Why does Jow Forums insist on being single when they could date a geek girl that shares the same interests?
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Shitty bait. Whether she's actually a "geek" or not wouldn't matter because we're too ugly for someone like her anyway.
kys retard
that's just a attention whore
Another larping post just like every day
Anyone with a brand of sacrifice tattoo is a retard
guts doesn't want his
You mean a girl that pretends to share the same interests.
She is obviously more of a geek and fan of Nier Automata than you are.
kill yourself retard
and nier automata sucked compared to the first nier and most of the drakenguard games
>dyed hair
Are you well mentally?
>tats and piercings
disgusted face.jpg
>She is obviously more of a geek and fan of Nier Automata than you are.
But I have no interests that's why it's so hard to date
>another "why dont you just date X" thread
Stop pretending we have a chance with any of these women
Geek girls still like chads and I also don't have geeky interests.
>dating a geek girl
>not dating a Greek girl
>when they could date a geek girl that shares the same interests?
Prove it.
HD version for your pleasure
I do not have geek interests, I enjoy pyrotechnics, painting, and masturbating. If it doesnt explode, or look nice on my wall it is no worth it. Girls would not understand
Geek girls only want Chad
"geek" is a somewhat meaningless term that insinuates something to do with technology although doesn't cross the boundary of "nerd" into territory where there would be any understanding, but rather stays well clear of that and remains almost entirely ignorant.
People using macs and iphones are "geeks". It's synonymous with "retard".
how do i get a eu hellscythe gf?
girls can look good on your walls after exploding
>how do i get a eu hellscythe gf?
prolly just kys and report back how it turns out
>prolly just kys
Ah, you need to hurt yourself whilst breakdancing for her first, only after you tell a really bad joke and she ignores you.
... later you'll realize she wasn't ignoring you, she was just trying really hard not to laugh because the joy you made her feel drew you into her swirling torrent of magical energy and twisted your fate up together.
Excuse me, do you believe in UFOs?
God Eu is so perfect i need a eu
They do it only for the attention, they don't give a shit about the thing itself
>They do it only for the attention, they don't give a shit about the thing itself
why do people not see that
>God Eu is so perfect i need a eu
Excuse me, do you believe in Eu-F-Os?
>Excuse me, do you believe in Eu-F-Os?
>Eu says: Fuck Off.
Disgusting. There are some mental things here I don't want to deal with.
Woah woah, you can make your point without going full retard. I never played any of the other prior games (yes one of those), but Automata was one of the best recent games and one of the best of the decade. Maybe you just consider the other games in the series high enough that saying NA sucks in comparison as meaning that NA is good, just not on equal footing, fine I'll accept that opinion. Didn't come off that way though.
No Yuu.
I've been using geek and nerd as synonyms pretty much my whole life, and I figure most have as well.
That says "mountain", "cage", "to being", btw.
So translates as "locking away in the mountain?"
>I've been using two distinct words with distinct meanings as identical synonyms pretty much my whole life, and I figure most have as well.
You're a geek. I'm a nerd. You just explained it yourself.
God I wish that were me so badly.
Because girls with my interests still want chad like all of them do. Is this hard to understand?
>God I wish that were me so badly.
It's really hard to do doggy style. Nothing lines up. Missionary isn't quite right and makes you feel like a midget. If she puts her legs over your shoulders they're above your head.
I'm 6', she was 6'2. I can't imagine 5'8 6'5 or something worse.
Best girlfriend ever = 5'5, everything just lines up so right.
what is that
>I never played any of the other prior games (yes one of those), but Automata was one of the best recent games and one of the best of the decade.
has to be bait
This makes me want to get a Mark of Sacrifice tattoo. Thanks, OP!
>what is that
Are eu focking serious?
Holy shit, he said popular thing was actually really good! LMFAO how can that even exist XD! You're supposed to act like nothing is good except for stuff I think is obscure that I can parade around to show off my superior tastes!
oh wait
oh shit oh fuck
>popular=can't be bad
it really is shit compared to drakenguard and nier
even nioh was better
I never said popular=can't be bad you dumb fuck.
yeah you did
you just did retard
Isn't that originally a trap
Get the fuck out of here normie
>oh wait
>oh shit oh fuck
I wanna photoshop yuu on the parliment mothership connection cover, or maybe do some kind of animation of her sticking out of a EU-F-O spinning around, but I'm lazy as fuck.
>Get the fuck out of here normie
No Yuu. She was black and I'm white. My cock loves high contrast.
No I didn't. Have you made it past middle school english buddy?
you literally just did a strawman of how i was just hating on it because it was popular
Well bucko when you posts a strawman meme image in response, that's how you come off
>Well buckaroo
Wherever you go, there you are.
Who are you quoting orijinaru?
>Well bucko when you posts a strawman meme image in response, that's how you come off
can you at least not make it obvious?
>Who are you quoting orijinaru?
Both no one and everyone. Anywhere and everywhere and nowhere all at once. There is no escape for you from your being. Wherever you go, there you are. Embrace the freedom you already have.
>Embrace the freedom you already have.
Or don't. Or won't. Or can't. Or shan't. Or hasn't. Or wouldn't. Or shouldn't. Or mustn't. Or must. Embrace the ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
Hey, you'd know the culture better than me. I don't know what words are Reddit, but you sure do for some reason.
>Hey, you'd know the culture better than me. I don't know what words are Reddit, but you sure do for some reason.
>n-no u
All you damn hippies get off my ANACHRONISM DELETED board before I pluralize yous.
Seem to have a lot of Reddit images saved to your computer too. Just a coincidence I'm sure.
Because the ones in my area only speak the language of a dying orca whale instead o the language of gods. If I wanted to fuck a whale's blowhole I would. But I don't want a goddamn hamplanet eating me out of house and home you shitmongrel.