I have visions given by God or perhaps demonic powers. i see change quickly sweeping across every land...

i have visions given by God or perhaps demonic powers. i see change quickly sweeping across every land. worldwide protest and, in some places, the attempted violent overthrow of corrupt and tyrannical governments. i see a kind of bittersweet optimism. the people know not what the end goal is, but everyone is in agreement that what is being done must be done. i see great violence in britain, the river thames running red with blood. china will see the worst of it though, the hong kong protests currently underway will be the catalyst for a true chinese liberation. america will follow closely behind china. i see virtually all government officials being targeted for extermination, either by "liberal" or "conservative" fighters. yes, there will be another civil war in america. top democrats and republicans will be ushered away to safe locations around the globe. the british royal family sees what's coming, explaining why the queen allowed harry to marry a black woman. they want to portray themselves as being with the multicultural horde they rule over. it ends with black clouds.

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Have you tested the spirit who brought you these revelations.

Not op, but i guess we're gonna find out

it's told me very obscure things which later happened

If these revelations are from God, you must test if they're so.

how? i just get them and im not even sure if they are a divine vision or simply my own thoughts most of the time

By test I mean you mist pray for the holy spirit to help determine their validity.

go back to /x/ and get your brain checked out

Attached: frog028.gif (600x600, 1.96M)

Sounds pretty /x/ to me. Pretty vague, too. Made me think of link related, though.

nothin like some good wypipo music

This, but unironically. I listen to some rap and jazz on occasion, but the majority of music I listen to is wypipo music. Those guys know how to music.

yeah same here
i do like to listen from time to time

Attached: frog045.png (1180x590, 285K)

Country music can be really comfy. Too bad kids nowadays hate it. I wouldn't even mind that much if they listened to something decent instead, but they choose to listen to the worst rap possible.

take your meds you schizo lmao

i too unironically like today's rap. but for country i don't really know anybody besides johnny cash and the other classic songs.country right now is SHIT though

Personally, I like slightly older rap, but I'm only really casually into rap. Could you link some stuff for me that you like? I'm only really into country because of fallout, but I've somewhat branched out a bit.

im sure you have really awful taste

I don't think I have the best taste, but I think the music I like is nice. Taste is subjective, anyways. Well, here's your (you). Have a nice day.

thanks for not getting offended, you too

stfu faggot i was being sarcastic
fuck you and please die

I actually was offended, but I guess I'm too autistic to properly convey my offense. I guess that doesn't really matter, since you didn't realize that I was offended, so I unintentionally gave off the impression that I was somehow more levelheaded than I actually am. Well, this is the autism board, after all.
Also, this faggot ---> is not me, and I am the dude you replied to.

also, you type like a reatrd

Steel drivers and goodbight texas are good country. Put in goodnight texas on pandora and it will play you pretty comfy songs

You are not the man you are replying to. Please cease your attempts to stir up dissension. Go be a homogay elsewhere.

Attached: are knoll shorts and nigger stop.jpg (720x960, 70K)

i really got into country because of fallout4 now that you mention it.
heres some stuff

>instrumental is nice
>nice except for that one part
>kinda new