"Were here, go go go!" Jow Forums is now under the control of a USMC Occupational Force...

"Were here, go go go!" Jow Forums is now under the control of a USMC Occupational Force, this Occupation will be lifted in 24 hours, No other factions can claim Jow Forums and all standing claims are now invalid. Time of posting 12:02 AM GMT

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Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

>INB4 Amerifat

We are peaceful, and only want to rid Jow Forums of its foreign invaders and bring peace to the region by enforcing democracy on your government and taking your oil as a "Trade Resource".

fuck off

This is accurate.

I don't know what GMT stands for nor do I recognize it.

Fuck off nigger

make me, my force is about 1200 men strong, and we have IFV's and Light Armored recon tanks with us, can you post apocalypse fags say that? i dont think the boomers even let you close to that Bomber they made.

2:23 AM
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

Greenwich Mean time (aka 0 degrees W latitude, aka London area)


I approve of this

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Marines = pussy fags

Im guessing your enlisted in the national guard? cause your attitude is that of one who jerks off in a AC cooled Barracks and eats MRE's all day

marines ain’t shit simple as that

Compared to?


no, u.

can i get a cute marine bf out of this somehow?

Your just mad we are superior.

got a discord i can send one your way.

He doesn't have a VK though.

i-i uuuuuh
its ok i don't have one either

Well, have one or not? doesnt really matter anyway, guess you can just stay a virgin forever (just joking)

Well, have one or not? doesn't really matter anyway, guess you can just stay a virgin forever (just joking)

oof my lag sorry

i just don't know if i'm desperate enough already to fall for obvious catfishing

Its gonna happen just enjoy it while it happens and dont think about it. : )

gimme mail and maybe if i grow some balls i will write you someday

Mail as in a mailing address? or like email.

email ofc

Thank god i wasnt about to pay for international shipping... V_V

[email protected]

i promise i'll do it one day