How attractive are broad shoulders in comparison to height?
Is a 5' 9" man with broad shoulders more attractive than a 6' 5" man with normal shoulders?
How attractive are broad shoulders in comparison to height?
Is a 5' 9" man with broad shoulders more attractive than a 6' 5" man with normal shoulders?
You really ask very very stupid questions.
What are you gonna do when you find out that you're not tall enought for some arbitrary bullshit shit talk by random strangers over the internet? Grow some more? Get a new set of shoulders?
I get the impression you people *want* to be depressed, so you desperately search for things you can't change and rank it somehow so you can feel bad about not being [random arbitrary "ideal" criteria]. There are so god damn many threads about people nagging about their eye color, height, dick size, color of skin or place of origin, but none of these threads deliver any sort of solution. They're just depression mills so people can find un important characteristics about themselves to hate and get some more depressed.
who cares incel just have sex
>bro just ignore you're a subhuman
Broad shoulders are EXTREMELY attractive to women. It basically signals that they can protect her, shield her and fight.
Time to measure our shoulder width, robots. 20 inches here.
What a dumb question, a 5'9" guy will nearly always be more attractive than a 6'5" guy.
girls like broad shoulders but i know a lot of narrow guys who still get pussy
It's almost as if getting pussy isn't as hard as Jow Forums says...
it's about proportions dummy. both of those men are repulsive
bideltoid? same
Depends. If you're too short and too broad you look like a dwarf. There's a ratio that's desirable. Obviously if you're 6'5 the broader the better.
Yep that's what i'm saying. I'm saying that the narrative that some people don't deserve to procreate due to arbitrary characteristics listed by strangers over the internet is the most retarded shit i've read in years.
The real world doesn't work like that, otherwise the global population would collapse if only giga chads would be able to breed - and guess what - it's not happening.
So what remains if there is no real world application for those posts? Some incredibly malicous people wanting to make others miserable. That's it. You and whoever else posts these threads just want to make others depressed and potentially kill themselves because... My best guess is that you guys have a screw or two loose and this is your "payback" to the world.
I don't support it because you're being an evil little shit.
you can keep burying your head in the sand if you want. birth rates are dropping for everyone other than brownies, and pic related is happening and it's getting worse every year. women are getting pickier and pickier.
>women are getting pickier
And so are men.
nope, ugly women still get messages on tinder.
So do ugly men.
hahahah what level of delusion are you living in
Do you actually believe this? Ugly men aren't getting shit from tinder
Hivemind defense force.
i truly wish i can live in your delusional reality
Where are you getting this from? Incel forums? Anyone can get laid off tinder. Including ugly guys.
dude i know right ugly guys are swimming in pussy
23" Chad thundershoulders reporting in.
His head looks too small for his body lol
lmao jesus christ mate stop
broad shoulders = small penis
Broad shoulders aren't attractive, it breaks the symmetry of the body.
average shoulders>>>>>
Hnnnnng. Post pic.
hard to pin down like that. in that pic left is obv more attractive. i'm 6'4" lanklet and have 21 inch shoulders so def below what it should be at my height but ive always gotten attention from women
Dude TONS of ugly guys on ig get good pussy. You just have to be a good feminist boy with to get qt3.14 hivemind college gf's, I see it time and time again.
post your original dick first
>you can keep burying your head in the sand if you want. birth rates are dropping for everyone other than brownies, and pic related is happening and it's getting worse every year. women are getting pickier and pickier.
lmao cope. more for me then faggot. thanks to people that possess your line of reasoning, my life is tutorial mode now. it's funny watching some of you complain about not getting any while you sit here and cry on a forum about it. meanwhile, all most of us have to do is just exist in public because people like you choose to take some imaginary high road because a woman saw a dick once that wasn't yours.
How often do you think those guys get cheated on
Is this the new tranny copypasta?
tl;dr but seems like it
and then they end up on mgtow
It's hard if you have serious social afflictions.
>implying they give a shit when they have a hot girl