fuck you mods
i want my robot thread back i was talking to someone
the fuck was this deleted
Fuck you mods
slightly strange, around 90, kissless virgin
do i get a reward?
all time low score since I finished uni and stopped therapy.
how can you bet around 90 and KV?
Not long before I can have autism eternal
what do i win today
god bless you user
how old? Im the 15 pointer above, 22
did it, there are stuff i wasnt sure about here
>how can you bet around 90 and KV?
dunno, im withdrawn and dont know how to talk with girls?
correction, turns out its over 95 so im a normalfag lol
>tfw i lost count of how many times i lost count trying to add up the final number
Not a brainlet should be added to this test
I got 70 which is pretty accurate. I did another normrie test and I got a lame normie which also said that I was too sperg for normies and to normies for spergs.
fucking gay ass test half of them are "do you NOT do this" and half of them are "do you do this" this is too much effort i keep getting confused
I remember that test, i think i got edgelord if i remember correctly
oh god last time i did this test i was cyborg guess im regressing, not surprised since i browse r9k
>Hes a pedo
You bet your ass youre regressing
125, I wanted neetbucks boi :(
damn i actually fucked up a couple of things on this, real one here
I hang out with 4 friends, 3 of them have girlfriends, they all go to Jow Forums occasionally. We joke about wagecucking(we 'reall wagecucks) and roasties and being careful not to let your gf to go tennis practice with Chad
Ironically the one without gf doesnt go to Jow Forums. Fucking normies
>still can't get neetbux
>Jow Forums occasionally
leave forever. kys.
I'm devastated.
also feels bad for you.
Got my first job on saturday, and made a friend semi recently, so I'm up a few points from last time I did this.
Still robot surprisingly.
whatever the test says, you don't get to use that word
sowway did I make u sad?
Normiefag here with my 96
I got hugged by girls before does that count?
you're ok lad.
I once gave a girl a cereal bar in highschool and she hugged me for it. It's the closest I've ever been to a girl
sorry for the late response, i'm 20.
Normalfag but you people are nice and dont make me anxious
I got 42, So I guess I'm not a complete piece of shit
Im sorry. Normal people make me anxious sometimes
52 here
without a small failed relationship late last year that intensely deepened my depression i wouldn't even break 30
i've got a physical disability
no major psychological problems diagnosed (never went to the doctor)
have to work because neetbux aren't a thing here
a few friends who don't talk to me much at all
several failed runs at a uni degree
not attractive (never been hit on, nor called attractive otherwise)
no prospects in life, no idea how people get motivation to do anything even in the short term
can't understand how the fuck people can act impulsively, or how they can turn momentary interest in something into life-long sources of motivation
will almost certainly wither away alone and die once my elderly mother's gone, she's the only reason i did anything in life for the past 8-ish years
24 y.o. btw
how do i find a gf with less than 35 points?
>wizard apprentice
>33 pts
>kill me
fuck off notmslniggrt
Calm your tits dude
I got around a 90 doing good on most fronts except women never had anything close to gf at age 19, how does a all around average guy do better with that shit
Chad here. Most of my points in social and accomplishment.