Why is it that in Etika's suicide video he talks as if he doesn't want to commit suicide, but somehow has to...

Why is it that in Etika's suicide video he talks as if he doesn't want to commit suicide, but somehow has to? Like for example he says "there's a lot of games I won't see, people I won't see grow up." Well you could see it if you didn't kill yourself...

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lmao look at his hair HAHAHAHAHAHA

>but somehow has to?
not "has to", but he's definitely supposed to

He wanted out that badly. There's things he wished he could have lived to see but he felt it in his heart that it was time to leave.

He was too afraid of facing his mental problems and facing the consequences of what he did, its not like there would be bad consequences he was just afraid to face what they were.

because he got involved with mafia


am i racist for thinking he's just a dumb nigger who didn't think everything out?

yes and your an incel

There is stuff that will happen after we die. We don't know when we are going to die so we don't know when that cut off will be. He did know when he was going to die so he knew what he will immediately miss.

he couldn't figure out how to salvage his career after getting his youtube and a couple other social medias deleted. it was basically his life plus he had mental problems or maybe just went too hard trying to be edgy, and like he said in the vid, it pushed people away. he took the easy way out instead of trying to solve any of this

what does my sex life have to do with any of this?

Its not ur sex life youre just a stereotype and dont even know it

I can't believe he's gone, lads. I just can't believe it. I want him back so bad, bros.

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i'm just posting racial statistics. Niggers just dumb.

>Racial statistics

Sure pal. Have fun with your Jow Forums buddies.

t.dumb n1ggger

please join him

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Post what you want Mods don't give a shit. HErY

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Right. So you havent read or questioned any scientific evidence to know that there are too many socioeconomic factors that influence how we measure intellectual to be able to consider saying "all da niggers R dummb." But hey, impress your cool Jow Forumstard friends and be factually wrong. But you like to meme so.

t. DumbIncel

I feel callous for saying this, but I literally do not care at all about etika. I mean, it's sad that he committed suicide, it really is - I'm not happy about his death or anything - but people are treating this whole thing like someone INCREDIBLY influential died. Like the fucking president himself was assassinated.
Literally all he did was make some reaction videos. Videos of him watching other videos and playing up his reaction for the camera. Is that all it takes nowadays? Fuck me.

nice try dumb n3gro

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Hahahaha. Holy shit. This is your proof?! Take time to look where that book came from and why no one in the scientific community takes that book with any level of seriousness at all.

Maybe if you put your evidence under the same critical eye as you do "THE JEWZ," you'd see how bad it is. This entire thing was funded and reviewed by a known White Supremacist organization. Jesus dude. This is fucking sad.

As someone who has made a legitimate suicide attempt, not trying to be rescued, etc, I can say that those thoughts do run through your mind at least a little bit. You start thinking it after you decide to kill yourself, but before you are ready to "do the deed". like somewhere deep inside, the old you is trying to tell you don't do it. Another thing I noticed, which I also noticed in myself is that he was so calm. It's like your body makes peace with itself knowing that death is approaching.

>i dont like ur data so it's nazi
u can google it and find the same results on jewish-written papers my dear negro cringy friend

Now you'll screech more and keep on moving goalposts etc etc

Why do u even bother having these convos? It never ends well for the screeching guy with no data but low IQ and emotional appeals

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he realized he was given the lower end of the stick by being born a nigger
nothing can fix that as he'll one day get shot and killed by the police anyway, so he might as well just end it himself before the feds got to him

Gotcha. So when given evidence as to why your data is flawed and to why it's a problem that an Organization that literally gave money to known Nazis and racist to push an agenda is a problem. You reject it because it doesnt fit your worldview and narrative.

There's no debate here. Your just really fucking stupid. Lol. Have fun being a Jow Forums npc and making your anti-liberal memes. I'm out!

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truth. only reason i got to know about etika before his subsequent mental breakdowns was because my lil bro, who was 15 at the time, constantly watch a lot of his video & i felt like he was emulating a bit of his personality on the screen since teenagers are very impressionable. I thought most of his reactions were super obnoxious that only teenagers can enjoy. It was only with his breakdowns that I actually gave a fuck on a human level (not strictly to be entertained) & with him being missing for a few days, I was hooked in suspension. Sure, a tradegy amplified because of his online presence but ultimately an inconsequential loss to the world.

Dude is out here quoting "Jewish-Written Papers." Just say your a racist so we can ignore you.

How are you still alive? What happened?

>You reject it because it doesnt fit your worldview and narrative.
You literally did that twice, I just posted the same data from American Psychologist showing:
>blacks dumber than mulattos
>blacks still having a 10IQ gap even if given middle class education and rearing

>I'm out!
yes, I think it's best for you to stop posting, as I said, it never ends well for your type
pretty pathetic

yes, ignore the evidence

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I jumped from a building. I was told that I would have done far worse to myself if I hadn't landed on my side, which wasn't my intention, but my mind kinda went blank before I even jumped. I knew it was high enough to kill someone because a girl I went to school with fell accidentally from the same building and died.

>An American Psychologist who went on to found a know Racist Organization that is know for funding scientist who put out faulty research that pushes a racist agenda to fool stupid people into being racist.

Guys rejecting faulty science is now trying to push a narrative.

But hey, People with Jewish last names own the media so they're trying to push an agenda because they all have Jewish last names.

>Didnt address how the study doesnt address socioeconomic factors
>Didnt address how the study was funded by a know Racist Organization that funded manu know racist

Yeah your data was rejected because it's shitty data. Your like those idiots that say that global warming doesnt exist because the ice sheet in Greenland grew some in recent years yet ignores every other study saying otherwise. This book is all you have and you know it. Your just a racist dude. So until you can come back with some modern, none bias scientific studies, you should stop embarrassing yourself.

People who kill themselves feel that they have no other option. They cant fathom spending another minute in this ruthless hellscape called reality.

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stupid people pls stop arguing about race,

>have stupid haircut
>do stupid things
>lol oops
>kills himself

some people seem to think life is just a game

it's a completely different source, it's from IQ Test Performance of Black Children
Adopted by White Families
SANDRA SCARR University of Minnesota
RICHARD A. WEINBERG University of Minnesota

u guys are very dumb and probably schizos, stop screeching

>girl dies same height you survive same height

Femoids are biologically inferiors to us men.

Your normally not thinking logically at that point. Being suicidal doesn't mean you'll have no regrets, just that the sense of calm of not having to face another day outweighs anything else. Your brain will desperately latch onto things to keep you living right in till the very end.

>socioeconomic factors

no one says that environment doesnt affect your intelligence. we're just saying that at least part of the disparity is from genetics

we believe nature and nuture, genes and environment, play a role in your intelligence

you assert genes have nothing to do with it at least on a racial basis, even though you know for a fact that stupid people generally breed stupid people because that is how genetics functions. that is how humanity evolved, by having certain groups selected for by an environment for higher intelligence, and the other ones dying off. you cannot dispute this, this is common sense, you just havent thought this far into it apparently.

niggers still exist for the same reason that primates exist. not all environments favor increased intelligence

>socioeconomic factors
even though the point of the studies are exactly to exclude them, focusing on adopted blacks by middle class families

but i've seen these convos a 1000 times, they'll just move the goalpost, appeal to emotion, and basically screech alot b4 running away

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He posted two different studies. Maybe if you calmed down and read what the other person wrote instead of having your ideological button pushed and regurgitating nonsense talking points like an NPC you would learn something.

>Socioeconomic role
pnas.org/content/pnas/111/42/15273.full.pdf (2014)

are all IQ tests funded by a "known White Supremacist organization"? (nice autistic unnecessary capitalization by the way)

the state of california banned IQ testing for african american children entirely. only for african american children


btw im a little bit of a jew racially and guess what, hitler was right. im sick of seeing jewish journalists in mainstream media lying or publishing outright subversive filth

wheres the dead body pics?

>People with Jewish last names own the media so they're trying to push an agenda because they all have Jewish last names.

its just a coincidence they all have jewish names and have unwavering support for isreal


I had to do counseling for a long time after that, and one day I spoke about it to the doctor, to which I was told that height, weight, and even gender does play a role in surviving a fall like that. So it's not far fetched that being a guy may have helped.

Stop talking about this faggot nigger nobody cares

>this ruthless hellscape called reality.
oh that little thing

He didn't over reacted to his current situation and didn't think things through, but give him a break.
He was scizophrenic.

god damn auto-correct, fuck you.

He survived several encounters with the police, and didn't die.
In one of the incidents, he actually fucking punched one lol.

its just a coincidence that people from poorer, abusive backgrounds, often systematically oppressed, suffer more, do less well in education and work, and have more personal / interpersonal problems?

>adopted blacks by middle class families
This seems too specific to actually give you useful data lmao

> 50 YO study
> assumes that somehow being adopted by middle class families solves all other problems and therefore makes things equal and therefore comparable

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Imagine your last words being that you'll miss out a lot on vidya gaems lmao

>he doesn't want to commit suicide, but somehow has to?
That's how I feel sometimes desu.

racism is hating someone for their race
you have a negative opinion of him because he made hasty decisions
therefore you're not racist, regardless of your wording style

I feel like he was the boy who cried wolf.

Everyone only took him serious when he killed himself.
Now there are people blaming other people for making him kill himself.

what video origigi

>he get this bent out of shape trying to defend nigs

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There was probably some serious things he was facing behind the scenes. Like mandated mental hospital checks, police investigations, eviction from his landlord, cancellation of his Youtube partnership etc. I guess he was too scared to face these consequences.

He was our guy ebd

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