>tfw too much of a brainlet to understand biz
Tfw too much of a brainlet to understand biz
>tfw no capital to even entertain the idea of biz
It's probably for a good reason.
That image gave me a boner
Why did god curse me with a sph fetish
Take a loan
OP, depends what yoy want. Find a solution to a need, something tbat apparently mosr people dont think about. Think of the future
google words you dont get and go on. most is just simple slang like longing or shorting. dont give up user
>taking loans for risky investments
Seriously: Don't gamble with money you don't have.
>buy low, sell high
>line go down: bad
>line go up: good
Literally all you need to know about biz
Girl in the middle looks a lot like my ex and girl in the upper left looks a lot like her friend. Somewhat disturbing
You don't have to understand anything for Jow Forums really, most of them are just monkeys throwing money at their computer screen
I was lucky enough to ride the whole crypto wave back in 2017 and made a nice amount of money and kept almost all of it
My best investment by far was one that I put $175 into and got back over 10k a year later
same here op want to get into investing but don't know where to start.
I just want to start investing so I can retire earlier, I don't even want to do day to day trading shit just dump some money in the right funds so I'm not a wagie at 50
>tfw been wanting to buy pc
>see thread on here talking about buying link before mainnet
>be lazy NEET so still haven't bought ANY components despite the impetus to do so
>this was pretty much a month ago
>link is now over $2
>will definately be a linklet even if I were to go all in
>won't make it
>tfw can't even be fucked to read the whitepage
basically this
lol who gives a fuck about reading whitepages, gotta trade like pic related
>10k saved up for my business
>need 40k in total
>tfw its still going to be a huge gamble
What you want is index funds/ETF. There's also Roth IRA and your 401k. Just google it, there is a lot of resources and youtube channels and videos about what these do and what you can do with them.
I mean I imagine it gives you a good clue-in on how good the asset is going to do based on what others that use it will be interested in, and it might be useful if you're not autistic enough to be able to gauge such things. For instance, there is no reason to dump a bunch of money into a useless stock if you know that the people who also have researched it know its not going to do well, amd won't buy into it aswell to make it do well.
is pic related good?
>Tfw lost 10k on biz ponzi schemes
Most of biz is just neets larping. You'll fit in just lurk
this, also if the market is trending up you always win
just be sure to exit when it's best for YOU, not when you think you can make the most money
greed will ruin you