Anyone here actually deformed, not just a whiny incel?

Anyone here actually deformed, not just a whiny incel?

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i have a skin condition called cutis verticis gyrata that basically makes my scalp look like the surface of a brain
you cant see it because of my hair but it slowly gets worse every year and the hair is starting to fall out on top of the ridges

I'm just fat and have 0 motivation to change

kind of, my hip is crooked. you cant really tell but i cant run or walk for too long, i run out of breath really fast because of it.

i have a shit posture, scoliosis, pectus excavatum (sunken in chest) and skelly body so i guess im deformed.

I have vitiligo and my face is horribly asymmetrical and my teeth are extremely crooked with narrow palate, so yes, im deformed

>extremely long neck like that cod gamestop black kid
>abnormal baldspots from picking disorder
>patchy facial hair
>lopsided face that makes it look like i had a stroke

>wonky eye I can barely see out of
>crooked teeth
>jew / shitalian nose
>weird head tilt I'm trying to compensate for
Sometimes I feel like a defective human. Could've been good, but something went wrong at the factory. Oh well, we'll just throw that one away.

I met someone with this he shaved his hair and came in next day I was in tears laughing at his hair cut till I found out what it was felt bad

so you're basically brainjak?

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I'm not deformed by birth but I got some pretty ugly scars on my back.

my face is hideously asymmetrical too. I hate having my picture taken and can't hide it. a dentist told me it was because I never got braces as a kid. I dont think i'll ever forgive my mom.

yes im 5'6


That's the perfect height to be a bottom if you ever want to get laid

That's really weak weak bait

these days being a manlet should make you a legally disabled person, don't even try to argue with that

I have an 11 inch penis. I am ashamed of it on a daily basis.

I have a wonky eye thanks to a cycling accident I had as a kid

Idk if I was dropped as a baby or born that way but my lower jaw is quite asymmetrical and one side of my teeth point slightly inwards. This causes my face to be a bit asymmetrical and also causes me issues with my temporomandibular joint.

my chest and ribs are dented to the point where its actually a bit painful to have a deep inhale

Studies show short guys get the most women, numbnut.

You better source that bullshit

I have a lazy eye, not really that noticeable but I'm scared of looking people into the eyes. Since when they notice they treat me like a retard o lose any interest on me. I had a gf of 4 years tho, we broke up 6 months ago and now trying to find new girls attractive to me is kinda impossible. I'm also 26 with a baby face :pensive:

LMAO at all the whiny bullshitters ITT pretending that their asymmetrical ugly faces are equivalent to a disability. Ask yourself this: would you rather have your current appearance, or look like pic related?

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My asymmetry is basically a dentofacial deformity. Right side of face curves like a c, right side of teeth lower than left, jaw sticks out more, right side of lip droops eye lower and smaller, nose bends like a c as well, huge smile line on right side, eye socket droops right side, i looked real fucked up user. My jaw constantly aches and my mouth, lips and tongue are constantly uncomfortable and face is constantly strained. Also constant mentalis strain