Beyond suffering

Hisashi Ouchi and Masato Shinohara, the two humans who experienced the worst torture that's physically possible. It is beyond human understanding what these men went through. If a God exists, even he wasn't aware that something like this was possible, if he did he wouldn't allow it. That's how horrific it was.

And you have the audacity to describe not having sex as suffering.

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>if he did he wouldn't allow it.
Bold assumption
Also what the fuck is with Japs and horrific torture?

After a while the physical pain would not be so bad. And they were only in pain for a couple of weeks. But I have been in extreme pain for my entire life all because women don't like me. Being denied a girlfriend is more painful than any physical feeling.

insectoid creatures with no emotions or empathy basically

it's their fault, the way they were mixing chemicals was against procedure.

what about that group of teenagers who tortured and raped that schoolgirl for months/weeks then got off with small fines or something?

God only cares about the spirit. God doesn't interfere with or care about the affairs of humans since life is so temporary.

They were receiving heavy doses of fentanyl (which is 100 times more potent than morphine) every hour and yet the doctors discerned pain from their facial expressions. 83 days for one, 7 months for the other. Do you honestly believe that it's just physical pain and that it's not that bad. Some of both of these men's last words were calls for their mothers. For Ouchi, that was 70 days before his death. You can't imagine what your mental state must be after enduring half a fucking year. Seriously. Shinohara's last written words were "mommy, please"

They didn't know. They were instructed to do it this way by superiors.

Nothing would remain of your "spirit" after your physical form endured even one tenth of what they endured

>you can't complain about anything because someone had it worse than you

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Such unimaginable physical pain is something none of us will ever experience in our lifetimes. Why should I worry about pain I'll never experience?

you don't know what a spirit is
or a soul for that matter
>but spirits and souls don't exist!

Your spirit can only be hurt by you. Your body is temporary. Torture can't destroy the spirit that God gave you.

Lurk moar, there's been thousands of threads about those boys already on every board of this shithole. Sage.

trying to save heavy radiation poisoning victims seems pointless, they are almost always condemned to die and it just prolongs their suffering
they should have been euthanasied

it was a nuclear accident and he was being kept alive in the hospital. his skin was peeling off and he was begging for death but they didnt give him lethal injection , wasnt "torture" though. but it probably was for him

yeah but i bet he actually had sex and at least his suffering ended unlike ours

You think that him recalling the time he had sex diminished his suffering? During his final moments do you think he was thinking "Yeah, I'm experiencing pain that no human should ever experience but at least I fucked that one time."?

>And you have the audacity to describe not having sex as suffering.

You realize there are different levels of suffering right?
Literally every human that existed suffered.
It's just part of the human condition.
So what makes this inevitable suffering worth it?
The answer is sex, love and passion and robots can only realize one of those at the very best.

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Keep making up copes, flailing moron.

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It's retarded that they forced them to suffer for that long without just putting them down to rest. How did they not comprehend that by keeping these guys alive they are actively torturing them?

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According to wikipedia they kept him alive for months.
What's even the point? He wasn't going to make a recovery. Were they just testing how long they could keep him alive?

>Hisashi Ouchi
>last name Ouchi
he had it coming, should have been more prepared

These fucking disgusting insects, I swear. I fucking hate insects, I want to step on them and crush them.

ouch in japanese is ita though.

>the amount of radiation Ouchi was exposed to was similar to that of an epicenter of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
>the radiation literally rearranged Ouchi's DNA and reduced his white blood count to 0
Jesus fucking christ

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in the words of the great Doug Stanhope, how does their suck make my suck suck less?