Can I still go to heaven if I kill myself?

Can I still go to heaven if I kill myself?

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if were talking about christianity i think its either hell or purgatory for that. But i dont know much so dont take my word for granted

ask for a shot of black when you arrive at the death counter (they'll know) and you can go right in

The trick is to find a religion that has an approved method of choosing an early exit, and rewards you for it:


Psssst heaven ain't real kiddo so you can kill yourself anytime.

When you die you move on to another life. Don't worry, you'll be fine wherever you end up.

Nobody wants to join your server tranny.

There's more to life. Don't be so hasty.

Why are you pushing this shit since the other thread?

Ask for a shot of black and you'll find out.

>Can I still go to heaven if I kill myself?

Bump for fucking what? Do you expect god to be browsing r9k and answering all your questions?

well technically he is browsing r9k, as well as literally every place in all of reality

>Bump for fucking what? Do you expect god to be browsing r9k and answering all your questions?
kinda yeah

Read There you go

God is Judge. He will look at every aspect and angle of your entire life and the choices you make and will not be judged solely on the act of suicide but it will be taken into consideration.
In my eyes though, suicide is the equivalent of murder in sin.
Best option is too live the Commandments and die of natural causes, but it's tough. They say the good die young, so I hope to be good so that I can die young.

I almost died, and let me tell ya, it aint pretty. Especially if you're a 4channer. Get right with jesus. I'm still struggling with that myself but fuck, death is so ugly man. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

No. You also can't go to heaven if you don't kill yourself.

We've all died countless times over and over again. The only difference is that I actually remember doing it. Death isn't a problem in the slightest. The real issue is the last few moments of life. That shit blows. Death is nice as fuck and I wish it could last forever. Living is such a drag, especially at the end.

Of course. Entrance into heaven is not at all conditioned upon our performance here. Even the "worst people", like Hitler and Breivik, go instantly home to the light then they die. Hitler has literally been dancing on rainbows and been beamed with lovebeams ever since he committed suicide.

Some people think that this is bad, because somehow they need to suffer. But what they fail to realize that this is just a game, a play, a video game, a role that we are playing. It does not really matter all that much when we do bad things here, because it is just a game, or a dream. Are you angry at characters in the video games you play, the movies or TV series you watch, or bad people in your dreams? No, they were just playing the role as the bad guy in order to make the experience more interesting.

And there is absolutely nothing wrong with killing yourself at all. If you do not want to be here anymore, you do not have to, and paradise is always literally available to you whenever you want it.

You are so infinitely unconditionally loved and accepted for precisely who you are that it is not even funny. We as humans can not comprehend the love that is on the other side. And nothing you will or could ever do will ever change that fact. This love is eternal, infinite, and truly unconditional.

For more information, see for instance these videos:

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>I almost died
You aren't gonna convince me without a greentext story.

Reincarnation is not real

>I actually remember doing it
You need to stop smoking those weed, man.

Goddamn, is God reading all my shitpost?

No, because you're in hell already. Your life is suffering. I'd call that hell. There is only one way out of hell and that is the purgatory, which is just as painful. But heck, you're suffering already so you might as well make something off of it.
Do you want out?

stop listening to La Dispute

It's not reincarnation, it's eternal recurrence. This life you're living right now happens over and over for all of eternity.
I haven't smoked weed in several years. It's funny, i actually started remembering this shit long after my drug phase.

Too much negative karma. You need to take out at least seven Jewish bankers or one genocide-promoting anti-white journalist to counteract the bad karma from suicide with good karma for destroying evil. Or some other equivalent amount of good karma. Saint Brenton could kill himself two or three times over and still go straight to heaven.

i'm pretty sure you can't (going by christian stuff) iirc. Don't know about other religions but I'd assume the same applies to jews.

It's possible. Don't.

Kill yourself by accident

No, do suicide by cop instead

purgatory doesn't exist in the bible, pretty sure it was made up some time in the medieval ages

This is what one NDEr say:

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