Has discord made Jow Forums obsolete?

has discord made Jow Forums obsolete?
will it fade away like newgrounds or somethingawful?

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i use Jow Forums just for adding more pepos in my folder, is this a problem?

ooo an updated version

cant wait to see it again in a few years

also, no years on each pane? come on user

what's everyones favourite classic meme? mines shoop da woop

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as someone who was completely transfixed with this site between 08-2015/16 and was here 14 hours a day having a great time shitposting, everything worthwhile about this site is completely dead. i'm someone who was heavily addicted to the novelty of this place now I barely come here an hour a day because it's so dull and lifeless.

The lazer collection was a masterpiece

>did a data mining software used by normies make Jow Forums obsolete?


discord is shit. it has an exclusionary culture to it. if someone doesn't like you they can just kick you out of their server. On Jow Forums we are inclusionary and let any nigger participate as long as they don't mind getting dabbed on occasionally. It's easier to meet new people on Jow Forums too.

25 year old boomer here. i don't understand discord or the appeal at all.

yeah but everyone here is always complaining about a some group of anons and how the site would be better if they were excluded
seems like a discord-like echo chamber is what people want now

thats why Jow Forums is epic.

Oh wow retards of this magnitude actually exist huh?

t. using cia gold mine

Well evidently the discord trannies keep coming back here to shit up the board, so no.

Relevant image (your post was not original)

Attached: THE INTERNET IN 2019.png (778x742, 606K)

No. Discord and Jow Forums perform different roles. Discord is nothing new, as a 30 y/o oldfag its just a chat application these have existed FOREVER. irc, instant messenger, and so on. Jow Forums continues because only on Jow Forums can you make a post anonymously and just fuck off also there is tons of constantly refreshing threads.

people are set on talking about a topic, and they don't carry the topic to other threads

fixed it 4 u owo

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discord is just gamerfag zoomer shit

Discord is mostly underage faggots I wouldn't worry

Also discord is run by furry pedophiles who ban loli but allow cub porn.
Discord is cringey as hell. Video related.

I honestly hope Jow Forums does start bleeding users. If discord is enough to make you stop browsing here, you probably didn't belong here in the first place or you haven't been browsing for very long.

we already have enough newfags

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why did all the magic of this place die? there's literally nothing good here anymore. I used to spend every waking moment lurking. some of the old community can be found on 8shit but even that place is pretty fucking dead. what happened to the internet in general? where did all the fun shit dissapear to?

dont you fucking zoomers get it? if you have an identity on the internet you will never get a job unless you are a good goy

I still play games on newgrounds.

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What even is discord

No? Discord isn't completely anonymous like Jow Forums is

im getting sorta excited to see how shit things will be in 2020

God I really need to watch ReLife

it's funny if you use the right words you get censored so my post is in the pic.

Attached: post is apparently spam lol.png (469x359, 16K)

It is a nice space bar item, but kind of useless if you dont need damage and gets unused past the depts 2

Discord is dogshit now kill yourself.

Nah probably not. Maybe it's me but i personally only use groups as a replacement for steam groups, vent/mumble and skype. I never join random servers or anything like that.

>anyone who disagrees with the most popular narrative is labeled a cuck/nigger/nigger lover/roastie/incel/liberal/schizo/tranny/redditor/newfag/discord tranny or whatever the "enemy" is at the moment
yeah, ok

no i still use Jow Forums despite also using discord. discord doesnt really have anonymity like Jow Forums does.
after dealing with shitty personality disorders who target my me/my alias on discord, its refreshing to be able to vent my opinion without any special filter.

the problem with discord not having anonymity is that normie/social tier drama becomes a thing and you have to deal with drug addicted niggers with bpd who just decided they dont like you over some stupid shit.

starting to think about leaving discord because its giving me nightmarish flashbacks of IRL desu.

not really, anything Jow Forums and you get chewed out on /a/

Jow Forums has:
scat fetishist
fucking centrists, man
schizo UFO sighters
all kinds of degenerates I forgot
unironic Christfags
even Muslims
and naturally, Jews

the Jow Forums one gave me a giggle

What animu is the girl from? Always wondered that.

always wondered the same thing friend

OVERMODERATION. I have been saying this shit for years. Nobody listened. Now rot in the graveyard you created for yourselves. Literally the best posters were all FUCKING BANNED. It's not fun to look for a proxy/VPN that isn't banned on Jow Forums and only the worst shitposting autismos are wasting their time doing it, and not everyone has a dynamic IP.

If there were any other things that killed Jow Forums in particular, it's the negativity that leads to a hatred of fun (the internet hate machine was tongue in cheek and for the sake of humor) and Jow Forumstardism, which is the result, by the way, of newfags from stormfront invading in 2008, so don't let anyone tell you "hurr Jow Forums was always racist white nationalists" if anything early Jow Forums was radical left-wing.

No you really don't, it's shit.

It's called ReLife, it is pretty okay.

ty user, looking at that pic reminds me too much of my own downfall.

I'm a early 2010s newfag, so for me it's either Costanza or Master Ruseman.

My nigga

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Wtf you guys didn't post the real picture.

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Cockmongler, Happy Negro, and Pool's Closed will always be my top 3

>has discord made Jow Forums obsolete?

as long as you crave to talk with obese underaged faggots, yes.

If God is good

>not phpbb

What what are you talking about?
It's yanggang 2020. We get free 1000 neetbux every month.
Why dont you want an entire nation to go full NEET?