Date a robot

>date a robot
>he's a psychopath
Any other femnons know this feel?

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wait what the fuck your the psychopath 0_0

you know you can easily turn the tables on him for some good entertainment

that is him and its probably a larp

Give me your Discord, I dont even want to date you

Joking or it's a LARP.
Not saging shit like this is a strong indicator of low IQ

the psychopaths are the women lusting so much for attention on a fucking nigger lusting board

Every fembot I've talked to has been a typical Jow Forums-ish edgelord. I just want a nice, sweet girl goddamnit.

>any other femnons know this feel?
I don't have a fetish for edgelords and I'm not a retard, so I guess not, no. Who knows why you'd ever want a relationship with a robot, that's the real question.

it probably is a larp, but the guy is actually insane; he's a twitch streamer though, not a robot

why did you post a screenshot of our private conversation here you slut

Imagine thinking a twitch streamer can be a robot

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this will also yield maximum lulz

Did Josh give any more info on his ban?

That little incel.

>never behaved like a psychopath
>never dated a fembot

the pattern is unmistakable

this bloke must really like innervate

I have dated a fembot and she was fucking insane.

>enter a correspondence with a robot
>not sure about my feelings towards him at first
>tfw he woos me
>slowly but surely become completely infatuated with him
>but scared about meeting up for several reasons
>one day he reveals to me he might be planning on doing something very illegal
>hint: he's a Jow Forumsfag
>plans are highly detailed
>mfw told me unless i come meet him this summer he'll do it

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>get r9k bf (now ex)
>hes very depressed and unstable
>help him feel better and eventually get him to get professional help
>he goes to therapist
>he gets put in psych ward because theyre worried he would hurt himself if not
>gone for a week, i miss him a lot
>he comes back gushing about this qt redhead girl he met there
>talks about how he cant get her out of his mind
yeah idk what i really expected but i guess ill kill myself or something lol

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An online relationship can never beat a real person you can cuddle and do all that stuff with.

don't kys, be my gf instead

this is correct. e-relationships are 99% of the time complete failures. real life/dating sites are always a better option than say meeting girls/boys on Jow Forums.

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yeah i was a fool for thinking it would work. funnily enough i paid for him to visit me and let him stay with me for about 2 weeks. after he left, he got busy with work and now flirts with a bunch of irl chicks. good for him honestly. im just bitter and lonely

Add me on discord instead. I will tell you straight away that I have a BDSM fetish and am emotionally distant, but thats about as far as it goes. Not really a psycho.

Wow, that's a bit much, how much did that run you? What was he like during those two weeks?

Where do all of these femanons keep finding "robot" bfs? Are these threads intentionally made to upset people here?

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Do not despair user, wherever and whoever you are. Your suffering will pass as your life continues and develops, as times change that pain will fade.

This goes for everyone on here. Don't let your suffering dictate you. I love you all.

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I had an ldr for 3 years that only recently came to an end and it was real
You just need
>funds to travel
>plans to move in together on a concrete timeframe
>plan vacations and time off to be together while you cannot permanently change countries

It is hard and only a few people can take it desu
There is no point to elove unless you are completely infatuated and willing to follow through on all of these

The problem is that lonely people and those who just want attention will often omit from their partner that they are not serious anymore just to keep those things going

Between two people with optimistic prospects and similar goals plus life stages? It is doable
For anyone else? No

It is willful ignorance to think a large portion of the robots here wouldn't be unhealthy partners, user.

around $400 for the roundtrip plane ticket. didnt keep track of other additional costs (food, dates, etc.). he was nice but had some temper tantrums. once we coincidentally met some of my friends at the mall, and he got upset when i talked to them and supposedly ignored him? also i faintly remember some issue about him wanting me to give him money or something. but he was mentally ill so eh

>know egirl
>bored and horny one day
>ask if she wants to get naked
>takes off her clothes right away
>starts masturbating
>cums and sits there
>the conversation steers towards normal things
>she never put her clothes back on
>diddling herself slowly as we talked about normal things
>kept telling me she was wet
>she sat there naked for 5 hours
how the fuck do you guys get pulled into so much bullshit

I love you too, user. Thank you for your kind words.

Report him to the FBI or CIA

thanks user. thats really wholesome and actually helped me feel a lil bit better. hope you have a good day, friend

Lol good lol originally

Holy shit, that's a bunch of red flags. I wish you better luck in the future at least, user.
What did you see in him, though?

I am seriously envious of this guy. I will never have a girl who likes me so much she will pay for me to visit her, let alone go on a date with me.

that might be true, but the point is that these people aren't robots, but the normies that hang about here and r9k discords; then again, everyone on discord is a normie anyway

thanks man. i was pretty blinded by infatuation, i guess.
and honestly i cant bear to see anyone sad or upset. i wanted to help him feel better, and he was very kind and loving at first. shit blows but what can you do aha

I've been in one for many, many years and it was great. It's not for the weak minded, and willed.

Fuck I know him

im sorry user. i hope you can find a loving girl soon. everyone deserves to find love imo

He just took advantage of someone who was gullible
I would always split plane tickets with my ex wether it was her coming to me or me coming to her
And I cannot imagine how someone would let the other person pay the full bill so you can fly over and stay at their place

I hope OP learned to spot disingenuous snakes from this

Seconded. I wonder why she's drawn to them...

Can you become infatuated by me please?

Yeah, but I am chuckling up a storm. Lots of fembots have stories like this.

I doubt it. First name's initial?
I've thought about it.

I don't understand how there aren't 9999 people already named josh on discord. Isn't discord in worldwide use?

Yeah, I guess there's not much else you could've done there, it seems. At least you came to the realization that things weren't working out, though.
I've got another question for you, though: do you regret it at all? You seem like a very caring person, so please don't hold it against yourself, and don't let it discourage you too much, either.

Really naieve kids then I guess
I thought most of the robot fembot relationships end up in ghosting from one side
I dont think i would be able to trust anyone here to not be a first grade autist irl and I would be shitting my pants with fear of being left hanging as soon as I got to the airport

Guys like these are a fucking joke. As a fucking robot, if i asked you for a pic and you didnt send one, I'd just go find someone else who would.

Why bother with the stupid threats and the drama. Dump the roastie and find a new one. Shit like this makes you seem super weak and gay.

>and I would be shitting my pants with fear of being left hanging as soon as I got to the airport
Oh god, I think you just uncovered my worst fear. That's death by embarrassment right there.

true. its all in the past so i should move on from it. its a bit difficult to do so but im sure ill manage. thanks for the kind words and support, user. it really means a lot to me!
and i have a bit of regret. not much though. he's doing a lot better now, and i like to think it was slightly because of me (im the one who pushed him to get a job and his drivers license, reminding him almost daily, etc.). in the end im alright with it

That's because you're fucking 16 and have no clue what you're doing you absolute retard get off Jow Forums I'm tired of seeing your shit posts and gay edited little icon. I'm sorry you're not popular in real life you mutt, but WHAT A SURPRISE. When you add random dudes from /soc/ and ask them to be your boyfriend it doesn't work out for you.

I have had like 3 of you little underaged shits add me and every time you are immediately sexual because daddy didn't give you a hug IRL. GET OFF THE INTERNET. YOU'RE NOT INTERESTING THATS WHY NO ONE LIKES YOU.

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How do you even start an internet relationship? I think I'd like it but I don't know how to do it.

We met in an old MMORPG. Nowadays meeting and getting to know people online is pretty hard since everything is both watered down and hamfisted, there are no organic interactions happening.

>its a bit difficult to do so but im sure ill manage
Yeah, it's been two years and I still feel like shit somedays, but unfortunately time travel doesn't exist yet, so what's done is done. You'll live, though, I'm sure of it.
What's that little bit of regret you've got, though? I'm sure you've helped him a lot more than you realize.

literally no shit you fucking retard

Haha well it would be a guarantee with someone from here for sure
Me and my ex both flew from different countries to Berlin and stayed there for 10 days
She had arrived hours earlier than me and waited for me at our airbnb
Felt damn great leaving the cab walking home and finally seeing her stupid smile irl on some foreign country we had never been in
These things can be all good and fun if you find someone similar that you can trust

On the other hand if I had indeed gotten stood up Id have been crushed
Really loved her at the time

original oregano

Don't report him you fgt. The happening is the only thing most of us live for

damn, im really sorry to hear. i hope you can feel better soon though; you seem like a pretty nice dude. we'll both get over it eventually ahaha.
and mostly just the regret of putting so much time/effort/money towards someone who didnt care enough to stay in the end. feels a bit like i wasted myself.

1.say "alright"
2. block him

was that so hard?

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I figured, it's a different person.
Easy for you to say, user. The reason I haven't done it is because
>>slowly but surely become completely infatuated with him
but on the other hand I am a self-admitted moralfag.

Yeah, it'll get better. Most of the time it's just missing what I used to have and wishing I had apologized and tried to make up so much earlier, but at least we're still good friends.
Well, was it really a waste, though? Did you gain nothing at all from your time together? Like, our final year or so wasn't very great at all, but we still had three years of great shit before that, so I doubt either of us would call that wasted, necessarily.
Either way, though, at least you got yourself out of it before it could get any worse. Again, I still think you're selling yourself a little short there, but I digress, since it's not like I was there myself, after all.

As a former robot, I don't blame women for not getting involved with robots. Most guys who identify as robots or behave similarly to robots are completely insane. I've known too many women who decide to take a chance on men who exhibit robot characteristics and they've all regretted it.

Will you be my girlfriend? Please ;-;

cool band desu

Why are all "josh" complete fucking loser psychopaths?

>talk to girl from r9k
>i get to call her mommy and we talk often for a couple of weeks
>then suddenly ghosts me without any warning
it was nice while it lasted but i want to cry inside over and over

>femanons keep finding "robot" bfs
it's neither, just discordfags shitting up the board

What if you never talked over discord though? In my case it was
and eventually
>phone calls

How do you guys even meet robots jfc

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holy shit, so sorry for my late reply. i forgot to check up on this thread. but aye yeah its great that you guys are able to keep a good friendship.
well, it wasn't a complete waste, but there was definitely *something* wasted. im mostly neutral on it at this point. im still glad that he's better off than before ig

sorry, i shouldnt make that same mistake again, user. i hope you can find a good gf soon though

>seeing other people kill innocents because they're a complete losers is the only reason you have to live for
fuck off back to Jow Forums, retard

not letting some psycho kill a bunch of people for internet memes isn't being a "moralfag"
stop turning everything into a fucking meme and don't let some edgy teenager on Jow Forums shame you for trying to stop a shooting

You're making too many incorrect assumptions for me to really properly answer you here, user. Just wanted to make sure you didn't think I was ignoring your reply on purpose.

>caring about someone on an anonymous board thinking you ran away.

I need to defend my honor, duh.

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the only assumption I'm making is that the guy you're talking to told you he's going on a mass shooting -or he's going to kill/harm someone he knows- and you don't want to report him because of your infatuation; unless you meant he's gonna kill himself but in that case I don't understand why you wouldn't do it
by edgy teenager I meant the guy who told you not to do it

>used to be a robot
Thanks for the tip Chad.

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This guy is an actual fucking celeb that has starred in movies. Why do I see him posted all the time? Why are you comparing yourself to the actual 1%. Not even the 20% from the 20/80 rule everyone memes here. The actual fucking 1%

that's what you need to look like for ANY woman to even give you a chance at talking to her

I'm just a cyborg at this point. Not close to Chad.

as a stark reminder of the extreme inequality between human beings

Do girls really like faggy haircuts like that?

I was really just venting to myself in that first reply. Either way, I'm going to try and talk some more sense into him before any final decisions.

tell him to do it or stop being a larping beta

>date based on physical appearance and superficial charm alone
>what the fuck why am I dating a psychopath??!?! fuck you robots!!!
Fucking neck yourself, stupid bitch.

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>been getting called a sociopath since i was 15
>now 19
>been in psych ward twice
>have been virtually the same, can't seem to change
>have a constant hatred and sadness that persists even after trying everything
>lots of paranoia, how i justify ghosting chicks
>constantly lying, usually just to see chaos, it almost never benefits me

And almost every other ebil edgy guy stereotype i seem to fit as well. Any other people in similar situations?

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>stupid fembot lets a piece of shit Chadbot crash at her place, abuse her and then leave for new chicks

you earned it

Not to this extreme

thanks for the perspective. that last bit about being at the same life stages and having similar goals makes a lot of sense.

this give me hope and optimism. im planning on flying to sweden in the winter this year or sometime next year.

He's an autist and a 4channer and a textbook incel. Literally a robot. Just one that makes money and is good at wow

because you have a tag at the end of your user name like name#1234

the only weirdos that contact other women are either fake r9k posters looking to prey on women
or psychos

Yeah kinda. I told him I wouldn't meet up because I wasn't ready when in actual fact I was just scared he'd kill me because he'd already told me about his murder fantasies so I thought maybe I should err on the side of caution. Long story short he got pretty obsessed and doxxed me and harassed me for about 3 months. Wasn't fun.

yeah then i grew up, and if you're anything like me kid you better get working on some hobbies or interests soon because once you hit your 20s, lose your edge and realize its just long term depression and intrusive thoughts not actual sociopathy, your presence in the world is gonna seem as flat as a pancake. You go from feeling like Bateman to Carruthers pretty quick. Enjoy it while it lasts!