At what age is too late to start having a sexual life without feeling like you missed out something?
At what age is too late to start having a sexual life without feeling like you missed out something?
Fifteen most likely, seeing tits as a teenager was mind blowing. Can't say it would be the same as an adult
sex life is a meme lad, think about where you heard that phrase the first time... probably some television show
I think the moment you feel like you missed out is probably when it's too late.
Be it at 20, be it at 30, it doesn't matter.
You'll never go back, the damage has been done. Meanwhile I'm trying to get stronger and more at ease with my situation so I can maybe still start a family, even without a 21st century sex-life.
I have to work my ass off but I would never forgive myself if I didn't try.
Did you forget you were an animal with carnal needs?
Not my First language oregano
>these baby pills
The age is around late 20s. When you lost your youthful looks for good and have to actually be an adult.
you are already late,its all ogre
fingers originally crossed user
emma is the kind of girl who ends up working as a cashier for the rest of her life and cries about how she should have studied when she was a teenager
ideally you have to act like an adult in late teens/early twenties
18 at best user. I'm sorry.
>At what age is too late to start having a sexual life without feeling like you missed out something?
When you feel like you've missed out on it, but if you want an average age, I'd say 20-24.
14 or 15 it's to late unless you go on Grindr
>emma is the kind of girl who ends up working as a cashier for the rest of her life and cries about how she should have studied when she was a teenager
Cope, her life is going to be great.
i hope it will, but from personal experience with people i have my doubts
if you're 20 you can still hope to find a similarly damaged virgin qt and discover true love together, if you're past 30 though you have nothing to look forward other than maybe a jaded marriage with a woman who doesnt love you
>find a similarly damaged virgin qt
>still a virgin
>and also imagining she'd lose it to you
big cope
ive seen men over 40 get young qts, it happens occasionally, there are girls who want older, mroe mature men
repell thine sins heathens
Dude Im 26 and fucked 6 women over the past year. I had only slept with 4 previously during college which was a overall shit show compared to my chad roommate who had diff girl over every week. Sometimes you are a late bloomer.
>ive seen men over 40 get young qts, it happens occasionally, there are girls who want older, mroe mature men
he was talking about getting a virgin, I doubt 40yos are getting virgins
Honestly, I've heard from a lot of people that sex life after you get older is actually pretty great. This is a pretty gross detail to illustrate it, but a lot of nursing homes have high rates of STDs because people are fucking around so much. Of the different articles I've listened to, some have said that there is a lot less tension and stress with sexual relationships as they get older (unless the people don't click in general).