would you settle for a 4/10 black gf?
Would you settle for a 4/10 black gf?
The girl in your pic is at least 7/10 though. And the answer is no, a 4/10 black girl can mean a lot of things, none of them desirable.
Settle down,bruh I would impregnate her with 10 kids ,and love her every night
lupita isnt 4/10
Of course, if she's fat and very hairy.
If that's your 4, then your standards are too high. Lower them a little.
She's not 4/10. All black women are queens, so they start at 11/10 and go to 20/10. She's at least an 18/10.
>The girl in your pic
Jesus christ what rock do you live under?
Lupita's ass is a 10/10
I wish she showed it off more though
Lupita is a 9/10. If I had the opportunity to "settle" for her, id settle in a second
The only time I've ever gotten to see her bare ass is in 12 Years a Slave where they chained her to a tree naked and beat her. It was hard to fap to.
She's a 9.4 at least
yes as it shewd b
>It was hard to fap to.
it made me rock hard
This chick is definitely not a 4/10 you absolute retard.
I agree
>dark skin
can't be higher than 1/10
Peepee semi hard
t. Dark skinned ethnic white worshipper
>All black women are queens
t. black """woman""" who thinks people unironically believes she's a white man that likes black """woman"""
You know we can tell right? You aren't even subtle, sometimes you are your crew of baboons have several black woman threads up at the same time.
t. salty wh*te roastie
t. Airwrecka the Sheboon
>dark skin
>unnatural hair from a horse
solid 0/10
I'm a kissless hugless handholdless virgin and I'm not even sure if I would settle for a 10/10 Black Girl. Black Women are just not attractive to me. So no.
I guess i have to meet her first
Stay mad, Stacy