>18 year old girl at work likes me and constantly flirts
>Want to date, but scared what coworkers will think of me

What do?

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She's an adult, go ahead.

Who cares about your coworkers. As long as the company OKs it, go for it

I feel like I'll be labeled as a pedophile.
Shes a customer, they don't care.

>living your life based off of other's perception of you
never gonna make it

Even better. Go for it

>date 18yo
>get labeled a pedophile
Is this an amerimutt thing?

Do you have any standing with them now? Judging from the fact you're posting here, it might be an improvement.

How long has it been since 18th birthday, and what age was she when you first met. If she just turned or you have been long time friends, you'll be regarded as creepy. Dont worry though. It's your relation not theirs

>Is this an amerimutt thing?
It unironically is

Too many people cope and tell themselves that living this way makes them well adjusted mature adults

>Dating an adult makes you a pedophile.
This is just another step in the plan to destroy the family unit.

Go for it. There was a 19 year old good looking chick who hit on my constantly at my old job (looked at my and licked her lips, kissed the collar of my jacket and left red lipstick, hugged me tight) other shit too. I didn't go after her because I had a who ended up being a total cunt. I was 26 at the tike and regret it.

*had a gf
*at the time

Fuck whatever anyone says. No real man will ever look down on another man for scoring some 18 year old pussy.

I'm in a similar situation.

>Hot as fuck, tall, Asian 20 year old, seemingly giving me lots of attention

How do I know it's safe to make a move. I'm a kissless virgin but recently lost ALOT of weight and have even been described to have model looks. The girl said she has a boyfriend but said "I didn't even know we were technically dating until he told me" implying that she isn't that into him

Anyone that thinks negatively about you are just jealous guys who can't pick up on young chicks or walled roasties. What kind of job are you working that you have 18 year old co-workers?

I dated an 18 yo coworker and I was 27. No one cared.
Only do it for sex though, don't get attached as the age gap will most likely mean it won't last long.

if you're worried about being with a 20 year old at age 25 there's something seriously wrong with the world

Nah I'm not worried about any implications or anything. I'm just a virgin and don't know any signs to indicate that I should go for it

Don't be a pedo, I know that's your worry.
You make it sound like it's just a what would my coworkers think, it isn't, it's about yourself and having a healthy view of you. Being a pedo will destroy this

If y'all genuinely like each other fuck what other people think

How is it being a pedo if she's legal?