Is early balding nature's way of telling men, and any women they might be attracted to...

Is early balding nature's way of telling men, and any women they might be attracted to, that their genes are unworthy of being passed on? I'm going bald at 18 and I can't believe it's fucking over already, I'm being removed from the dating pool before I ever even had a chance. How the fuck am I supposed to spend the rest of my life now? Is suicide really the only option left?

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>Is early balding nature's way
nice finalistic fallacy
>of telling men, and any women they might be attracted to, that their genes are unworthy of being passed on?
there's no correlation between balding per se and "bad genes", whatever meme meaning you ascribe to the term

Unless you consider MPB a genetic defect per se, in which case obviously yes

post pics of hairline, hoow bad is it? I'm 20 and my brother started balding at 21, so I'm still waiting to see if I got the cures too. I tell myself one of the bee gees was bad as shit while two had great hair so I might have a chance

>Is early balding nature's way of telling men, and any women they might be attracted to, that their genes are unworthy of being passed on?
Does it really matter if it is nature's way of whatever or not? Or if nature "intended" it as a sign of good or bad?

What matters is what women think of it.
And they don't like it one bit. I could tell you women find bald men disgusting, but for most of them bald men don't even register as existing. We are a non entity, for the other women we are just laughingstock.

how abrupt is going bald? I'm 24 and don't show any signs of balding, but not a day goes by where I think about suddenly losing my hair

I'm 25 and have been balding since I was 18. I've never had a problem. Maybe you all just have shitty personalities.

Attached: it aint me.gif (480x336, 1.47M)

plenty of attractive guys make balding work. this is just another ugly face thing, if you have an ugly face it doesn't matter if you have nice hair or not.

what if you're attractive ONLY with hair?

some people look fine bald, others lose 3 points in their looksrating

Should probably just shave it all off before you go to college so nobody knows you're bald.

Imagine being so insecure about something as trivial as losing hair that you start convincing yourself it's nature trying to cockblock you.
Nigga gain some self-esteem.