Wagecuck General

Like the names says, talk about stories from work (good or bad) or ask for/give advice to other robots or just vent.
I'll start it off

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First day on the job and I completely broke a computer in the office beyond repair

I work at a gas station nuff said

What's so bad about working at a gas station?

How the fuck do i get a job? Sent over 50 applications already. From schools, to warehouses, supermarkets and shitty Mcjobs. Fuck these greedy asshole managers. They'd rather hire a nigger that has 3 months experience on a cash register but was fired because he stole from that said register, than someone that just needs a little training.

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>work at the USPS
>10-12 hour shifts
>6 days a week
>have to wait a year+ until I get converted to regular
>only then will I get the good benefits, and regular 8 hour shifts
>literal slave tier until then
I'm only 4 months in, Idk if I can last that long...

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What do you do for them? I'd be willing to take your job since I am not doing anything all day anyways. Also how's the pay?

Aside from ringing up hundreds of items a day,and cleaning a few bathrooms nothing

Are you a CCA?
The post office is always hiring literally anyone and you will quit like everyone else

They have no openings bruv. I live in a small town so all the post office jobs are really chill and sought after for.

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How far away are other town? No shit you aren't going to find a job if you expect to get something in walking distance

$16/hr, I make around $1700-$1800 bi-weekly but I'm also slaving an average of 55-60 hours a week...
I sweep mail, that drops in sacks all day, either that or I load it on the belt. It's kind of hard to explain but it's physical af.
Nope, MHA

I have a car nigga. Other towns aren't that far(10 min) but they have their own post offices. They're in the same situation mine is in.

Ah, I'm an RCA dunno what you guys do but are you the assholes who fuck up my DPS?

9 months/6 days a week/48h
give me more coping method as i'm running out of it. i already lift, i use caffeine pills and now dimenhydrinate.
any other easy to hide drugs/no prescription?

People work far too much, I wish the powers that be would give them a break.

The sad part is that it isn't by choice. If I had heavenly power I would grant you your wish, I can guarantee that it would make the world a better place.

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Drugs should be a last resort, try some to her (meme) hobbies to take your mind off the real world, like painting or writing. Or if you have the space you can build simple lawn furniture. Start it off as a Hobbie and if your good enough you can get income off of it.

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Not sure what DPS is. Well I work at the plant, which is I guess is the main hub for all the mail that gets sent to the offices for RCAs/CCAs etc. MHAs do different shit depending on what part of the plant you're in, but its mainly just moving and sorting the mail where its supposed to go whether it be to the docks for the truck drivers, or just to various parts of the plants. Sounds way more simple than it is.
So many fucking heavy as packages...especially since they started picking up amazon packages too. I could honestly deal with the overtime if they gave us 2 days off though. One day is nothing. I wake up and half the day is gone, and I barely have time to enjoy the rest because I have errands to do. At least you get to drive in a comfy car all day, and you get a set hour route

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>wagecuck in a fast food kitchen
>bullshit with the lads about all the cunny that walks through the door
>practice flirting with the latina coworkers
>mom and pop place so faggots can't complain to corporate when their shitty attitudes are thrown back at them
>the easiest dollar ever earned
Only problem is it's too comfy to motivate self-improvement.

>painting or writing
sorry man, back when i was a neet i tried drawing but it just seems impossible.
i'm only looking for drugs that can be purchased on a drugstore without prescription and get you high.

Depends how far are you getting? Are you at least landing interviews?

>bullshit with the lads about all the cunny that walks through the door
Are you working with legit pedophiles? Other than that, that job sounds pretty good.
=( godspeed my friend.

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I've landed one, but I JUST got an email saying how the position went to someone else. I didn't think it would be this hard getting minimum wage jobs without experience....

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>doing yarkwork
>some married woman is watching me with a beer on her lawn chair while I work
>I take my shirt off
>she offers to put fucking sun screen on me and is rubbing my biceps, chest and abs
>I'm 18
>her husband is inside
>I offer to be her personal trainer
>(she was complimenting my muscles)
>get her number
>fuck her, don't even work out, we both knew what we planned on doing without discussing it
>husband gets home while we are fucking for the third time
>he doesnt catch us in the act but he knows
>I get fired from company

And they're still together because the guy is a pathetic limp dicked christian 40-50 year old boomer

How do you explain this to an interviewer? Also was she atleast hot?

Started off here as an "assistant teacher" for $8 an hour, after working here a year get promoted to "senior assistant teacher" (which is total bullshit btw, there are no other assistants in my classroom nor do I have authority over anyone) and a payraise to $9 an hour.

I checked a job listing site, found this place, their starting pay is $9.25 to $11

good thing I'm planning to quit anyway, this place sucks

I just say I quit the job. It's never been a proble
Yeah she was hot, early 30s blonde. Desperate because she married a rich limp dick fat boomer

How did you get that job? I applied to be an assistant teacher(no experience required). It's the job I want the most out of all the ones I applied for. Also how is it?

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For me personally, I had to clean the bathrooms, sometimes stock the cooler, take out trash while watching out for customers in case they pull in and want to get gas or snacks, and mop the store and if someone came in, you would have to stop and watch out for them.

The worst part about it was my boss for the last 5 out 6 months there and she just had a shitty attitude because she herself decided to hire some dumbasses which previously worked for her so I don't know why she hired them back given their prior history there. We were also understaffed a lot of nights because management was too cheap to put more workers on evening shifts and I always hated that, especially when I was in the kitchen (It was also a pizzeria) and customers were assholes sometimes and I would be overwhelmed with orders and sometimes would not get a break although that only happened here and there.

Did someone order say... extra thicc?!?

Yep!!! I'd say so.

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>she herself decided to hire some dumbasses which previously worked for her
Fucking this, fuck you managers. You'd rather not spend alittle time training a new guy so you hire some bottom barrel retards who don't require training.

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Had a job doing basic bitch data entry for a good wage for the area, full time with benefits. Quit without warning a few days ago lol the NEET life isn't great but it's better than working holy shit.
I need to find a way to make money without wanting to kill myself. Maybe I'll rob houses.

I too applied with no experience, you should have no problem getting the job if you applied to be an assistant. The job itself is not terrible, can be fun at times, and isn't too hard (unless you work at my center, what an actual mess of a place)

I've been working at this store for half a decade. I just don't know how to change my life. The only times I take action are when someone holds my hand through it or when I have no other choice -- for example, I only got a job in the first place because I ran out of money. If someone isn't forcing me, or if I don't have an urgent need, I just stay in my comfort zone (which ironically isn't that comfortable).

What will it take to make me do something? To go to college or something, or, or, I don't know what there is to do.

Lads, redpill me on Mturk (the Amazon thing) I just applied for it and i'm pending being accepted.

I sit worth it? Basically my parents are leaving for Holiday and because i'm doing my studies I can't go. They've left me plenty of food but I was looking for a way to get some quick money for some booze. People recommended Mturk.

Anyone here have experience with it? Before somneone says "just get a real job", I genuinely would if they paid me within a week. But they won't, damn near every job in UK goes by fortnight payments or monthly, even shitter ones like Warehousing

Hopefully I can get an interview, it's summer vacation so it's taking them time to get to me. That's what I tell myself =(

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The thing is, after working for the gas station for a few months, they all just decided to chill outside of the store and one day they did a no call no show, so basically the other manager had to scramble to go get other people from other stores to help and she ended up asking me if I planned on leaving the store earlier than my two weeks planned and when I told her no, she was so fucking relieved!!!

It could have been avoided if the assistant manager just decided not to hire them back. She also gave them more hours than everyone else at point.

After they left, her attitude improved. Overall, she was awesome but those five months were a real shitshow, plus she was gilf.

i hope you get the job! if you have any questions about being an assistant teacher i'd be happy to answer

I always try to be particularly nice to people working in stores or other low end positions because I know their pay is shit, their work is often degrading and boring and there's typically nothing they can do about it. On the other hand I do enjoy human contact and even if I could buy stuff via online shop I wouldn't want to, I might aswell crack a joke with a chashier, tip a toilet lady extra or ask the guy trying to sell me some shit over the phone how his day is going.

This is the exact rut that every normal person falls into. You hate your job, the place you live, your live is boring and uneventful, but at least you can eat and take home some money at the end of the month to buy a few consumer items, and that's better than being homeless.
If you have some idea of what you'd rather be doing, and it's risky, than it might be time to accept the possibility of putting yourself into great precarity, financially, in order to pursue it. If you want it to be safe the whole time it probably won't happen.

Most Mturk work is pennies and sifting through the shit jobs that only third worlders would do is a labor in and of itself. There are better options for online moneymaking but none of them verify you within a short time frame.
If you have a lot of spare time and genuinely need petty cash very quickly I guess it's a decent option.

Jesus Christ, user. Do they have your fucking family hostage?

I think I'd rather be homeless

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What type of questions did they ask you at the interview? Also how is the bureaucracy at a school?

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I wish I were brave enough to change. It feels like I have no free will. Like I can think about changing, but my body ultimately doesn't do anything that will break the status quo. I want to go from being an observer of my life to the actor of my life.

It's fine I guess.
It's a federal job, so like I said the benefits are great if you can hold out, plus it;s unionized so it's impossible to get fired unless you really fuck up.
I just have to hold out for a year or less and I'll be set. I just have to think long term. If i quit now, I'd be pissed later at the months I wasted

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Regular teacher here, I know you guys get shit on a lot but I really appreciate having you.

What type of work does the TA do? The job I applied for is for preschool aged children.

>start new job
>it's my first small company
>actually treated like an adult
>cant hide my autism in a crowd
good and bad

The questions I got asked were stuff like "have you worked with kids before, if so describe that experience, if not, describe how you've been a leader" and then asked me scenario specific stuff like "what activities would you do with the kids if it was raining outside" "what do you do if a child gets hurt" etc.

as for the bureaucracy I imagine that would change place by place, as for my place the woman in charge (it's a fairly small business so she is the CEO) makes all the decisions, you can't do much without consulting her first. At other/normal schools I imagine it would be more involved

Thanks, that means a whole lot. I don't really feel appreciated, especially at the place I work

Your autism will go away eventually.

>almost 24
>2 years left in my degree
>shit grades
>work cash register at shitty pizza place
>make $300 every two weeks if I'm lucky
>all my coworkers are in high school
>every one my age has a real job and a place of their own
>all of my friends are living actual lives
>tfw I'm stuck living with my parents and little brother
>hate them with a passion
I know I can change my situation if I tried hard enough, but it feels impossible

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I mostly work in the toddler classroom, but I have been assigned to preschool/Pre-K a couple times. from what I can tell, it is mostly supervision, you supervise their meals, snacks, make sure they go to the bathroom fairly frequently, make sure they don't get too many toys out, watch like a hawk when outside, etc.

>every one my age has a real job and a place of their own
sure, dude

>$19/hr web dev / programmer (5yr experience) no benefits
>hate wageslaving
> half of people say i have a good job and should be happy about it
>other half say i am criminally underpaid and should get another job (nobody wil hire me)
>Google claims $90k per yr median salary for my position. I am in the bottom 10%

All i want is to be NEET

Uh oh, I just drew a blank with all those questions. With time I'm sure I can get some answers

>9-5 office job
>work admin
>have to get things approved on every 3rd Week
>everyone knows this
>still routinely have to chase people well into the week after the deadline
>email them every day
>ring every day
>'hi, can i speak to so and so.'
>'oh, it looks like so and so has gone home, can i get him to call you back?'
>'yeah that's fine'
>they never ring back
>i get it in the neck if things aren't approved on time

if i wasn't leaving in 2 months i probably would have done something to get me fired by now.

Work as a kitchen porter at an Indian restaurant (that's ironically run by Bangladeshis). I tend to dred going to work even though it is only 2 days a week and I get frustrated at the head chef a lot of the time for being bossy, but in reality it's a good job with decent pay and the staff are good blokes. One of the guys gave me a can of Bulmers cider he had in his bag before I left.

Wanna outsource your work to a slavic NEET?

I'll do it for 150$ / week. You can send me money over paypal for every week I do. That way you can focus your energy on getting better and I can earn enough to eat.

Sure, email me at [email protected]

>Wanna outsource your work to a slavic NEET?
Unfortunately not possible since i am making software that will be used by the government and also have to report daily

wait, which one of you is the real deal?

i am the real guy. Please send pictures of your feet so i can ID you

DPS is the mail that's pre sorted and comes in trays
Some days my shits all fucked up like someone dropped it and threw back into the tray randomly
I feel you on the heavy packages. having to deliver things when they say right on the box to have two people move it is a bitch