If communism is so bad, why is it good?
If communism is so bad, why is it good?
"People are no longer obsessed with the accumulation of things."
You can't change human nature stupid
look , socialism is fine , the only bad thing is the rules were too harsh, if they were JUST A BIT not that harsh it would have been perfect.
Oh, so then you would probably understand why people wouldn't want to labor endlessly for a pittance while giving the grand majority of their surplus labor value to a capitalist, right?
Till we live in a post scarcity economy, bottom image is pure fiction. So is the top image, people can't be arsed to participate in class warfare. They'd much rather stay in their current, familiar circumstances.
>You can't change human nature
Sure you can. Every society does that. That's why every society is different than other societies.
You made a very good point. But you have a cartoonish vision of capitalism
it's good because things get done
China is closer to fascism I think
I think the baddest thing was the way the US invaded every single country that ever didn't want to lick capitalist boot. That might be an exaggeration, but it is muuuuuuuch easier to list the exceptions, because the US has gotten its tentacles all across the world trying to stomp out anybody that doesn't serve its markets
I can name 10 countries that the US has raped and pillaged who would love to leave their current, familiar circumstances
In every society, people want to work for them and not for the others. Just compare North and South Korea
Glad to see some anarcho-communist kiddies in the thread. Good stuff, lad. Surely there is compromise possible given the current circumstances, right?
>See, you have to understand the very complicated way my dad's yacht company works. He tries to make sure that the meritocracy doesn't get in the way of his shareholders. Now, his shareholders invest into the dividend principals of the blah blah blah blah blah
>When there is no underclass, lol
being idealistic and altruistic rather than materialistic and egotistic is good.
centralized state planning does not achieve this.
The price mechanism is by far the most efficient way of telling people what is needed and rewarding it. Some costs and needs are not adequately expressed by prices under the current system. This however, does not mean that it should be eliminated, as history has proven that centralized planning is woefully inadequate at both calculating human wants and needs and at incentivizing their fulfillment.
The scarcity created by centralized planning results in destitute poverty, which is the mother of materialism and egotism. No cultures are more obsessed with the accumulation of things than those which have lived under communism.
That's not entirely true. Americans seem to have some sort of fascination with working for the sole benefit of a capitalist class that lords wealth over them. France dumped manure in the streets when they wanted to introduce a fuel tax, but Americans kept working after the government shut down and refused to pay them.
Debating Socialists is a waste of oxygen
Shooting Socialists is a waste of bullets
Hanging socialists is a waste of rope
Stabbing socialists with a renewable melee weapon that just so happens to represent your nations pride and culture is based (and redpilled).
TL;DR: fuck teachers
>Implying communism isn't a materialistic philosophy
It's altruism the way you make sure that your boss' boots are clean with your tongue.
>Anti second amendment
They're not sending their best, folks
Capitalism was meant to be transitional economic system to get us from feudalism to something better. It wasn't meant to last this long. The only reason it has lasted this long is because the people in power are benefiting and the average person is slightly better off than they were during feudalism so no one really complains.
The same can be said for the 40 hour work week. It was supposed to be a transition out of the way we used to work but corporations are trying to milk all they legally can out of you without you revolting, so we stay at 40 hours.
Solidarity is one the key factors that define humans we still want to acumulate shit but that gets boring fast.
It is absolutely barbaric and insane that automation could be an existential threat to anybody.
>B-b-but I need to be driving the truck! How else will I be able to afford medicine?!
I recognize that I like the will of power in the mind of communists. They hate billionnaires because they are poor. This is life, this is good.
"If billionnaires are bad, why good men want to be bad ?"
By the way I'm not American.
If Pinochet is so bad, why did he kill not a single innocent person?
What is this "we" in accumulating shit? You're worse off than the boomers were 50 years ago. Your salary isn't increasing, your cost of living is increasing and a teeny tiny little portion of the population is getting more wealth than ever before.
Remember when AOC wanting the marginal tax rate to reflect what it was in the 70s and c*nservatives chimped out?
We practice solidarity when it is beneficial for us, i.e. when we help people from our group because protecting your group is protecting yourself.
Selfishness and solidarity are not incompatible
Socialists are just lazy
Is not materialistic in that way user is materialistic in the sense that it understands that they way we fullfill our needs define our society also communism is not supossed to be "moral" is just that capitalism is not efficient an we can have something better,
The democrats and republicans just like killing foreigners
Shouldn't you be on boomerbook or Reddit campaigning for a shorter work week despite never working a day in your life?
Do you have any idea how many fucking threads we've gone through to get a single edgy right winger?
Thank fuck you showed up dude. It's almost refreshing. How's your day going?
Yeah, but I'm just procrastinating
what did that have to do with teachers?
The OP image seemed to imply that socialism was not materialistic and was altruistic. My point was the opposite. So I agree with you, centralized planning is founded in and results in egotistic materialism
based Smith knew what to do with landlords
My day is going good thank you :)
Here is a picture of communist dictators getting their brains blow out, (what is not pictured is the eternal hellfire and suffering afterwards)
Racial civil war is not good for business. "Divide and rule" is stupid
>"I don't want to be killed by the Nazis" - communists
>"I also don't want to be killed by the Nazis" - Jews
>"No way, me too!" - People of color
I thought capitalists were supposed to jerk off to the idea of rational self-interest. I could be confused though - it might have just been a dog whistle for exploiting poor countries.
I say we want not that that is what people are doing.
Thats not selfishness user thats just not being a retard, no one is asking you to work to maintain someone else just because that is what good boys do it's about cooperation with other people so you can get better and more things you the worker and not some capitalists.
You can't have teachers who are good at being teachers and rationally self-interested players in a market. The sort of attitude and temperament that makes someone a good educator is at odds with it. There is a reliance on the goodwill of the community for a teacher to make ends meet. There's no way that they can play a market like a banker can. Also, a society that is capable of flourishing necessarily requires an educated populace.
>"I want to destroy the culture, pride, family unit, and all that is good within a nation"-Jew
>"No way, so do us"-Communists
People are still going to need to labor under communism, might as well get some money to buy/invest on my own.
Are you sitting with good posture and staying hydrated?
Here's a picture of Benito Mussolini doing some morning yoga
>not picking the third position
Both communism and capitalism destroy societies, just in different ways
I am drinking some water right now :) and of course i always keep my back straight it is proper.
Here is a more modern day one for you, i like this one because as an environmentalist and rabid anti communist it speaks to me on multiple layers. I hope this picture makes you as happy as it makes me :)
Solidarity must be voluntary
Whenever somebody steals your money and gives it to worthless nigger - it's not solidarity,it's thief
>Culture is when CEOs and bankers have big numbers in their portfolios and the bigger the numbers in their portfolios, the more cultural it is
Communism only does so to create a better one, look no further than the Russian Revolution for an example of this. Society does not equal good.
Fucking love me some Stonetoss edits, only reason I don't want him to rope or whatever is so we get more stuff to point and laugh at.
So when the fire department comes and puts out a burning building, do you see that as the government stealing money from you and giving it to a nigger?
Well I still had no idea what that had to do with what I said, since my main point was that even if we had a society composed completely of people who wanted to serve the needs of others with total altruism, the state is horribly ineffective at determining those needs, providing adequate information on them, determining who is to do what to meet them, and so on.
But secondly, rational self-interest in classical economics does not mean what you think it means. If for instance, if a person gives 95% of their wealth to charity, this can still be considered rational self-interest. It simply means that the person values their giving the money more than anything else they would buy with it. The same goes for teachers, who are acting in their self-interest by helping people learn, which they value in-itself higher than many monetary rewards.
Do you really deny the lefts inherent and blatant attacks on culture, the family unit, spirituality, and traditional values?
man let's just go into space. even if we can't go far it'll still be cool. quit your retail jobs and build spaceships, people
Honestly, I was raised on Jow Forums. I fear one day that I could be swayed to enjoy the schadenfreude of the college leftist, the gay pride parade, and the clowned out protester.
I really fucking hate the capitalist and the warhawks, though.
If you want to destroy the state and the corporation, that makes you anarcho-communist leaning. Unless you want some crazy ethno-nationalist. That would just make you some kind of faggot
The greatest revenge against the Chad is to destroy his empire. To make him question his worth. To make him lose his girl, his money and all other things that make normies happy. Otherwise they will never understand us poor incels.
To be honest we will probably never have an uprising. The envious revenge is all a powerfantasy left undone.
>the left
Pretty fucking huge spectrum there user, maybe find some better argument than a generalization and some cherry-picking?
You should check out Jow Forumsantifastonetoss
That's where I get all of these
It's happends even in the most fucked up countries / states.
It's basic taxation you pay for your safety,roads,medicine,army,etc.
But when government takes your money away just to give it somebody else - it's stealing
thats all the jew bro the
jew literally broke our isolationism though baiting of our allies.
Well yeah so do i i just also hate communism. despite all my edgy teenager shitposting i actually abhor violence in all its forms including war. I think the United States is probably going to drag us into another fucking conflict in the middle east so i definitely get your frustration there bud. I know the cat is out of the bag now so this doesn't mean as much but take another pinochet meme :)
That's basically the premise of why they want private health insurance. They'd rather pay a huuuuuuuge premium by not negotiating collectively than giving cheaper prices on health insurance to a nigger. It also leads to worse health outcomes and more expensive and dramatic procedures.
Winners of the space race, reporting in. Look no further than this user!
All of those things have changed through the curse of human history and will keep changing, the left mistake is not wanting that things change but believing they can control how it will change and as the other user said not all lefties want to do this so fuck liberals or whatever.
Yeah look no further, especially not as far as the moon or a modern day map.
"winners of the space race everyone"
all anarcho-capitalists want to destroy the corporation by definition.
Corporations are institutions of the state in that a corporation is defined by "limited liability," a privileged exemption from rule of law that only the state can provide.
the vast majority of what constitutes "the means of production" by value is and has always been labor. The vast majority of "the means of production" are owned by everyday people.
The government isn't taking your money away to give to someone else though. Things like safety, infrastructure, etc are socialism. Before, our emergency services were private but they became socialized when America realized that it's counterproductive.
I'll take a look sometime, thanks for the heads up.
This is the sort of thing that makes me a moderate. I'd like a socialist state with a market in it, not necessarily a communist state where capital is abolished. From there, the state could sort of scan for what's working, take the best bits, and integrate it.
I dare say that state-owned means of production is entirely capable of understanding what inelastic needs are and supplying those. The market could be fore cosmetic upgrades as well as prestige items for those successful in a market. You could have a market street just like now there are China towns.
But as long as Tyrone and Juan are suffering too, am I right?
every socialist I've ever met irl has been a lazy pretentious wanker who just wants to complain but never do anything
>the old government doing things is socialism meme
When will it die?
Thats true but when most people consider that such nigger deserve the money there is not much you can do about it.
Would it be fair to characterize us as both wanting the most prosperity for the most people, but disagree about the best way to achieve it? Or is there some kind of race element to your worldview that needs to be sated?
Gibe me that money,u dumb tax paying whypipo
It won't die because it's fact. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't true user.
Gee, good argument, you've met a few lazy people. Guess that means a system which kills millions each year because it has to monetize and exploit basic human needs is better?
Are you saying the Jews orchestrated the Cold War (including all the hot proxies like Korea and Vietnam), all the military interventions in South and Central America, and the Middle East without having their hands on the state apparatus? If so, then they're so fucking smart and good at 4D chess that I would just let them do what they want because they're so 400IQ that nothing I would do would stop them anyway.
1, this isn't socialism. 2, the Natives got reparations, the Japanese Americans got reparations and Jews got reparations from the US for the holocaust even though it didn't happen here, I don't know why blacks can't get them too.
sure you can't change the innate human drive for social status, but the association of social status with expensive stuff is an especially prominent feature of capitalism.
disingenuous flawed logic spewing nigger
a portion of my money being taken to help fund social services that benefit the entire city is completely different to some asshole taking all my wages and redistributing it to those who don't deserve it then giving me back the same amount as those who are undeserving
maybe but most info you get about china is western propaganda, so you can't really know
Elasticity and inelasticity only matter in markets with inadequate competition though. Salt for instance is one thing we might imagine to be incredibly inelastic, but there's no issue because there's nothing approaching a monopoly on salt.
The real issue is that the state creates private monopolies in the form of land rents (as adam smith knew) and copyright laws.
A truly free market requires the abolition of private rent-seeking and copyright laws.
Georgism is the way to go.
No that would be fair, i am not a racialist. I suppose we are both simply utilitarian in that respect. I believe the greatest good for the greatest number of people is achieved through a traditional family unit and strong national identity while you believe it is through the enshrining of workers rights. I believe you are severely missing out on what is actually meaningful with that worldview however i wouldn't actually propose harming you physically for this. However since we are on Jow Forums take another one. :) I am running low on anti communist photos however.
Socialism is when the government claims ownership over the means of production. Capitalism is when the means of production are owned privately.
Nasa buys Russian rocketships you dumb fuck
Do you think socialism means the government is going to take money out of your pocket and send it directly to Tyrone? Are you fucking dumb?
Why don't they buy soviet rocketships? :)
do it originally faggot faggot faggot faggot faggot
My mistake, which of the 10,000 different special snowflake branches of socialism are you a part of?
If I will pay some race for something that my ancesstor did just because being white - it's the case of race favoritism.
>this isn't socialism
You can't just deny every negative example of socialism.
It is what many socialists fighting for,and you cant deny it.
As opposed to "101 Ways To Rename Being Pigs"? There's a special name for how much capitalists turned Pride Month into a marketing scheme, for fuck's sake.
Don't like it don't buy it
I feel you, man. During my formative years, I found meaning to be entirely subjective and I thought it would be best if people found what was important to them, be it family, travel, participating in a market, or artistry privately. You were free to pursue that without having to make a capitalist happy first. I thought this was entirely reasonable given the amount of people who are fascinated by AI, robotics, medicine, sustainable energy etc. so that you can have an automated system taking care of people while they pursued their own vision of what's best.
Then explain to me why North Korea has a lesser percentage of its population in prison then the USA. Explain to me why one third of north korean who risk their lives to go south want to go back north. Explain to me why people who escaped North Korea reports an approval rate of Kim Jong Un always higher than 95%. Explain to me the growth of the country economy despise the fall of the Soviet Union and all the economic sanction. Explain to me why less light pollution is implied to be a bad thing in your pic.
Many young socialists are literally lazy subhumans. And what's worse is they cant see shit unless it's in their face either. When they are forced to work they choose jobs that exploit their labour for profits. Yet me who is a unionized labourer for an electric co-op who is owned by the shareholder which are the customer of the electric co-op and profits returned to the customers is doing more to support socialism than they are. Good shit.
>thinking life of Romanian improved a since the death of Ceausescu
please don't reproduce
>When they are forced to work they choose jobs that exploit their labour for profits.
That's literally what capitalism is. I don't suppose your coop is hiring 360 million people, is it?
yeah it's not like the rocket motor designed by the URSS for sending their rocket to the moon is still in use in the Antares rocket (an american rocket). The only reason the soviet didn't get to the moon was because they we're unlucky with their first N1 launches and then realized that it was a better investment to push for long term space presence with their space stations. Every single goal of the space race was won by the russian, except the moon and building a shuttle first.
Communist is ownership of the means of production by the worker