What did you want to be when you were little? What are you now?

What did you want to be when you were little? What are you now?

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I wanted to make movies, be a producer/director/writer
Now, I work for a road construction company. I question my life choices and I want it to all be over

Wanted to be an animator. Now I am a cashier.

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I wanted to make games
Now I work security and hopefully soon I'll go into corporate work
I still want to make games

I didn't really want to be anything
Guess I got my wish

i want to be a game developer

with my grades, I suppose ill become a gardener.

>What did you want to be when you were little?
>What are you now?
35yo khv neet living with my parents in a third world shithole

Little: journalist
Older: electronics technologist in a research lab

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A hitman. I don't know what the fuck was wrong with me.

I'm a train conductor

>I'm a train conductor
This sounds like a dope job. To me it seems like train conductors are the captains of their vessel and they travel around with the with in the hair drinking fine wine and eating lots of good meals. I wonder if there has ever been a train conductor who spoke like Picard?

Have you seen the anime Baccano? One of the characters is a hitman/conductor.

>What did you want to be when you were little?
>What are you now?

Law student

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Wanted to either be a comic writer or critically acclaimed reviewer. Wound up a neet after a series of body destroying disabilities and injuries fucked me over starting at age 15.

>What did you want to be when you were little?
Didn't care really
>What are you now?
A shut-in NEET. I'm surprisingly content with this.

Not a moocher.
Completely disabled and barely able to leave bed.

A doctor or some kind of inventor
Now I'm a security guard
Life is tough

I guess the closest answer I can tell is when asked who I wanted to be like in about 4th grade, I answered I wanted to be like Claude Francois (famous dead french singer) because he was extremely popular with wamen. Now I'm just a virgin NEET, cause it turned out I am a fucking asspie with severe depression.

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1. A cheeta

2.carreer criminal

Maybe a doctor, professionally. As I grew older I honed in on psychiatry as an interest. In my personal life I wanted to be a dad and have a family.
I completed an undergraduate degree, and my then-gf broke up with me and had an abortion.
The break up was first, and I panicked and encouraged the abortion before I realized wtf I was doing. Tried to convince her otherwise, but she was already committed to it.
Now I'm a NEET. I have no foreseeable future.

Tfw i found a fellow go getter user like me,
We can do it bro, keep it up
Tomorrow i'll go on a job interview as a wagie for this summer too

I wanted to be a writer. Now I'm a manager at the Gene Stimson's Big Star #14 in West Memphis Arkansas.

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Have you ever had any suicidal people jumping in front of the train? You can still chase your dream, user.

>What did you want to be when you were little?
>What are you now?

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When i was little i just wanted to be an astronaut so i could chill in space and be alone. Now i just pretent my rv is a space station and im on a space walk when i go to work at night. It feels real when i wear thick clothes. It's been fun since i figured out how to block the sun from coming in my windows.

Nothing. I never really had any ambitions or interests in the real world outside of just playing videogames.
Wageslave, then play videogames all the time at home.

Still no ambitions, but realising I'm going to have to specialise in just something, anything, if I want more free time or a decent standard of living.
There's too much focus on doing whatever you want to do, and too little on actually doing something of substance.

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I wanted to be a pioneer. Now I'm unemployed and struggling to make ends meet.

>In elementary school
I wanted to be a scientist. Turns out my ADD and autism made that nearly impossible...So I spent most of my childhood taking apart shit and mixing random chemicals together from my chemistry set in hopes of creating something

>High school
Wanted to be a writer and a voice actor for cartoons. My guidance councilor told me I was too stupid for either of those pursuits.

>What I am now
IT and network support for a big company. Pays hella great, but not super fulfilling.

wow what kind of crimes?

First time I've seen Alita on this board

>What did you want to be when you were little?
theoretical physicist
>What are you now?

>when I was a kid
I wanted to build something useful.
bipolar NEET schizoid waiting until I have positive symptoms of psychosis until I tell anyone.

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I just want to be a rich neet raising animals on his ranch

Now im just another grunt who sold his soul to the government

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I wanted to be a diplomat. now im 28 at my parents house with only overnight stocking behind me

Honestly I didn't really have any ambitions as a kid. I just wanted a laid back life.

Somehow I failed even that.

A scientist, pushing the boundaries of knowledge

A lowly programmer, pushing google to throw me the answers so the program can build

kid: doctor
teenager: game designer
adult: teacher
true dream: benevolent warlord of a peaceful city-state after the bombs fall

I wanted to play in the NFL. Now im a jobless loser who sleeps on his sisters couch. I was pretty good at football bros.

forgot to mention what i am now, which is a useless NEET. never even graduated

I wanted to be either a fireman like my dad, be an astronaut or work for Nintendo making vidya. Nowadays I'm just a neet who just sits around collecting neetbux.

I wanted to be a Burger King manager. My dream came true.

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Same. Now I live at home and shun myself from my family

>What did you want to be when you were little?

>What are you now?
I don't know.

store manager or shift manager?
I want to know if the guy yelling at me autistically avatarfags on Jow Forums

I always knew deep inside I wouldnt wanna be able to hold a job. The social anxiety was too much and I dont care about being part of society or fame or status. Never wanted to be anything just enjoy life. I don't need much to be happy. Health, food, shelter, free time, a few friends.

>before: programmer
>now: programmer

I am an INTP so when I set a goal for myself, I achieve it.

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came in to say the same thing.


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Didn't really care, just wanted a job decent enough to fund my video game, anime, and manga addictions.

Went into STEM and got that eventually. It's quite nice.

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>What did you want to be when you were little?
that kid that died of cancer
What are you now?
that kid that's too rarded to kill themselves

I wanted to be a writer.
Now I'm a depressed asshole working in retail.

I didn't want to be anything in particular. I am now a NEET

I'm actually a assistant but I run my own store now. I yell at my co-workers when a lunch rush hits and everyone works hard.

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i wanted to be paleontologist now im just unemployed

Wtf same
Life is constant suffering