Writing a musical, need ideas for plot/characters

writing a musical, need ideas for plot/characters
i want to work with dark/heavy themes (pic related)
thoughts? ideas?

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Just rip off Nightman from It's Always Sunny.

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funny, i was actually thinking of writing in a male character coming to terms with a history of sexual abuse

A man wlaks into a store and goes to the shop owner saying something like 'way wya hsha'

a female serial killer who only kills men and keeps their penises in jars so all the men start dressing like women to avoid getting killed.

>i'd rather not have my penis in a jar
>twenty pickled penises
>tyrone's dick was too large for the jar
>ted bundy is waiting for me in heaven
>these dresses are so soft i might keep them (sung by the men in dresses)

the men in dresses would make for a great dance number

An extended monologue of a man on a toilet, praying to God and trying to find the root causes of his sins so that he can figure out how to stop.

I like it better when he walks into the store and the owner says "get out nigger".


Blues singer in 1920s Louisiana sells his soul to the devil. There you go.

that would be weird for him to be white though
i don't want any blacks in my musical

dubs and trips are compelling me to write this but this story has been done to death

Black cultures are dark as fuck, no pun intended. Satanism, slavery, spirits, voodoo, animal sacrifices, zombies, music. But ok user, miss out if you want.

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Throwback rock singer from the 2020s sells his soul to the devil. Just spitballing here

How about putting your own work in you dumb bastard unless youre willing to write a check

Has it? Haven't seen much on it. Switch it to voodoo then. Haitian/Louisiana voodoo evolved out of slavery and massacres of French people and is a very violent and aggressive form of the religion. Dark as fuck.

why would i do any actual labor when i could steal ideas from you retards?

oooo louisiana voodoo musical sounds like a solid plan
i'll make a note

Just make sure to make it accurate though. Study the religion. A lot of people who make up stories revolving around Louisiana voodoo take too many creative liberties and it ends up seeming really goofy and cartoonish rather than the dark perversion of a peaceful African religion that it actually is.

yeah id have to dig in on the research for this one, i dont know jack about voodoo or african culture

but i like the idea of using country/folk and rhythmic african music in the same show