Why do men want hopeless girls? Are they just lying? I think they are...

Why do men want hopeless girls? Are they just lying? I think they are. No one actually wants a burden even if it seems "cute" at first.

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Because I like to help them, seeing them becoming someone that they never expect themselves to be is a rewarding thing to me.

I do, I want to take care of a fembot and cuddle her for hours and hug her from behind and make sure she's safe. I wish I had someone.

Because being unable to fit in with the modern world is always a good sign. That being said, no one wants a tranner.

guys who say that don't know what they want because they haven't had anything. They're not exactly lying, they're just naive and ignorant.

And when she becomes someone, is she no longer attractive to you? Or how does this work?

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Last thread got deleted before I could post

>Because I was a kid with no worries
Yeah, I see what you mean. I wish I could get this innocence back. But as long as it's still a good memory that's the principal. Life is all about making memories
>you're French right?
Actually no. Je suis canadien. But I've been to Paris too and couldn't make it up the Eiffel tower either haha. Those lines are insane

one of the primal male instincts is to care for his partner and family, something to do with that and if you're basing that opinion on the people here, because we are all lonely men in need of something

I don't want some super popular sociable girl with 500+ facebook friends who's glued to their phone and constantly giggly. I'd rather have a girl who sees the world for the shithole it is.

> no longer attractive
thats wrong, i just want to care for someone and they care for me back, they getting better would make me scared that they'll leave me for someone better

no, once she becomes confident she finds someone better.

this is the naivety i was talking about. You want someone and it's a selfish reason, but the hopeless girl is going to require so much from you that the selfishness that got you into the relationship is going to push you away.

Not saying selfishness is bad, it's just you don't understand yourself and will end up wasting your time and making promises that you can't keep.

Sharing your misery with someone who understands makes sense.
That's pretty sad, user. Don't abuse yourself like that. You have more worth than this.
I think you're onto something. I think I'd just be a burden to all those people who think mental issues are cute.

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The only gf i've ever had was hopeless as hell... when i found out how bad she was feeling it just filled me with determination to help her... it ended up with me fucking up and us just ghosting each other... but man, i wish i could've fucking helped... idk why u asked this, but if it is because you're hopeless yourself, it does not mean you're a burden... it means you could use a hand... and, who knows, a sweetheart could be just the right person for that... hope i helped OP

Because men like to feel important and needed, especially when it comes to relationships. Its the same reason why men prefer to be the breadwinner. A hopeless gf will be more dependent on her man which in turn will make her less likely to leave him, making the man feel more secure in his relationship with her.

I can keep the promises, I just want someone to love and help who wont break my heart.

> I think I'd just be a burden to all those people who think mental issues are cute.

yeah nobody really thinks mental issues are cute, they just project that because they don't actually know what it's like living with someone like that. If you have a chance at all, it's that someone likes you despite your issues, not because of them.

I have a good job and insurance I have noone, why is it naive to think I couldn't take care of a fembot?

Savior complex is common in men
There are also some who have the urge to dominate an easy victim

>There are also some who have the urge to dominate an easy victim
im not saying i have that problem but im saying i would sodomize every single weak cute feminine boi on this board

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Exactement. Like France but.. way colder in the winter. You're Swedish aren't you? So you must know all about freezing temperatures too

Based and good taste pilled

until their mental issues result in an extended period where they aren't giving you the affection you want, or they're not equipped to deal with a particular rough patch of yours, or any other situation where you go to lean on them and they tumble over. Then you say to yourself "gotta be patient with my mentally ill gf", but the seed of resentment is planted, and you start to notice how much you do for her and how little she does for you, and the resentment grows, you become more and more passive, and pretty soon you're just roommates, or you're smart, cut your losses and break your promise, accept that you were naive, and move on.

How did you fuck up? Maybe it was her and not you?
Is that really it? Seems very manipulative. I hope there's more to it.
Exactly. They're super nice and supportive at first, but it gets frustrating and they lash out at you in the end. Not saying women can't be like that too. My schizo relative was dumped by his girlfriend after having a very bad breakdown.

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I can't stand a broke bitch.

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that's because you're fucking poor lmao

I don't expect anything in return, I just want someone to be happy and to give them everything, you don't understand what its like to feel this way

how many fucking threads do you need to make fucking avatar fag.

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it's naive because you're doing it for selfish reasons and she's going to ask more of you than you expect.

What happens when she's living in your house, eating your food, using your electricity and bandwidth, and you want to have sex with her and she doesn't. Are you going to use the roof you put over her head as leverage? Are you going to kick her out? Are you capable of having no resentment when she regularly uses her mental illness as a reason to not contribute anything to your arrangement but the occasional obligation fuck?

Do you really want your own personal mental patient to care for during your off time from work?

I always thought the idea of a northern French-speaking country was pretty aesthetic. I imagine all of Quebec is very pretty. That castle/hotel in Quebec city comes to mind. I'm actually in Norway.
Is your gf strong and independent and can change her own oil? I assume she's also a wagie?
Until my proxy expires. I wouldn't need that many if jannies weren't so mean.

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I do, and I have, and it's naive. It doesn't make you feel better in the long term, and you'll discover that the desire you mention is something you want for yourself, and giving it to someone is payment for that.

Welp... i guess everybody has their inner demons... so i tried seeking some help from her as well... but i think that was too much for her, and i think she started seeing me as the psycho i am and had enough of me being aggressive towards myself and of my depression that blocked me inside playing vidya and doing boring shit all day... she was a fragile one, and i think my inner demons consumed her... should've kept my mouth shut when i could

thought the same at a point in my life, but nowadays i run when a women starts to tell me about her problems. i'm sick of listening to problems.

your girlfriend is not your therapist, you are not your girlfriend's therapist. why is that not common knowledge? Go get a therapist, and work through your issues with them so you don't have to scare away girls with psycho shit.

why dont you turn into a tripfag? you wont need proxies and the thread wont get cut off mid way

They want women OP, ones with vaginas. Noone wants a mentally ill tranny like you, that is not special in the slightest.

I don't want to have sex with her, I just want someone who will cuddle with me.
What you're describing is that I'd want to rape a mental patient by forcing them in my own house. I just want to love a fembot and cuddle and take care of them, not rape her.

I tried namefagging once. Didn't like it. I was an avatarfag from the very beginning and I will die an avatarfag. I won't let the jannies intimidate me.
Seems like you need help as much as she does.

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Also, I do want to take care of a fembot after work, I'd want to make dinner and just make her feel better by taking care of her like this.

I only want a hopeless girl if she has big tiddy and will let me cum inside her whenever I want

>I always thought the idea of a northern French-speaking country was pretty aesthetic.
If you compare it to France it looks a lot like Alsace on the border of Germany
>I imagine all of Quebec is very pretty. That castle/hotel in Quebec city comes to mind
Oui, tu parles du Chateau Frontenac. It's pretty much the heart of Quebec city. But I almost never went inside it even though I live next to it haha

you are very cruel, aiste

Welp my friend, i have a therapyst, and i talk to him, take my pills, and do whatever i need to... she said she wanted to know the truth about why i was so sad... we didn't have therapy sessions and shit like that with each other, we just shared problems and advice about said problems... i guess my problems were too much of a disaster

Nah i have my therapist and meh... i'll be fine, and even if i won't... whatever... who even cares... i just want to help others, then they can throw me away if they're better... cuz they always do

yeah, and i'd expect that from you. Maybe you just cuddle for a while. Maybe she initiates sex the first time. I know you user, you're not going to turn down that sex. Then you're going to have a little bit of sex for a while, it'll become normal, then she's not going to want to have it, you're going to argue about it. You're going to forget that sex wasn't on the table to begin with. You're going to get tired of taking care of someone and not being taken care of in return, and you're going to feel entitled to sex because "what else does she do to pull her own weight?"

This non threatening, fully selfless thing you're trying to project isn't real. You may convince yourself it is successfully, but it's just you unconsciously adapting. For whatever reason, you can't attract a normal woman the standard way, so you're trying to be a safe house to vulnerable women who are afraid of dangerous men, without realizing that makes you dangerous, because you don't understand the man underneath that non-threatening disguise.

user, what's your opinion on French punk rock? haha
>tfw no French punk rocker bf who hates psych wards
How come?

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If they dont want normies that means they dont want normies, im sorry

>user, what's your opinion on French punk rock? haha
I never really listened to it desu so I don't know much. But I'll check this out when I'm back from my cuck wage job and tell you about it in another thread

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>you're going to argue about it
Again, you're implying that I'm going to rape a mental patient.
user, I couldnt even yell at my own family when I loved with them, I just took it. I'm an isolated, former NEET who has no friends and finds it hard to relate to people who dont know how bad said NEETdom fucks you up.
I have nobody who truly wants to talk to me, and I can't manipulate my cat into accepting the new litterbox, let alone manipulating someone who I want to take care of into having sex with me.
I just want a friend who I can feel like Im not a fucking alien with. I understand how it feels, to be isolated and fucked up for years. I'm better now, but halfway functioning isn't really functioning.
Keep calling me a rapist if it makes you feel better, I know that I'm alone and that I wouldn't care if I'm technically being taken advantage of them, I just want to help someone I can relate to.

the whole concept of "normies" is a cope, and making distinctions like that is a reliable way to limit your available options and stagnate.

The people who claim to want a mentally ill partner have never had a partner. They're pretty much begging for their first romantic experience to be a miserable disaster

I've had two girlfriends, both of which ended up cheating on me, I'm used to it.

then get a friend, why does it have to be a female, and why does there have to be dependency?

Which is it? Do you want to take care of someone helpless, or do you want a friend who understands you that you can be yourself around? Those are two very different things.

When someone talks about normies it usually means they have completely different upbringings and lives, the differences are like night and day; I don't think the people that ended up here, instead of following whatever goals they had before they started hanging out daily in the cyberspace have a lot in common with turbonormies that were probably planned and raised properly, that will never think about spending their lives with a bunch of losers in the internet. Of course they will have a lot more in common with the average fembot, that includes their positive and negative traits

There doesn't have to be any dependency, and they dont have to be female.

>Do you want to take care of someone helpless, or do you want a friend that you can be yourself around
I want both, I just want a fucking hug or cuddles with someone, I dont care if its a guy or a girl. If I can take care of them when they need help I hope I could help them.

okay, well now you're out of the range of what this thread was about. it's normal to want to help folks out, and want friendship and affection. This thread was about wanting a girl who is totally hopeless and will depend on you.

Good luck finding someone. Be careful with people who are too dependent on you, who can't help you in return.

Malebot here. Some do, some don't. Such is life.

Malebot here. This can happen sometimes.

get the fuck out you absolute normalfaggot, there is no such thing as a fembot so you dont have to specify your gender

Its not out of the scope at all, because if it happened that someone needed help and there was a dependency, I would help them help themselves, but I am patient.
No one is totally hopeless, the state can help them, doctors and insurance can help them, its just an embarassing dehumanizing bureaucratic nightmare, that I've also gone through.

Why keep implying that I'm a rapist manipulator? Yeah, as far as the subject of this thread, I would take care of someone like that, but I wouldn't rape them. Why is it wrong to relate to someone else?

You have a very straightforward outlook on life. I'm starting to appreciate it a bit more.

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maybe you wouldn't go that far, but i absolutely don't believe that you wouldn't become a resentful asshole after being taken advantage of like that.