
comfy hours soon lads, edition

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fren world is gone
i still cant believe it lads

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Watching Legion and smoking a zoot

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Seriously why was it banned? some bellend was saying it was because muh nazis

Changing my sheets and getting ready for bed. Hope my dreams arent too bad tonight

That's literally the only reason it was banned apparently

good. Apu is a faggot

somebody's on their peerod again eh sweetheart

go to bed honey

i'm going to be smoking a spliff in a minute then might watch something myself.

Duckling crumbs for now, little pellets. They're pets btw, not for eating so don't suggest orange or anything please.
Glad you liked it. Did you get the nostalgia feels?

Goodnight apustaja blight

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>We have the chat logs ya fookin nonce.

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Plebbit is going full retard from what I've heard. Carlgon's sub got nearly banned and put under some limited status purely because he said mean things to a certain dyke, even though the sub was totally unofficial and broke no rules itself.

oh god what a way to die, stuffed up a fat northerner's sweaty crack

Only good Apu is a dead Apu

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can't i have 1 more hour? i've been real good today

30 minutes. I'll be back to check

>Its no bloodeh good shakin' yer head ya dick
>police alreadeh been called

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>far right ethno nationalist

will you retards stop using reddit, and stop acting like toddlers too.

honestly, as a right winger. im ashamed i have to share a political wing with the retard contingent

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Isn't it ironic that they had their revolution, overthrew a disinterested chink over the concerns of censorship, to bring in a bigger faggot, whom then culls their user base, purges any dissenting opinions through mods and down voting essentially "unpersoning" people with the wrong opinions and banned more subreddits than the previous owner ever could.

The absolute pottery.

accidentally pissed off an enderman in minecraft, currently hiding in a hole i dug

Any ideas to what you're going to watch?

>Ya thought ya wer' speakin' to a two day old tadpole online
>Well ya weren't talking to her, ya wer talkin' to me! Big Bazza!
>Ya said some disgustin' things online, ya had us in tears you filthy cunt you fakkin nonce
>Go on Dazza, punch the little frog nonce again, the prick

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Wish I could go on a walk by that big chalk drawing of the naked guy. Remember there being some cool woods and a comfy pub nearby. Too bad I can't drive and have no money

>he thinks I'm rightwing

>im sorry bazza i only wanted to be their fren aaaAAAAAAAAA HELLLLPP

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do they have this shite saved on a notepad?


not sure. only on plebflix or plebazon. might do the old google good films on... actually seen a couple of good ones that way but it's 99.9% crap usually.

Don't forget bending over for Tencent. They kicked out a chink only to end up indebted to far worse chinks.

AHM SorrY!!

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absolute fucking cringe sort yourself out ffs

>work in 7 hours
>up in 6
reyt then lads, al si thi

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lots of decent stuff on both

yeah just have to have a good look. i like watching documentaries on there. seen some good sports ones like skatboarding stuff and there's been a good couple about free climbing mountains.

Who here playing 07scape?

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>spend entire shift watching ambulance
>ambulance crews get payed 22k a year
>years of training, uni, stress and requires hard medical skills
>be me earn 20.5k bong to do fuck all
>absolute retard with no hard skills
>mfw I earn almost as much as a paramedic to watch netflix

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Christ that reminds me about rainbow 6 and the countless other games they've absolute ruined as too many game devs suck their dicks, so the text chat on PC got bent, a literally fucking tranny operator got added then sold out to the Chinese and their mods clamped down on dissent yet again
>Hurrr please no talking about shameless selling out to the chinks user!
>You can't say anything slightly bad user!
>Dare say Niger? well you fucking racist we'll ban you :)

I swear to god I hope when that god forsaken website crashes it makes the fall of Digg look like a picnic
their entire model is the most effectively geared hive mind tool since the soviet union's education system + the Cheka/NKVD , someone could and should seriously consider a documentary on reddit its history and current model could easily be woven into a cool story-told documentary.
Unironically getting into Star Trek lad, Next Generation so far (10 or so episodes in) is prime comfy material to put on.

Also for the record
>Reddit spacing
I've been using LaTeX for the past few days its a hard habit to break the two line break.

The lad who makes these drawings of the Apu's getting hunted is an absolute fucking legend. Wish he'd make one of Kane already.

makes me feel strange when ever i see this, sort of nostalgic for something i was never a part of

Forgot about the singing scenes, there was a time I would have ditched a show because of a musical episode or gimmick
There's one about man city team, seen Garth Marenghi's Darkplace or The Booth at the End? both short kino miniseries

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t.lad who makes them
>wants to give some evil normie attention whore attention

But the difference between them and you is they have balls.

i liked enterprise as well desu was watching that not too long back. next gen is great as well though
no don't think i've seen them. will have a gander

I haven't been active for probably a year or so, maybe longer. But lately I've felt tempted to start playing again. Do you think it'd still be easy to get into again with all the new updates?

Yeah I reckon so lad. As long as you have membs you will get into it again quickly. What lvl are you?

That wasn't me in the last thread, I got well stuck in to a game of civ 5. I'm well aware that 5'10 is tall for a woman (it's supermodel territory wahey)

And yes I was at Birmingham New Street just after 1pm whoever asked that

can't fukin sleep
wouldn't be an issue if I weren't so fuken bored

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If I remember correctly I was around cb lvl 123 and about 1800+ total. I'll probably have to buy a bond at first with a card though. But I'm sure if I play regularly again I can make enough gp in game every two weeks to retain membership.
What are your stats? It'd be nice to have someone to PVM with.

Wow that's decent, I'm 106 and my stats kinda suck but I play pest control mostly.

Thanks, and 106 is pretty good too. Plus I understand having lower stats if you're more into PC. I remember my username is " Jordans w38 " if you want to add me. I'm gonna try to get a bond in the next few days once I have some free time.

dog the bounty hunters wife has died braddah

Wikipedia down for anyone else? Panicking here I want to read about random shit before I nod off!

fuck, my nan just phoned my dad and sounded in a panic and said she feels aweful, bad times lads

Gutted for him. Loved that show.
F for dog
No wife in paradise
I tried reading an article when i was out having a smoke but it didn't load

Woops gave you a misplaced (You), sorry
's 2nd reply was for you

Awesome I will add you now fren, my name is Cynwit on there

Sounds good. I wrote down your username so I'll remember to add you once I start up again sometime this week.

My mate has come out of nowhere is asking if I know of anywhere that offers gay conversion therapy, I can't tell if he's coming out of the closet or what?

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Evening lads

I'm smart enough to go to a Russell Group uni but I went to the open days and they are too fast and cosmopolitan for me. Tell me some /comfy/ unis that I can look at. Thanks fellas.

I know alot of robots play OSRS but you will be my first robot friend on there. I miss the days when I played RS2 with my school friends and there were no worries or troubles.

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edge hill is pretty comfy

might buy a stop a douchebag hoodie

new thread

migrate when ready u cowards

I miss those days too. I think I started around late 2006-2007 but didn't really play regularly until about 2008. From that point on I did until around the fall of 2011 when I lost interest/didn't have enough time due to school+sports, etc. During that time though I had friends from school that played too. I remember when my biggest trouble in life was getting a fire cape lol.

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omg thats so sad lol

I know right, I wish that were the case now haha.

tfw fagex ban my cv2 bot after 3 days and only 1.4 mil in generated incomes because it sucks

piss on me I deserve it

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>be me
>let a friend of mine use my main account on scape once I became inactive
>find the urge to play again one day
>perma banned for botting

The worst part is this happened twice with the same person I know irl. Once on a near maxed account pre-eoc & again on OSR with a max cb one.

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Imagine browsing Jow Forums unironically lads

4:20 poster back again hehe

Wahey, mad man you are lad. Have a good sleep.

done nothing but salivate over greasy food for weeks
can see myself getting fat again very soon

im destined for blues