are non-white femcels resentful towards white stacies?
Are non-white femcels resentful towards white stacies?
Fuck you for posting her. I keep trying to forget about her. I hate instagram thots in general but she's my kryptonite. I feel a deep shame in enjoying her photos.
imagine being female but looking masculine because of the skin covering your whole body
Does she like to visit the black parts of chicago
isnt she more a comedian?
Females can't be incels or robots. Please stop making low quality threads so you can orbit the bitches of Jow Forums.
Yes. I loterally cant get a man because 99% of men fell for the aryan princess meme. Yes, even my own
>t. Poo in loo
Not really but sort of. I'm half white and I've gone through times of wishing I was more white to other times when I resent it. I don't know how to explain it.
Typical mix-raced feelings that the jews take advantage of.
who is op pic again?
Oh yeah I shill for the jews constantly.
what do you mean? try to explain it
Your men literally invented the meme.
She's a woman who posts on instagram for attention. She's a thot. All social media is shit, but instagram is definitely one of the worst.
Okay you know how people say stuff like "oh you get to enjoy both cultures" and stuff? Well it's a lie. Because I'm neither here nor there I don't really get to embrace either. It's hard to explain, it just feels alien sometimes. A lot of the time I can pass as white though which is okay enough I guess.
No shit that's a lie. It's just what the jews want people to believe so all tribes but theirs are destroyed.
Half white and half what else?
Uh huh.
White stacies are shit.
For some reason it's easy to tell when someone got more white genes than asian or whatever. End result is total bimbo self centered bitch that raises her voice at start of every word.Intelligence of an animal. Not being racist but it's how it is.
Nice got a discord?
Do you need a hug? Original
i'm half white and half black.
my blue eyed white mother has no sense of how difficult dating has been for me. she believed that i was a lesbian for a long time. no mom, i just don't have every other guy trying to get with me like you did. i dont care about them just dont try and act like we have anywhere near the same experience.
Where are you from? Ill date you
where's the white part come from?
i'm in my thirties. thanks though kiddo.
Literally hell tier.
I can still lay pipe like a plumber though
>even the females on Jow Forums get the "it's okay if you're gay speech" from their parents because they've never been in a relationship
I do but I don't really share it on here anymore.
My dad. Welsh/English.
Thanks user, very encouraging.
Alright thats cool. Is your dad a beta white dude who settled for an asian woman though? Jw
I'm good.
Asian stacies are not much better either. They usually just perceive themselves to be above everyone else but at least they are not as crazy as white stacies.
im 33 wanna be my mixed mommy gf?
No he'd already been married, had kids and divorced before even meeting my mother. My mother and him met because she was his translator at work. I don't like the stereotype.
>your mom and you are his mid life crisis life reboot.
He wasn't even 30 when he met my mother but okay.
link? for that winky wink that i can make my pinkie link wink white wiki wiki[.spoiler]
wait so you have white siblings?
No, you may not masturbate to her.
Half siblings, yes. Three brothers, two of which are twins. I have a sister too but we have the same mother and father.
have you ever felt annoyed with your mother for choosing a black partner, then?
she didn't choose him, she was raped
of fucking course...........
Top lel. What a fucking joke this world is.
honestly not 100% wrong sadly. she was 15 and he was in his late 20s when they first got together. my mom had a very troubled childhood so she was easy to take advantage of. I don't think she really has came to terms with what happened. i said she was statutorily raped once and she got really sad and quiet.
>3 white sons
>2 hapa daughters
lucky guy. do you speak to your brothers?
On occasion. The two sides of the family aren't very close generally speaking. They grew up mostly with their mother so we only spent weekends together and even then they were all older than us by a few years. I am pretty close with one of my brothers though, we do a lot together. People don't usually click onto the fact we're siblings though which can make things awkward.
Who is the girl of the picture?
i can't tell whether the memes came first or the stereotype
the other two black/white mixed kids' families i knew growing up had parents that were happily married. not like my situation at all.
Most nonwhites rarely come into contact with white people so no
Stereotypes are literally boomer memes.
Brown girls are the best tho. Latina is my favorite flavor.
Objectively the worst taste in women
Why do I even bother using google reverse image search?
>be black grill with white Stacey roommate
>one day an actual known criminal comes to the house at 11PM and claims he's our new landlord
>he says he's going to change the locks and that we need to start paying him rent now
>tfw me and the other people in the house (east asian man, south asian woman, white guy) were trying to call the police, make sure our things in the garage were safe, etc
>tfw the white Stacey simply brushed it off and said "Oh we'll be alright!" when she heard what had happened
>tfw I realised she lives in an actual Disney universe where nothing bad really happens
I'm not sure if what I got is, uh, any better.
Her name on IG is contrachloe
Fuckin bitch, I fuckin hate white stacies, those dumb naive bitches.
Yes I'm white
I seriously can't decide if I'm attracted to her or not. Fucking bizarre.
>raising your black rape baby to post on a taiwanese basketweaving forum
No, not any more resentful than I am of a beautiful, confident and successful woman of any other race. They all fine and they all make me nervous.
Everytime. Its like the degenerate enablers dont want us from finding the identities of whores.
how can you compete with this? serious
Why is that an issue? My grandma was in her 30's when she met my gramps he was 20. They lived happy with 12 children.
The only non white group above white stacies currently is asian girls ao ironically its white stacies who are jealous of them cause they're lower on the pecking order. Everyone else is indeed jealous of white girls though.
>tfw no hapa half sister to do stuff with
first of all femcels dont exist. Secondly fuck off back to Jow Forumseddit
Most people don't get on with their siblings so don't feel you're missing out too much.
Please help me understand, in a NON-VAGUE way, how exactly "the Jews" "take advantage of" someone's vague feelings of race insecurity