Bedroom thread: my boyfriend is sleeping edition
Post your rooms nice robot's i wanna see the mess

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What happened to room threads? I thought people liked them but now they just die instantly or have only few replies and dieafter hour :x that's kinda sad too

do you play the piano?

Yeah, although 9 prefer playing electric guitar piano is fun too. I can play some songs and few scales but I mainly use it for music production

cool, im learning the guitar. enjoying it but i wish i had started at like 13. thinking about learning the piano after i feel confident with the guitar

Is that a jar of honey? Are you a bear?

looks pretty comfy. Reminds me of a room I used to live when I lived in Berlin.

this. it's a shame cause they're by far the comfiest threads on this site

no it's gamer girl peeb
...i mean, tea with honey so you are halfway right heh..

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Very comfy room, OP. Here is one last pic of my room before I move out

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That room looks hella comfy to me. I'd live in it.
I used to chip in a pic of my room back in the day, now my room is a piece of shit so I don't

I add nothing to my tea. I take it black.

Same but my throat hurts and honey helps, there's lemon there too

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Hello, r9k. I have nothing original to say, except that I am ashamed of the color of my walls. I intend to repaint it eventually.

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I used to have that same room, same floor and same dresser except the walls are white and the dresser is brown

Are yoj me in another dimension or something?

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Tel me more about your old room, doomer

extreme comfy

not very comfy (open window gives me anxiety)

comfy. i like the color

Belonged to my older brother before me, he scraped the paint of the door.

Bet you live in Europe or Asia.

Oh, cool, I've been hoping for one of these. I've just spent like the past two weeks straight cleaning, fixing, organizing, rearranging, purging junk, replacing furniture, even rented one of those carpet steamer things and used it. I thought my room wasn't that bad but holy fuck it was just a thinly veiled disaster area. Looks pretty good now, all I really have left is to clear a bit more clutter and maybe put some framed pics on the wall above the bed instead of the anime stuff that's just tacked up there.

Here's the battlestation end first

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And here's the side with the bed

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nice megumin poster

>meme chair

this is fucking cringe, grow up retard

My old desk was unusually tall and it was the only chair I could find that went up high enough for the armrests to be level with the desktop. It's a terrible chair though, I fucking hate it and now that I don't need the height I'll be looking for something better.

Slanted ceiling/attic room is max comfy

The steeper, the better.