Multiculturalism doesnt work

Ive realized that each race needs their own communities to be mentally stable, without community emotional growth is not possible. Its why whites today are so low empathy, they have none to spare from living in un-nurturing environments.

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I will say multiculturalism is good for at least one thing - having an universal language to communicate with different races.

B-but, the ethnic food!

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I will narrow this issue down to males, women are naturally high empathy and white women are exempt from this critique. But white males are lost this age, wandering aimlessly begging and squabbling. They dont have a community to lay root.

It's also why white males are idiots for being misogynist, for giving up on white women. White women are the only women that can give white males the needed emotional support they need. There are exceptions, I am generally speaking.

100% the other way around.

Where I live there are 0 blacks, and any balding 5/10 of any race can get a white girl as long as he isn't a fucking white guy.

I don't care what you've "realized" gamer. Multicultural societies have been shown to be more productive and innovative than those who decide to be isolationist. It's a common for world powers to have multicultural societies because they are in a sense the center of the world. It's were trade and business happens, and why many students flock to the US, France and Germany. If you're saying multiculturalism is bad because there are refugees trying to escape their war torn states you're a fucking idiot.

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you are parasites, tapping into multiculturalism for short term profit, leaving the host unsustainable and rotting from the inside out.

Stop using metaphors and say something dumb fuck

i dont need to, ive said plenty and we both know whats happening. multuralism is a sell out for short term profit.

No I don't know what you think is happening, and no diversity has shown to be a long term profit for the US. Most people aren't fighting each other like in your animes or whatever you watch. It's only the selected few who are stuck in the stone age that find the need to kill people who don't look the same.

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Stop being 14 and a fucking retard.

Ah you do admit its pushed for profit! you fool hahaha

Multiculturalism will save the planet from the awful mismanagement the white male gave to its resources

meme all you want, multiculturalism is purely for profit, selling out the health of the host nation for short term profit.

Ok how about this:

Whether you like it or not neoliberalism has been institutionalized and remains institutionalized despite the 2008 financial crisis. The difference is that, now, we no longer hear about how good it is and how trade aggregately benefits society (which is false). You have done absolutely no research on this and your ignorance is showing immensely. Let's take a closer look.

Multiculturalism is merely a tool of the economic elite and globalization/multiculturalism/cosmopolitanism, and the acceptance and promoting thereof, are the tools used to facilitate neoliberal agendas. Neoliberal economic policies include a strong belief in the following: supply side economic, deregulation, privatization, and monetarism. These very policies are used to funnel wealth into the economic elites' pockets and the tools they use to do that are globalization and multiculturalism. It is no coincidence that the advent of neoliberalism coincided with the breakup of unions and the driving down of the price of labor and, while prices have inflated at a normal rate, wages have stayed the same. This is because of, among a few other things, cheap immigrant labor. Unsurprived globalization and multiculturalism based policies allow for the influx of cheap labor into deregulated and privatized markets which facilitates an exponential decline in indigenous bargaining power.

You mention how trade aggregately benefits society but this is markedly false. The Ricardian model stipulates that trade benefits absolutely precisely because it does not affect income distribution; economists have proven this is flase. Deregulation based trade policies benefit the factor that is specific to the export competing sector but annihilate the factor that is specific to the import competing sector with ambiguous effects on the mobile sector.

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Ideally, because people are gaining at the expense of their fellow countrymen, they should be required to compensate those who lose to achieve economic equilibrium. This, however, doesn't happen because multiculturalist policies, on top of driving down the price of labour, drive down the power of votes. A constant influx of new minority groups dishevel the voting weight of the indigenous population and make it so that parties can effectively divide and disorient their voting population by pushing trivial issues. If you haven't noticed, races don't get along. Minorities will never forget how they've been supposedly oppressed by all white people and white people will never go quietly into the night and give up their spot on top. Races are inherently conflictual in capitalist, liberal democracies because their are in direct competition to decide policies based on their respective population growth. This leads to massive societal instability and issues being ignored (ie how we cannot vote on things like economics, immigration, etc)...

Furthermore, multiculturalism and immigration make it so that domestic direct investment in improving infrastructure is not needed. One has the ability to educate and bring in intellectuals from abroad and doesn't need to improve education, healthcare, and so on because they will have a never ending supply of skilled labour. This, in essence, builds your economic prosperity on a foundation of glass and completely removes the developing country's ability to competing in a service economy based 1st world market. You are dooming both parties.

A monoethinic society, research shows, is conducive to building a culture of trust (Japan, Germany, etc...) and a culture of trust, as coined by Sztompka, is something that absolutely increases the aggregate welfare of a country by boosting acceptance of socialist policies, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

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TLDR: you're a brainlet being used by the very neoliberal conservatives you hate and you're being tricked and having your altruistic ego fellated into promoting multiculturalism for vague reasons when, in reality, all it does it drive down the price of labour and decrease your voting power.

At the very most I expect you won't adequately internalize this readily acceptable and valid information and at the very least I expect you wont even read it. Just know you're a brainlet pseudointellectual mouth breathing degenerate and you are shooting yourself in the foot by being such an unbelievably incompetent retard

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hmm. all this and you could have just said that demcrats are corporate and UN pawns and sellouts preaching kumbahya.

they wanted someone to say something and I said something

true. nicely said

This. These neonazi wannabe types think they sound so intelligent when they try to speak all "cryptic" and make cliche metaphors.

typical dem stooge "comeback". multiculturalism benefits no one except the corporations and the UN.

please see this for objective, fact based analysis

this is true

these are also true

>and any balding 5/10 of any race can get a white girl as long as he isn't a fucking white guy.

You actually don't have ANY proof, but denying the white elefant in the room. Jow Forumstards are pathetic.

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>tfw not a single combative reply to my posts

If you gonna talk about nations being productive, you must do it with long-term view in mind. Not few years, not one decade. You are doing it and thus proving what a fucking retard you are. For factual evaluation of these values, one should look at today USA and compare it with the 50s USA. Today China and compare it to China 50-60 years ago. France 50 years ago and France today and so on.

USA is statistically worse at everything, from production, economic self-sufficiency to the average happiness. Only thing better is anti-depressants use, yeah, that went up. China is statistically better at everything. France is way worse at everything as well, nevermind the fact that native French are being quickly replaced and if this state keeps up, there will be no French left in a few decades. You may say this is a result of changing power-distribution in the world - no, that is not true, as this can be said about small countries like Sweden or any western European country as well. And this is not only an issue of the white countries, same process can be seen all around the world, when multiculturalism happened. I would really like that Star Trek multicultural scifi utopia too, nigger, but that is not how it works.

tl;dr exactly the opposite is true.

>refugees trying to escape their war torn states you're a fucking idiot.
Most of them are not escaping anything but low gibs. Most of the "refugees" are not from war-stricken countries. Total bulk of them are economic immigrants. Stop with this idiotic meme.