Can white people actually feel pain?

I genuinely do not believe you can. You live in a perfect world of your own 24/7.
Have never met a white person who has really suffered

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I feel intense pain when someone makes such a low effort bait thread.

It's not bait
Its reality

i do. do blacks and Asians feel empathy? i think its not in their dna.

I don't feel empathy yeah
but empathy isnt in anyone's DNA
Its learned through brainwashing

They are all spoiled and weak because they never had to deal with pain.

do YOU feel empathy is the question

I feel pain when i see such a retarded Thread.

Its non whites that dont feel pain and thus dont build a better future for themselves and their children , they accept living in misery and bringing more souls to experience it.
We whites feel intense pain and dont agree to live a life of pain, we worked ruthlessly hard to achieve comfort to us and others who follow us.
Non whites as we say sleep where they poo.

Root canal is common among white people

Birth through normal means it too

Ingrown toenail removal is one of tje worst pains you can feel and many white people have done it too
If this thread isn't bait that just proves niggers have an IA lower than of a monkey

they live in the most privileged world with everything at hands reach yet they still claim to be "miserable" just look at this fucking board, what a joke

>White racist justify slavery, the KKK, holocaust, police brutality but ask if other races know empathy

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So even stupid fucking apes do but we don't? Nah, you're uniquely retarded.

nonwhites are the spawn of satan and should be exterminated. just like i feel nothing when stepping on an ant, the suffering of nonwhite trash means nothing to me.

I've been homeless, went to jail and am a recovering addict. Most of my friends are dead and I came up from the literal bottom. I'm also competing in local amateur mma and boxing events. I can tell by your post that you're some little entitled Nigger. Trust me you and your people are the ones who truly know nothing about pain. None of you subhumans even has the brainpower to comprehend empathy or a sense of community, killing your own kind and fucking over your families. I wait for the day a bunch of niggers tries to rob me like they did with so many people before me so I can shoot them all with my AR. Die in a fire

Don't use Eren for your faggot thread.
AoT has transcended weeb faggotry and now it is watched and read mainly by Chads and Stacies.

If you consider russians to be white, then yes, can confirm.

if blacks suffer so much why don't they kill themselves? are they really that dumb they don't know they have a way to end their suffering?

This society goes more and more in the anti empathy corner. People care only about themselves or about their groups now. Actual empathy that comes from real understanding and emotion is kinda rare nowadays

in the real world we call that cognitive dissonance, you faggot.

literally everyone suffers because there will always be things above you you know you won't reach, paths you cant take, problems you cant solve, a world that breaks over and over, and death (which is the core point of 90% of existential worries)
and this applies to all standpoints
the key is to accept this ultimate truth of imperfection and go with it

the only "pain" they expirience is due to their own retardation. They become homeless due to their own idiocy, like dtaking drugs, or divorcing, then call it misery. White people are the most fortunate in terms of living conditions, and functional families, yet they're still unhappy with it. Any of you retards could just go to asia and get laid. We don't have that

my parents who grew up in communism and were persecuted for their beliefs there are other whites besides the ones in the western world you baiting mongoloid

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Africa is a shithole do to its inhabitant's idiocy.

It's not that we don't suffer, it's that we are so used to it and have mastered it to the point that we are unaffected.

Oh look, more shit that I didn't exist for. Sorry that I happened to be born to the children of people who may have done bad things, it's clearly my fault in being the sperm that made it to the egg. My sincerest apologies for having existed in this world.
But yeah, in all seriousness, I'm about to check out, this world is lame and stupid. Maybe the next one will be more fun and less retarded.