It's time to bring back the USSR.
It's time to bring back the USSR
Sounds homosexual dog
lol I already made a commie thread but didn't see one existed
10000,00000,000000 dead poles, ukranians, lithuanians, germans and american capitalists
a quadrazillion dead! when will gommunists learn.
Defend the headquarters of the revolution comrade. Anti-imperialism is a way of life
Post your favourite songs guys!
I joined the workers party already comrade. If the time arises we will defend our rights.
my comment is very origional
this and always this:
A classic indeed.
I prefer this version :
But this song is so awesome anyway.
juche gang o7
Best Korea is also based.
I prefer this one though.
1st world commies are so retarded, also most of you are either faggots or trannies
Begone reactionary filth
>build one tractor in 29
>build two in 33
cringe and fuck off to pol or stay at your tranny discord
Outproducing shartmerica, the supposed industrial capital of the world
How do communists deal with the fact that the only way to make a sufficiently large industrialized population communist is through the guiding hand of the state but the immense power vested in this guiding hand creates an alternate class of stately individuals thereby creating a divide with immense weight? Furthermore, how does one rectify communism's egalitarian principles with the aforementioned and with the fact that people are naturally different and will be perceived differently based on something as seemingly banal as looks?
>no sources
Either way, stamping out T34s by the thousands (with US money no less) when they need five of them to bring down one German one isn't exactly a grand achievement, tovarish.
Most non-tankies would probably say that you don't need direct state control if the workplace is sufficiently democratized or something like that. Tankies would probably say "so what comrade, it's still less inequality than before!". As for the second point, you can't expect complete equality (doubtful if it's even desirable to begin with) unless you're going for some Sci-Fi clone army scenario, but even so you can try to fight some forms of inequality.
Do you have any more unsourced pictures from Jow Forums bro
Am I a good boi?
>cant refute a point
>tries to switch topics
always the same with you commshits
Sure I do paI
Too centrist, you go to gulag!
It's hard to argue with wehraboo retards and their delusional view of the wehrmacht
The 5:1 thing is a total meme and cold war propaganda to diminish the fact the USSR beat the nazis
O-ok thank you Sir I tried my best atleast.
>you don't need direct state control if the workplace is sufficiently democratized or something like that
Hm. Further work should be done to try and adapt this to modernity. A major problem with the communist ideology is that it becomes logistically improbable to implement past a certain population threshold and very little work has been done to attempt to theorize how a global communist regime would play out.
>doubtful if it's even desirable to begin with
Analysis show that it largely isn't, and I think that's one thing that a lot of modern communists fail to comprehend. If you institutionalize egalitarianism, you would have to snuff out humanity's natural propensity towards meritocratic reward systems in order to limit social disruption. A massive problem in the west is that the plebs (proletariat I presume one would say) that typically support communism believe it to be something that generates egalitarianism yet fail to see that egalitarianism is not compatible with the generation of sociocultural phenomena; at the very least, it is not compatible with societal contentment in the face of an individual in an egalitarian society who produces "great" works.
It is obvious that capitalism, especially of the neoliberal variety, cannot exist and maximize aggregate human potential without oversight. It is dually obvious that the Kantian liberal democracy/republic is not advisable if one cannot guarantee 100% rationally self interested education with a conceptualization of larger societal structures. Both are a disaster, but is communism the desired alternative for industrialized, educated societies?
is always white middle class first world males roleplaying as communist, why is it?
Will there be less genocide and Russian imperialism this time?
Leftism is mainly driven by "feelings of inferiority" - low self-esteem, feeling powerless, depression, guilt, self-hate.
Hypersensitivity to [trigger words] (ethnicity, gender, disability, culture) is motivated by feelings of inferiority.
Political correctness comes from a white, privileged academic elite, not the "oppressed".
Many leftists unconsciously view "oppressed" groups as "inferior". They identify with that inferiority.
Feminists secretly fear that men are more strong and capable.
Leftists hate the West because it appears strong, good, and successful. They condemn western militarism, imperialism, and racism, but excuse these in socialist countries or "primitive cultures".
They reject individualism (self-reliance, initiative, optimism). They want collectivism to care for them because they doubt their own abilities. They fear competition because they feel like losers.
Leftist intellectuals prefer sordid, desperate, or hedonist art.
They argue for cultural relativity. They attack objective reality, science, and reason, because of hostility driven by feeling inferior. They reject reject scientific truth and biological bases for human behavior.
Leftists can only feel strong as members of a mass movement because they deeply feel inferior.
They feel self-hate. This explains their masochistic tactics, such as lying down in front of vehicles, and provoking police.
Their motives are hostility and power - not compassion or moral principle. That's why they engage in hostile, counter-productive confrontations.
If society had no social problems, leftists would invent them.
16,000,000 to 8,000,000
Still meat grinder tactic
>the fact the USSR beat the nazis
You have to be very delusional to believe that only the USSR beat NG.
>meat grinder tactic
You don't know shit about military history if you think 2:1 is something unusual, especially considering all the huge advantages the germans had.
>You have to be very delusional to believe that only the USSR beat NG.
It was 90% the USSR. Could have been 100% but would have taken longer.
They're typically educated enough to see that wealth generated in a capitalistic liberal democracy concentrates at the top and is not distributed in accordance with what economic models suggest. That being said, they are typically not educated enough to realize egalitarian redistributionism based on every member of society being perceived as equal does not account for sociocultural phenomena generation and creates societal discontentment in the face of it
In reality, USSR and Nazi germany were pitted against each other by American capitalists. The nazi war machine would not have been able to theorize the invasion of the USSR without, for example, the tetraethyl lead and synthetic rubber provided by state supervised american companies. Likewise, the USSR would not have been able to produce at their industrial capacity had the US not provided them with MASSIVE quantities of wealth and weapons. What a coincidence
Well I agree with the notion that the americans and brits wanted the soviet union and nazi germany to fight. I mean they literally said it. Stalin also tried to make a pact with the brits and french in 39 and they refused.
degenerate commie scum.
Annnnnd they starved to death