>he's white and all 3 of his exes are asian
He's white and all 3 of his exes are asian
>telling cunts about past relationships at all
most girls want to know who you've been with desu
every asian girl I have been in a relationship with asked if I have dated asian girls before
I always say no
If she asks I always lie and make it out to seem like my ex is better than my current gf so that she tries harder in the relationship
>yeah she had big boobs, sweetie
>yeah she did anal, sweetie
>yeah she knew all the states by heart, sweetie
What do you do when you take her to meet your friends and family though? Won't she find out eventually from them?
>having exes at all
>implying women take initiative in conversation
>Where are we user?
Wouldn't someone eventually let it slip that you have only dated asians? Maybe I'm just paranoid
this. why are all women so fucking reactive
HeIl, obviously
Will an asian girl not like me if all my exes are fat white girls?
Like I'm gonna tell her I've been with guys lmao
Girls don't care about your ex girls being asian. They care if you had ex girls, could be any fat girl, they just want a proof that you can had a relationship with a girl and you are not a psychopath. It is easier to cheat on your girlfriend than to find a gf from ground zero.
noodlewhores constantly date and marry white men
Why start a relationship with a lie? It's more likely going to fail. You have some deep emotional issues.
because its necessary
I lied to my first gf about not being a virgin, thats how I lost my virginity
women lie all the time, they lie as soon as they open their mouth, they lie when they hide their faces behind makup!
so why cant I lie?
this man married a white woman in a chink body, I feel bad for him
What if I am Asian and all three of my exes are white?
are you female? original of course
what a plot twist! this was a really witty comment and it also changed my perception of asian men! Yes! All asians are superior to whites!
Would I get the same reaction from an Asian woman in that circumstance?
It's not necessary. You should be honest, it really is for the best. You're going after the wrong women and what you're describing is basically making yourself look like the victim of society. Sounds like you've never had a connection or a good conversation with a woman. Don't start a relationship with lies. It's probably not going to end well and is damaging to your own mental health.
since the incel shit reached the normalfags it was absolutely necessary
being 22 and a virgin is the same as being a terrorist or rapist
people lie to make themselves more interesting, this is nature
>It's probably not going to end well and is damaging to your own mental health.
and Im not denying that
You're greatly exaggerating, so you are lying again. I assume you're a burger. I do not know how the culture there is but please user, no more lies.
>I assume you're a burger
Im german
>You're greatly exaggerating
try meeting people (women) but tell them you're an incel and look at their reactions
>an incel
You've been spending too much time on the internet maybe.
>implying Asian girls don't love that
I typed "incels" in google and it showed a lot of normalfag women-magazines and news articles about incels being dangerous hate-fueled men
I live in vancouver
my requirements for a woman:
Not fat
Have a real education
No tattoos
I have met exactly 3 white women in my life who meet these qualifications. I have met hundreds of Asian girls who meet them.
Isn't Vancouver full of ching chongs though? What's it other name, Vanchong? if anyone knows what I'm talking about.
It truly sucks being a white boy with yellow fever. My ex is asian and I feel like I'm going to have to go for a white girl next time just so I can obfuscate it. I'm not even attracted to white women anymore so it would all be for show. Then I'll dump her a few months later and find another asian.
My last three exes are: Asian, Asian and Jewish.
Hong Couver, I think.
noodlewhore logic:
other asian women with white men:
> "omg it's so problematic society is so racist white normalization and supremacy is real we need more lantix and poc representation in holluwood cinema"
them with white men:
>oh it just happened we just fell in love, teehee it was meant to be
Or just tell the next asian chick you just broke up with a white girl? Lying is super easy user.
you mofos don't understand. Lying might work for a short term relationship/hookup but it won't work for anything serious because my friends/family will eventually clue her in. It might be years before she finds out but it'll happen eventually
>yeah she knew all the states by heart, sweetie
My sides have entered orbit
But I live on ground zero.
Yeah, and by then a normal woman would go oh, he lied about the race of the whores he fucked before he met me, not the numbers, who gives a fuck.
Why would they ask that