Is early balding nature's way of telling men, and any women they might be attracted to...

Is early balding nature's way of telling men, and any women they might be attracted to, that their genes are unworthy of being passed on? I'm going bald at 18 and I can't believe it's fucking over already, I'm being removed from the dating pool before I ever even had a chance. How the fuck am I supposed to spend the rest of my life now? Is suicide really the only option left?

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>Is early balding nature's way
nice finalistic fallacy
>of telling men, and any women they might be attracted to, that their genes are unworthy of being passed on?
there's no correlation between balding per se and "bad genes", whatever meme meaning you ascribe to the term

Unless you consider MPB a genetic defect per se, in which case obviously yes

post pics of hairline, hoow bad is it? I'm 20 and my brother started balding at 21, so I'm still waiting to see if I got the cures too. I tell myself one of the bee gees was bad as shit while two had great hair so I might have a chance

>Is early balding nature's way of telling men, and any women they might be attracted to, that their genes are unworthy of being passed on?
Does it really matter if it is nature's way of whatever or not? Or if nature "intended" it as a sign of good or bad?

What matters is what women think of it.
And they don't like it one bit. I could tell you women find bald men disgusting, but for most of them bald men don't even register as existing. We are a non entity, for the other women we are just laughingstock.

how abrupt is going bald? I'm 24 and don't show any signs of balding, but not a day goes by where I think about suddenly losing my hair

I'm 25 and have been balding since I was 18. I've never had a problem. Maybe you all just have shitty personalities.

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plenty of attractive guys make balding work. this is just another ugly face thing, if you have an ugly face it doesn't matter if you have nice hair or not.

what if you're attractive ONLY with hair?

some people look fine bald, others lose 3 points in their looksrating

Should probably just shave it all off before you go to college so nobody knows you're bald.

Imagine being so insecure about something as trivial as losing hair that you start convincing yourself it's nature trying to cockblock you.
Nigga gain some self-esteem.

youll know when it starts.lots of single hairs in the shower and bathroom counter

it happens, but for most guys i dont think thats what happens. some guys have weird head shapes or big ass foreheads and when they lose their hair they just look terrible.
it's basically like this, attractive guys are still going to be attractive if they go bald. average looking guys might gain or lose some points, it mostly depends on the shape of their head. ugly guys are still going to be ugly.

balding isn't "hair falls off fast" it's "hair that falls off normally never grows back"

Balding comes from the mothers side. So a bald head should really only matter when taking a wife, whether her brother is balding or not.

What about early greying? I'm 19 and I've already got grey streaks. My grandpa was grey by 30.

This I lose more hair than a cancer patient and they come back just as fast

if it was natures way of saying "dont breed with these genetics" then why the fuck is baldness on the rise? the gene is obviously being passed on, in increasing numbers even


then why are these genes still present after millions of years

It's funny because this mostly affects white men rich and poor. Just be glad you have the means to hide your shitty genetics, bitchboy

wear a wig? lol what you said is true, some people look like shit bald, but what do you want to hear? there is no real cure yet, you can get a transplant and chemically castrate yourself with fin and apply minox every day but youre still fighting a losing battle

>only white men go bald

imagine being this stupid

Nah it's cool if you can pull it off desu. Silver fox like.

>every other black guy is bald

greying isnt as bad imo. ive had some gray hairs since my early 20s. 39 now. same ratio as back then. hair is weird.

>I'm 19 and I've already got grey streaks. My grandpa was grey by 30.

that's fucking badass

I'm 32 and I've got a few white hairs here and there. if I could get streaks going I'd be drowning in pussy.

>chemically castrate yourself with fin
use L'Oreal Cover 5' works like magic and you can't tell they're dyed

it was just a question since lots of baldfags itt pretend like it's no big deal as cope, some men really get absolutely wrecked by early balding

Imagine being such a pathetic fuck that you believe all you have to offer is your hair.

There's actually some truth to this dumb post. Obviously male pattern baldness is universal but hairline recession in young men, sometimes called a "mature hairline", is relegated to the white and mostly white. Typically the recession stops there or gets only slightly worse over time but isn't necessarily an indication of full on baldness.

Just own it and buzz your head. Stop crying.

You guys think so? I'm gonna be grey by like 25 at this rate. I keep myself clean shaven because any facial hair I grow is basically salt and pepper at this point. Girl in my class complimented me on but I don't know, feel like an old man already.

have you ever looked at another human being?

Badass? I don't know. Looks kinda odd on me. Like some kinda anime wannabe faggot.

grow the beard out, a shit load of girls love that salt and pepper thing.

having grey hair doesn't make you look old and weak, being an old and weak faggot does. just continue being your young self and the chicks will flock to you for having an exotic hair color. look at anderson cooper, his hair went grey early and he looks like a BAMF

>I'm gonna be grey by like 25 at this rate
don't listen to random idiots
a young grey haired man just looks weird and freaky, and women do not like it

I started going grey at 20 and it's night and day with temp on or not, it's 5 mins and like 3bux once a month anyways

its whatever you are comfortable with and think makes you look good. you could color it.

>look at anderson cooper
the literal homo cia sissy from CNN?
what's up with the delusion itt

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>worthless, baby dicked, balding, 30 year old virgin

oh this sounds like a poster to take extremely seriously and build your entire life around


anderson cooper makes pussies into waterfalls and if you can't understand that then I guess you didn't grow up with a father

it's just from a thread from earlier
anderson cooper is a 51yo literal gay man, not sure user wants to go for that

Hm maybe. See if I can pull it off anyway.
Yeah I guess. Thought about colouring it but that's even worse than having grey hair. Might as well embrace it.

I guess you didn't grow up with a father

did your dad dicked you down or something?
is that why you're gya now? i don't get it

just answer the question

oregano boregano desu nei mas

Yeah you should kill yourself user, the bald must be removed

>Girl in my class complimented me
Alright chad I don't care if your hair is grey you need to fuck off

Early male pattern baldness has been shown to be an early indicator of metabolic syndrome (specifically vertex balding). There are even some people that think that there's a male variant of PCOS where one of the defining characteristics is early mpb.

So you might have some ill health to come. Are you overweight, OP?

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>random word salad

Are you well?

you're wrong, my parents aren't even divorced after 35y

now you answer the q gay faggot

What "Q", zoomer?

is ur dad dicking u down the reason you're gay and into anderson cooper

it's like you enjoy saying random retarded shit

Because women's sexual liberation only happened in the last tens of years.

I figured she wasn't being honest. She was kinda staring at me so I stared at her back and she said that. I thought she was just making an excuse.

>is ur dad dicking u down the reason you're gay and into anderson cooper

What are you even trying to say here? This is word salad. None of if makes any sense.

well as far as I know there's been no studies to prove that MPB has anything to do with health, I imagine there's been studies that correlate MPB with poor health but that's probably because they went bald first, got really stressed about it, became a lot more of a recluse and stopped taking care of themselves because they lost hope, after all that they'll probably start do develop health issues. early MPB can absoluty wreck a young mans self esteem, just go on any hair loss forum and you'll see

i think u might just be very very dumb and unable to read
see also here:

It's possible that it might just be correlated and not caused by some underlying insulin resistence, but I just can't think of a reason for why someone in the prime of their life would lose their hair to male pattern baldness. Someone -- in one fell swoop -- can go from an 8 to a 4. How in the world would that make sense in a world where our genes are doing everything they can to reproduce themselves?

That's why I happen to think it's just like obesity -- an indication of someone's bad health.

>our genes are doing everything they can to reproduce themselves?
Our genes don't see their results. They just exist and pass on, not caring about the deformed shit you come out looking as.

>obesity -- an indication of someone's bad health.
Obesity is an indication of someone's poor mental abilities to end up in that state. For bad health it is the cause/producer, not the indication.

This is too retarded to respond to.

Looks like this I'm not op I'm 23 using minoxidil
Oregano parmesano

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shave it all and grow a beard bro

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You're balding because every man in your bloodline who went bald fucked bitches anyway

Only ever read this once but, apparently, by the time you first notice any hair loss, you've already lost the majority of it.

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Just shave it off and grow a beard.

Attached: bald badasss.jpg (650x650, 56K)

That guy doesn't even look like he's balding, has a symmetricla face, good head shape and lots of fugly tattoos.

Completely irrelevant pic.

>That guy doesn't even look like he's balding
Receding badly and he's literally bald.
>has a symmetricla face
Yikes, I guess there is no helping you when you're deformed.

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Whats your excuse now, Vinnie looks like the fucking Quasimodo.

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if it WERE I WOULD be balding

That's not the same guy as unless he removed all his tattoos or the first photo was taken way later. Either way he's clearly shaving his head (which is not the same as being bald) because you can see the outline of his hairline in the first pic.

Great head shape (so the bald look fits him), face is average at worst, nice skin and a deep voice that oozes masculinity. He has a napoleon complex even though he's not even short (5'11 or 6'0 on a good day). The one thing he could complain about is that he's got a bit of a baby face. He doesn't have a lot of fat on his body but what he does have seems to in his face/neck area. Next!

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