He is over 25

>he is over 25
>he plays videogames
>he watches anime
>he doesn't have a family, a car and a full time job
This is the reason why the West is in the state that it is

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>This is the reason why the West is in the state that it is
What state? Being better than literally anywhere else in the world?

>he allows the jew to operate with impunity

I'm severely mentally ill, doubt I will ever get a good enough job for all that shit I don't need

fuck off baiting shill

Here's your (You), normigger. Take it and get outta here.

>slaving your life away to be able to afford a life that will be swept up from under you the second your roastie wife is tired of you


Tall fit athletic well adjusted Chad could mogg these pathetic numales into next week and he does regularly.

Feminism and jews are actually. A workers strike is good for this no-fun-allowed capitalistically corrupt and backwards society.

If he doesn't NEED any of that,why should you care? In MY opinion,what is destroying society is self righteous busybodies minding other people's business.

that's one of the many reasons i will never get married

this is simply the effect. When you actively try to feminize a country such shit subcultures which you've depicted will arise.

If you asked robots if they wanted more a weebcave or a fulfilling life they would choose the weebcave

Name one (1) other option for us in joke of a world.

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Communism (really)

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imagine thinking communism could work .

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I play videogames (don't watch anime) because I work full time and need shit to distract myself from my failed normalfag existence.

>Posts le Ghernobyl meme
This man is obviously ill

yes, get a job and a car
yes pay taxes to fund endless wars
yes pay taxes to fund endless propaganda to get people to hate you
yes pay taxes to give financial aid to countries half way across the world
yes pay all your taxes for your entire life just for the state to spend in a blink of an eye on raises for bureaucrats in some unwanted, unneeded government department
good job user!

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this user is delusional, take him to the infirmary.

>>he is over 25
>>he plays videogames
>>he watches anime
>>he doesn't have a family, a car and a full time job
>This is the reason why the West is in the state that it is
yeah, men is to blame
not like all this came at the same time with women's equality and mass immigration and political correctness
oh wait...

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>world almost universally going to shit
I'll continue enjoying life and watching society and the world burn thanks.

>actually giving a shit
go full escapist my nigga, the jew can't jew you if you reject his reality

>implying it isn't just a response to women and Jews destroying the West

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>don't ask questions just consume product >and then get excited for next products

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>consuming the electric jew at any age

>muh west
This is happening everywhere nigga.

because the standard of living in the west is so high there is nothing worth working hard for
you can live a comfortable lifestyle without even trying

what's beyond that? accumulating more trinkets?

go live in a fucking mud hut in africa if you want to struggle

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Neocon boomers must be taken care of before the kikes at this point

>he is any age
>he lives a life so comfortable kings and queens in past generations couldn't even imagine and most of the current populace will never be near
Man, what a terrible state to be in.

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