Any air force or navy faggots, dont speak here
Any military anons here?
Hey user, pls don't shoot me
What sup user
Pew pew pew*
You ded m8
How's life in military user?!?
>sit alone in cafeteria like usual
>fucking grunts walk past my table near the toilets
>knocks over my milk and ruins my dinner
>haha sorry user at least the meals are free right?
>he's right but I don't wanna bother standing in line again
>miss out on my chilly cheese fries
>be at the controls next day
>just watching traffic at a intersection not much going on
>urgent call from main requesting cas
>get tasked since I had lowest priority mission
>a patrol is being pinned in a compound approx 50k out from the intersection
>hear grunt mcmilk tipper over comms crying and shitting his pants
>how the tables have turned
>spray his clay cover in 40mm
>heat signatures fly all over the place
>turn off sticks
>go to early lunch
I got medsepped from the Navy for fucking my knee up and hallucinating. May not have gone the way I thought it would have but I dont regret doing it either, especially with the bullshit with Iran and Israel.
>Any air force or navy faggots, dont speak here
Fuck you, I go where I want.
Yeah. Sup?
>especially with the bullshit with Iran and Israel.
That's all just saber rattling. Besides, imagine the real bull shit artistry you're missing out on like a schizophrenic rant by infinitychan poster trying to paint you like one of his jewish girls.
Is it just me or have cadences been fruity as hell since women were allowed to serve? We aren't allowed to sing any of the darker ones like Napalm Sticks to Kids anymore. Everything is really feel-good hippy bullshit now. This is the military, not fucking daycare. We don't need soft doughboys to die for their country. We need the fiercest bastards to make other people die for their damn country. Now to think of it. I shouldn't have used doughboy to describe these pansies. Doughboys deserve respect for fighting in the Great War. But we have people who look like the Pillsbury Doughboy.
Air force load here. Life is comfy
No one is dying for this country. Most people join for a paycheck, sit behind a desk or flip burgers.
Poole in the Marines here, going 0311.
just waiting here until the start of next year to ship too bootcamp.
I'm going to meps as we speak. I look forward to getting my balls grabbed.
>I'm going to meps as we speak. I look forward to getting my balls grabbed.
they also finger your asshole.
The point of joining is to be able to fight for your country when the time comes, not to sit on your ass for a few years for free college and a job
Only normalfaggots go into the military.
Isn't that what they do in the marines all the time? Grab balls and finger assholes, maybe eat a couple of crayons?
>thinking that most people in current year join to fight
Lol. You havent talked to many military folk have you
That's Navy
I'm pretty sure i acknowledged that. Military isn't supposed to be just easy money and free college. It should be about fighting for your country.
>be me
>small arms repair
>guy comes in the armory
>brings in a couple of M203s
>tells me that I need to assign them or whatever
>I slap one on my rifle
>we can sign up for a live-fire range
>I accidentally sign up for every day
>They take us in a truck to shoot stuff with our M203s
>I get really good at shooting grenades
>I apparently wasn't supposed to have a grenade launcher so they take it away
>tfw no more M203
At least I can crush ass with the nade launcher in CoD
Low IQ Neanderthal.
every part of the military is a cog in the machine that helps that machine exert it's power/influence.
>Military isn't supposed to be just easy money and free college.
It isn't, people work towards that.
and believe it or not people that use their G.I Bill will use it to help the country in any field they wish to pursue after military life.
it's a win/win scenario.
Have you bought OCPs yet senpai?
>tfw 27 year old neet handholdless virgin dropout
>trying to join now to escape my demented family
You're mistaken. I fully expect it to be agonizing, but at this point I can only view that as penance for my failures as a human being.