have a problem with my territory being a melting pot? Yes.
No one is saying you should treat them equally. But why treat them like shit? Dogs are dumb as shit and vastly different than us but generally as long as you aren't mentally deranged we tend to treat them nicely.
>haha these people from a different region of the world aren't like me!
>oh no! we need to save them from themselves and make them exactly like us!
>lets pretend to befriend them, wipe them out after we gain their trust and subvert their entire way of life!
>haha they'll never fit into the way of life that we forced on them just so we can steal their resources
wh*te people were a mistake
>imagine hating two consenting adults having sex.
Oh wait that's just r9k
Why is your kind obsessed with taking the moral highground? But it's not even that, you're practically insane:
>boo racism!! nazi!!!
>*homeless people freeze to death during winter*
>uh that sucks i guess?
>*donates to a "free water in africa" scam tech on a crowdfunding website*
Racism is a thought not an action.
Some nations produce consistently shitty people.
>quads of truth go unchecked because it BTFOs racist niggers and their flawed (emotionally-driven) logic
The Chad Quads of Truth
The Virgin Tripps closet racist
A friend of mine once said hate the group, but cherish the individual. I think there's a lot of truth to that, just because I don't like niggers doesn't mean I hate all black people since I've actually met some genuinely good blacks
Who said I'm a closet racist? I'm open about it. Fuck off back to your country, nobody invited you and your law-violating way of life here.
>Condemns racism
>Lumps together different people and hates them because of their skin colour
I'm a racist, so no
Also fuck this robot who muted me the third time
No, not in the sense anyone is really using the word. Anything that stays inside your head is meaningless and inconsequential, it is only when it translates into actions that it matters. Thus, a racist, in the meaningful sense of the word, is someone that lets racist thought influence their behavior.
Yeah theyre all pretty autistic. They all fell for conservative bullshit talking points that are honestly pretty easy to debunk. They think that skin color or even where you were born has more to do with who you are rather than personal experience or how you grew up. Its a prejudice they seemingly just refuse to get over even when presented with clear evidence that goes against their viewpoint. Anyone who has their head that far up their own ass isn't someone id really want to be around.
white person:
>is exposed to racial propaganda from formative years on up from school, media, music and pop culture
>is programmed to view other whites as descendants of the very gods themselves (lol) and blacks as less-than human
>doesn't see anything wrong with this
>its black person's fault they get sent to jail for committing the same crime as white person who got off scot-free
black person
>is exposed to the same racial propaganda throughout their lives
>begins to view himself and others like him as people of little value
>knows something isn't right but everyone around him just explains it away as "lol slavery" and "we're past that now :)"
>frustration from realizing that isn't true, has no way to express or explain this to people, because its so subtle that people refuse to see it and they'll just call him crazy
>white people think he's an uppity nigger
>black people think he's a coon
>eventually develops anger and mental problems
>white people's solution for this is to use the government to kill or lock them up
Jesus doesn't care what skin color you are, only if you've lived by His Words
stop falling for this massive bagel psyop and get right with Him before its too late
>pretty easy to debunk
t. nigger
t. useful idiot goy
Imagine writing this shot
You negros really are the most self hating sacks of shit out there
Good goy.
meanwhile user thinks there's a white genocide because of sjws on twitter
You can be chill and a racist the same time
>Imagine not being black and Jewish in 2019
honestly I promote race mixing everywhere I go, Then I go grab a nice bagel before I head to work at the tax collections office playing soundcloud rap the whole way. Feels goy nigga
What the fuck else is there to do when the world hates you and only tolerates you out of pity? Even if you manage to have a good life, at the end of the day you're still just a nigger and your comfort is only thanks to whites subjugating your ancestors. What a shit hand.
>They think that skin color or even where you were born has more to do with who you are rather than personal experience or how you grew up.
No, they just think that it's at least partially hereditary but that doesn't mean that they don't believe in the effects of upbringing and such.
It's impossible to be a non-racist antiracist because your beliefs bring you in conflict with groups that speaking against labels you as a racist. Israelis are depopulating Gaza and blacks have been the initiators and aggressors of antisemetic riots in recent american history. But speaking against these groups means you are antisemetic and a white supremacist. As such antiracists are nazi klansmen.
>They think that skin color or even where you were born has more to do with who you are rather than personal experience or how you grew up
>Its a prejudice they seemingly just refuse to get over even when presented with clear evidence that goes against their viewpoint
>Anyone who has their head that far up their own ass isn't someone id really want to be around.
Nah, Iseral is fucked and the black community can be toxic but that doesn't make racist white people okay people. Racism can come from any race and honestly those who practice it regardless of skin color are awful people who should burn in hell. I hate both Malcom X and Hitler
I don't care about people having a superiority complex. Most of them are functional members of society. My problem is with the fucking race evangelicals who say kafir 15 times in one conversation and just won't shut up.
The fact that I can only date whites and north Asians without getting shit on is also hella gay. South African Indian chicks make me diamonds.