Need For Speed Edition
looks like we'll have to take a drugfeel break until the retard calms down
don't delete this thread mods, there's only one spammer that's breaking the law/site rules and he's just evading his bans to spam
nuclear range ban in 3... 2... 1...
wats going on
>post illegal content in a thread full of like-minded individuals
>mods do their job
>take revenge against the fellow drug users
Explain this
Is there a better drug for watching anime than weed? It's great for watching anything really but I find anime is the most improved by it
>stimulants get me too distracted with racing thoughts and I end up not paying attention to what I'm watching because I'm reciting some essay for some random topic in my head
>opioids make me too sleepy to pay attention
>psychedelics/dissos can make it confusing/hard to follow (and in the case of anime, make it hard to read the subtitles)
I can believe that jackass got our thread deleted
(oh and now I actually am mad on opiates. there you go opi-haters, satisfied now??)
hes a angry little manchild who feels powerful by sabotaging our little hangout.
you have to be really really pathetic to get satisfaction out ruining comfy r9k threads
>(oh and now I actually am mad on opiates. there you go opi-haters, satisfied now??)
yeah I was the one talking about how anytime I take opioids the experience is overwhelmed by anger, I'd definitely be punching my couch if I was on opioids right now
Back at it like a motherfucking crack addict
fucking retard vendor sells fake xanax in the uk too. hope he gets raided.
These threads are usually comfy what happened?
some onion vendor thought he'd try and be funny by spamming his onion links in the thread promoting his shitty fent laced xanax with the tag GET DRUGFEEL BANNED 2019. got 2 or 3 deleted I think.
everyone's on heroin now
>haha I'll be a massive cunt and shit on my own and a whole communities door step
and we're stupid? gtfo you smackhead. no one finds you funny, you're just a class a cunt. go and od you waterhead.
I'm having surgery next week looking forward to shitposting with you fellas on oxy from the hospital
going to try and smoke a very small bit of a blunt as not to get brainfog tomorrow.
anyone else feel like they're letting detected packages go through and get delivered to build a case on you
I'm not paranoiac yet
I wasnt referring to you user-kun i didnt think you were a hater,
I was referring the guy who made the 7th post in the thread and for no reason, without context, said:
>Since I'm in early, I just wanted to ask: why are heroinfags such irredeemable dicks? In every single thread they're in here, looking down their nose at DXMfags, DPHfags, even weedfags. Like we get it, you risk death every time you shoot up. Sorry the rest of us aren't so hardcore.
yeah, sure we admit to getting angry when we are on opiates sometimes. that doesnt mean that we are automatically dicks though. nor does it mean we are dicks to people on this thread. its not like all opiate users have the exact same personality
its also pretty hypocritical, he made a post complaining about people who use a certain drug. and then he accuses them of posting negative stuff about people who use certain drugs.
i dont know about all the other heroin/opi posters but i certainly dont have any issue with dxm, dph or weed posters. i love weed too lol.
post about what ever drug floats your boat
him and possibly a few other posters have made a lot of offhand comments like that this week.
there's been quite a few that have targeted lsd posters recently too.
i dont think its very nice, it makes opi anons feel unwelcome, regardless of whether theyre actually dicks
giving people shit over their drug choices is not /comfy/. its why we have our own thread anyway, to get way from people who hate us for the drugs we use
>I wasnt referring to you user-kun i didnt think you were a hater,
it was unrelated to your comment, I was just referencing my past post to add on to your comment about being angry
But as to what you're saying here, I personally feel like I see more heroinfags being dicks than users of other drugs
Im doing some next week as part of my cleaning for day of the cloth.
Had it for over a year, does speed have a use by date?
Is there a way to get hospital oxy without having to break your leg or something like that?
>Had it for over a year, does speed have a use by date?
most drugs don't really go bad, the expiration dates on pill bottles and stuff are mostly pharmaceutical companies trying to trick you into buying more drugs than you need to
Is LSD really safe for you physically? Almost every time I take it I start sweating a whole lot and my body temperature goes up, as well as a faster heartbeat
Good stuff. Now i just need to kick myself up the arse and actually do it
Thanks man
Yeah, it's normal. You can take 25,000ug and still be fine physically.
>I personally feel like I see more heroinfags being dicks than users of other drugs
and honestly, you could be right, but that doesnt mean we all are. and like i said, it may make people feel unwelcome without cause
also its very common to see posters who are just starting heroin or other opiates asking a lot of questions, and a lot of them are about doses and safety. If I know the answer I always try to give them a response with a good explanation
everyone should feel welcome in these threads as long as they arent assholes themselves or underage. especially anyone who is curious about trying hard drugs cause they can get a variety of opinions and advice from all different kinds of posters here
idk, what do you think user? or other anons too
there he goes again, >53096923
>everyone's on heroin now
trying to pit heroin posters against other kinds of posters is just going to maximize any conflict
no good can come from instigating people who may already be a little irritable from their drugs.
but is it really normal and fine? one time i measured my heartbeat at 150bpm while on a couple tabs
it sure doesn't feel normal
Holy fuck MDMA is the best drug ever made.
who else here /geeking/
if you take it too often I.E once every 3 months long term or more then rip brain. you'll get brain zaps, neuro damage and so on. lovely drug but it's so harmful at rec doses.
dad keeps trying to catch me smoking, passes my room when I open the door, looks into my eyes and won't go away unless he does. I smoked in my room for years, why the fuck does he care now I've stopped for a while. making me paranoid tbqh lads, I've not even smoked any yet. just rolled.
The "classical" psychedelics aren't really stressful on your heart, and there are pretty much no cases of anyone dying from them (there is stuff like that elephant that they injected with hundreds of grams of acid but that's not a very normal case)
If you're doing RCs, that's when you should be concerned, stuff like NBOMEs can be pretty dangerous, even 5-meo-DMT can be bad
I've done it once before but not sure I'd do it much more than like 5 or so times in my life. Shit is extremely bad for your brain
mdma is probably the worst popular drug in my opinion
>Cannabis users tend to be a lot more cautious when high than alcohol users are when drunk. Cannabis may be what you need to get into a comfortable mindset in the first place.
Fucking pretentious stoners, I hate them so much. You're just a druggie, makes you no better than other druggies.
he's waiting for the pass
>quit my job a month ago
>looking through bank statement
>they're still paying me.
Unfortunately not really I'm having my jaw moved
LSD is a psychedelic and a stimulant
what don't you like about it? I'm just curious cause I fucking love it
>You're just a druggie, makes you no better than other druggies.
people who drink alcohol are no better than stoners either, I hope you're not a hypocrite and think otherwise user
although the thing about weed being safer to drive on than being drunk is BS
You're an idiot and an asshole
oh yeah check it out man just get cancer dude and they will give you oxy, fentanyl and morphine + codeine and benzos for free bro.
it's legit I swear man
thats the second nicest thing anyone has said to me in this thread and I made it
actually laughed at this haha. don't know what he's up to though, looks down on it so he'd never try it.
I smoke drink whatever, but the pretentious buzzfeed tier twerps think they're better or safer for doing one thing or another. We're all druggies chasing intoxication pretty much.
wew lad, it does genuinely have stimulating properties.
totally agree brother, shame you can only take it every 1 to 2 months...
they just open a "cannabis club" (this is a thing here in Spain where you can smoke legally) close to my house. I'm so happy bros, gonna visit tomorrow
Anyone else here get opioid hangovers? I never see it mentioned, but I've discovered it through experience. Once after a long day of oxy, once after an evening/night of very high doses of heroin and once after underestimating buprenorphine. It feels absolutely horrible. Nausea, migraine-tier headache, no energy to even stand up. It always happened when waking up the morning after doing it. It's almost purely physical, I don't really feel depressed
why would I take a months worth of depression and unbalanced neurotransmitters in exchange for a shit version of meth that makes you really fucking dumb too oh yeah I want that guess what else?
wanna do it more than once in a blue moon? you just won the grand prize: brain damage
jesus christ when something is worse for your noggin than meth it ain't good shit, its just a not as perfect version so you can't really do it all the time and won't form a habit
>migraine-tier headache
That's the only thing that happens to me sometimes
You may be getting physically addicted, don't abuse it so much user. That isn't good for you
for me it does the opposite, when I was starting out on buprenorphine I would always wake up feeling warm and good clearly from the residual effects of the opioid.
it never happens anymore though, except with dissosiatives and psychedelics...
is this normal? I have some sort of liver thing that apparently some people have and I cannot get hangovers from alcohol no matter how much I drink, dont think that's very normal.
cigs or weed?
i recently started smoking cigarettes occasionally. (i would have sooner but the tobacco age is 21 in this county)
my parents cared about weed when i was a teenager but ater a while i just stopped caring. starting about 2 years ago i vape in the house which i know they smell sometimes. one time my mom found a piece of my weed vape in the dishwasher so i just told her the truth and asked her to return it and she did.
however, im terrified they will smell cigarette smoke on me so im super careful. my moms sister died of smoking induced lung cancer which she still hasnt gotten over after 25 years. (my dad confided to me that shes never been the same, much more bitter and cold). so pretty much they both quit smoking before i was born and now they hate cigs as much as hard drugs. honestly, after heroin, cigarettes are the second most important drug to keep secret from my parents, even ahead of coke.
anyway, as a result of that i take drastic measures:
i smoke a lot of weed after having a cigarette to overwhelm the tobacco smell lol. it works though i think
its funny how times change. my grandfather didnt give a fuck that my dad smoked a pack a day when he was my age but at the same time thought my dad was a degenerate reefer madness hippie cause he smoked weed on occasion.
tobacco gets a lot of hate and its mostly justified, but if you dont want to live to be old, who cares. id put my life expectancy at 27 cause of drugs, recklessness, poor health (not fat though), and high chance of suicide.
i slightly prefer alcohol myself but why are you bringing this up out of nowhere???
the way you used greentexting suggests that you are quoting someone in the thread, but no one actually said what is in your greentext. stoners have given you no reason to complain about them in this thread.
you are entitled to your opinion but the hostility is just random and bizzarre
why u gotta h8 user?
Sounds good I'm gonna try it I promise
ey umm how much do you take? enough to nod off and go to sleep? you might just be taking too much or in the case of buprenorphine you might be one of the people who get nausea from it but it doesn't kick off when you are sleeping but when the sudden change in body functions happens when waking up
Want to do LSD with my GF whos never done it before, Only worry is, that Ive always smoked weed when doing LSD and it always gave me that cartoony werid ass visuals trip. Id rather have a clean, colourful geometry trip with lots of sex than the weird ass comic ego death trips ive had. Is that realistic?
dosing 200ug 1p-lsd
I've had sex on acid but we smoked weed. Plan was to lie down in the dark and listening to music together. But as soon as we lay down we just ended up fucking two and a half times in a row.
how long have you been using user? its quite possible that you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms
Im eight days into my current heroin bender and I felt the first minor withdrawal symptoms last night.
if youve been using for a week or more then you need a break for a while.
>after an evening/night of very high doses of heroin
this is another very likely cause. its probably both desu
did acid and weed a few days ago and i ended up seeing everthing as weirdly cartoony and sold myself my airpods alone in the darm infront of my mirror with huge fucking eyes that were all watery and shaky, not exactly what I want for us
your experience sounds good tho
What do you mean 5meo can be bad i thought it was just another psychedelic tryptamine can you explain because i fucking love that shit.
They are both my (you)'s user lol. As far as the quote, I read it online. Angers me when people put one drug above another or look down on other users. Pretentious as fuck, everything has it's pro's and con's. It was aimed toward the lifestyle stoners, the ones that blog about stoning. Just wrote it in rage aha.
The act of smoking feels VERY nice and natural so I get it, nicotine can be nice too.
>tobacco gets a lot of hate and its mostly justified, but if you dont want to live to be old, who cares. id put my life expectancy at 27 cause of drugs, recklessness, poor health (not fat though), and high chance of suicide.
based. Wouldn't mind 50-60 but looking at people above that age, there's literally no point unless you've got a load of loving family that aren't suffering. Also based you're not fat, reduces quality of life so much.
About to smoke a lovely bit of green drug now, will stick a towel down under my door and sit out my window.
no but seriously I fucking miss that shit its like a junkie heaven playground
you have your own room and only a call away is a nurse bringing a shot of morphine or oxy capsules or a 400ug fentanyl tablet or uuuh could I get a another one of them temazepams and some zopiclone please maybe wash down some codeine with them too while changing my fentanyl patch eh? 24/7 IV cannula taken care of by someone else.
people bring you your food and coffee and take it away and all you have to do is, nothing.
I've seen videos of people going into convulsions and stopping breathing from smoking slightly too much 5-meo-dmt. Might have seen something about deaths from it too but don't quote me on that. That's why I think going for regular nn-dmt is a better bet
yeah I heard heroin killed a shitload of folks too but put that brown powder in front of me and its in my vein before you can say anything
how do I get cancer?
its safe, youre just getting nervous and obsess over it causing more stress
there is no way lsd can actually kill you unless you take it via your eyes or inject it directly into your blood stream and even then its a stretch
Next month I will be able to do drugs again. I am thinking coke or LSD, but should I go slow and build up to the hard stuff again?
I never really took too much oxy, I just kept taking it throughout a day, keeping a steady high.
The heroin was probably a little too high of a dose because I was nodding a lot and even redosed as soon as I started nodding less, fell asleep pretty soon after the nodding became less severe.
The buprenorphine was a too high dose, I was uncomfortably high (slightly nauseous, trouble standing up and nodded when I lied down but not in the nice heroin way).
I'd compare it to how alcohol hangovers work, no one gets them from drinking moderately.
Been using for half a year but barely use once a week (took a longer break recently) and never two days in a row, so it most likely isn't some form of withdrawal
I don't know man I just felt really suicidal and figured to try everything before possibly going so I tried praying every night and sleeping with an angel panting next to my bed and what do you know the old cunt gave me cancer I wasn't even gonna go to the doctor because I thought I had buprenorphine withdrawals lmao
dude said a week or so more and I would have been done
can't really tell you more than that I don't know how I spawned it
goodnight drugfeel thank you for being comfy again
>but should I go slow and build up to the hard stuff again?
>the hard stuff again
so basically trying to hold out as long as you can before relapsing again? is there really a point if you know the result
>neighbours about to have a fag
fuck off you old bint I wanna do my drugs
yeah I know that buprenorphine feel, without tolerance you should start with 0.25mg or less
Anyone else here do meth and found the psychosis would carry over into your sober life? I found this. For months after I came off it I had this horrific paranoia that people in my family were going to kill me.
gn doody
man i'm about to run out of weed.
i'm gonna be back drinking soon and it's awful.
Yeah I'm the user from a previous thread today who posted about finding the sweet spot at 0.2mg and it was very enjoyable. Do you have experience with bupe? How quickly does tolerance build? Have you experienced its withdrawal?
I might do some research because ive done 100mg in he Last year
My post had nothing to do with heroin, everyone knows that's deadly, but some people might not know 5-meo-dmt could be dangerous
guess where I am now
its been uuh yeah well its been days
just trying to decide whether to go to bed or toss up another bump, I think we all know what will prevail..
god damn man, remember all this wonky shit? I don't have a another word for it if I look at something that isn't really close and a point of focus everything is just fucking wonky.
looking out the window and staring at something then at the same time you move your eyes a single tone gray shape flashes and moves in some gap in the buildings.
but you also enjoy it because you can clearly tell whats real and whats not, you just know somehow. JOKE this is a script for a play, mistrial soon
I can't find any reported deaths involving it aside from one where it was mixed with allot of alcohol and some guy choked on vomit
I didn't see that sorry man that's just what my boy always told me he had weighed out when we started having really long shooting session with a couple 8 balls during the weekends in grade 8
sorry sir I won't try to be funny again
the most autistic poster I've seen here in a while wew
I just want someone to fucking post so I can write a too long, rambling and incoherent reply as soon as possible because I have no friends really and medical chemical stuff is going on in my brain compartments and departments which brings out my feelings that I normally don't really have or feel or think about but the awakened inner normie apparently isn't satisfied with my current life arrangements
thats deep bro
How many days into a meth binge do you find it starts being too psychotic to be enjoyable? I find day 4 is usually pretty bad
I'm not even sure if that's a meme or not but don't get me wrong my brain is fucky and don't do this ever really dont even though it is alot of fun I guess but your shitty life wont be as long then if you do it lmao
maybe I should go to sleep I thought I hallucinated a really vivid spider on my hand and it was real glad it was small because they are my only phobia and I would have had a fucking stroke
I thought about talking about that its fun when you know whats what but when the days go by it starts to merge with reality so much that.. well you know I just go to sleep then it feels like a subconscious flickering of the lights to tell you the party is over so I just stop usually at 3-5 days
Can you buy meth and heroin on the dark web? I have never had a friend in my life and the only way i can get weed (the only drug I've ever done and it fucking sucks) is through my sister. I have no motivation in life I have no education I have no social ability and the only thing keeping me going is the hope that one day I'll get real drug's like meth that can actually help me get motivated to improve my life and maybe heroin to take the pain away.
you could always use bleach
meth and heroin are some of the easiest drugs to find so yes
bruh lil nigga man chill dude the only reason I would suggest anyone to move on from cannabis is if they are like me and the boys were basically just super fucking into everything about them and I did absolutely have the best time of my life experimenting with all of the different drugs I could think of but if you really dont realize what the fuck you are getting yourself into and the main motivation isnt a facination with the chemicals themselves but rather an exit door from the get go you are in deep shit
can I hire someone to post content in this thread
>TFW an entire joint barely even gets me buzzed now
Fuck. How long of a tolerance break should I take, 5-7 days?
5-7 weeks broseph
I'm in the same boat, the breaks are bullshit. you wait weeks and it builds back up in a matter of days
>pre dmt anxiety