"Uhmm... a-user-kun? You don't really hate trannies d-d-d-do you? uwu

>"Uhmm... a-user-kun? You don't really hate trannies d-d-d-do you? uwu

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i hate ugly non-neet trannies, i dont mind trannies has long as they have no friends and are cute

>i dont mind trannies has long as they have no friends and are cute
so i guess you like me then uwu

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i wont if you show benis pls

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violently against it being normalized and you have a sever mental illness...... but if your hands are soft..... honestly i do think its different if a guy can pull off a sexy girl it's like typing in a cheat code i would love to try out easy mode

i only hate ugly trannies and trannies without big butts to fuck until i pass out

I really want a boy wife.

forgot to remove the tripfag from the other thread

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I absolutely unironically do and would have no moral issues killing as many trannies as possible. In the most humane, fast and painless way possible of course. You're a danger to humanity, no need to make you suffer just fucking cease existing.

Fuuuuck im such a fucking moron

trannies aren't for killing.

they are for hugging and breeding.

I don't, but anyone who says "uwu" needs to be decapitated

i hate trannies that dont keep to themselves and make tranny threads too

i hate trannies if
>they make no reasonable effort to pass, and call themselves trannies but are just men with anime pics (fake trannies, if you will)
>gays that just want to fuck "straight guys"
>ugly trannies, or mmanly voice trannies (i hate ugly girls as well, and manly voices arent nice to listen to)
>trannies that also happen to be depressed, bpd, bi-polar, or liberals. (liberals because the average personality traits for them conflict with mine, as a libertarian american)
>if they use reddit.

i hate trannies UNLESS they could sucessfuly fool me and are willing to touch me.
no girls should try to be men that's insane that's literally insane if you want life to be harder, go to africa.

if you read betwen the lines, that post categorizes every single tranny on the planet, and about 80% of its women too.

Fucking avatarfagging attention seeking cunt. Kill yourself.

Yeah no fucking wonder you guys don't get laid/gfs. Unironically hating on innocent qt trannies, wtf is wrong with you fucking sub-humans. I bet you hate black people too, lol
T. a normal guy

80? try 100%... of people... someone touch me.. i just wanna cuddle..... with something soft though no dirty washboard uggo's

i want to fucking kill a tranny rn

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No, I do not hate trannies. As a non-THOT female, average as I may be, you are still no competition.

But whatever. I have only ever met one real tranny. She/he reeked to high heaven.

If only they were this cute...

Welcome to /U/ (On The Discord App)

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A server with...
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Post what you want Mods don't give a shit. TEbN

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I don't hate trannies, i just think they're disgusting degenerates

Yes I really do hate trannies. If I was rich I would buy politician's votes in order to outlaw transgender people in the United States.

Your rides over trannie. Time to die

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END OT WITH ANOTHER QUOTATION MARK YOU LARPING PIECE OF SHIT. your dad looks down on you for being an under-achiever, and you secretly wish he had been more outwardly abusive so you could have gotten sympathy for it

repent hon

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>trannies breed

Trannies are basically the Christians of the 2000s. Theyve never opened up an embryology text.

Remember ori

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Mind being my mommy girlfriend? Post discord. Fank u! :3

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i hate trannies but i like traps cuz i wanna fuck their ass

its ok user we all make retarded sometiem

I loathe trannies for fucking up my board, and I woupd.not be opposed to seeing you all executed in public at this point.

you have one chance to explain why you dont just filter some images and words and be on your way.

I don't hate trannies.
Do you hate roach?
No, even if you find them gross and want the world to be rid of those pests.
I think the same of trannies

I don't hate trannies, user. I hate people if they deserve to be hated. So you tell me... Are you an obnoxious unstable agenda pushing cunt that is a sad excuse of a human being or not?
Also are you cute?

Kill all fucking trannies set them on fire

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Literally from a horror movie

God I hate trannies so much

>cat ears and normal human ears
Yeah no wonder you're being hated, you're degenerates with shit taste.

They all need to hang fucking autistic retards

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Because you literal faggots invade every fucking thread, no matter how unrelated the topic to your bullshit is. You're a pestilence that needs to be burned out, quite frankly.

Put me up against a wall and shoot em

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not even other trans people like hons

Kill all delusional tranny faggots

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Back in the day, he'd get a straightjacket and 1000mg of thorazine.

Other trans people are hons

the ones who aren't hons aren't the ones posted all day on the internet

Trannies arent people

Kill them all

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Not really.
But I do hate the fascistic ideology that they usually support.

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I don't think obsessing this much over people you will never meet is healthy

I feel sorry for trannies, they are mentally ill people who are guided by the wrong ones. Instead of help they get fuel to boost their illness. Its wrong hatting them, after all, they cant think right. The doctors and psychiatrics are the ones who should get the hate.

I don't! UwU


Is this a hon?

Forgotten my pic of possible hon.

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No there actually aren't, you ignorant maggot-fucking slime. Yes, Jow Forums is all about being edgy and trashy, but in a good taste, and when it's justified. There is absolutely nothing wrong with simply being trans, if you think otherwise you're no better than an alt-right Jow Forumstard. Now fuck off back to a Jow Forums discord desu





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Of course I hate trannies I also hate niggers and jannies

put trannies in camps and burn them alive

hate how they make me want them maybe

if I could trade one year for 100000 tranny lives i'd be living 20-30 years less

this post is the best post I've seen so far ITT , godspeed user

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Whether examples really mirror a human cross section (even a ~0.2% figure implies many millions), it seems people get carried away with negative anecdotes... I mean there are trans girl successes walking the real world certainly, where light or angles do not conceal, and was something of an individual issue.

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