>Women respect men in various ways
>Women let other men enjoy them sexually on camera for others to see, even to the point of degradation and defilement
>Women look at me in public like I'm trash
What is the cope for this? Lifting isn't working anymore.
Women respect men in various ways
Killing a few in the middle of the night like a wild animal.
Grow up and act like a man, that's how you fucking cope. Then maybe a girl will suck your dick on camera.
That means nothing considering I see the most effeminate men imaginable in public with women. And they aren't even trying to be LGBT faggots at all.
I need a cope for this that doesn't involve the rope, women just don't like me.
I gave you an answer yet you ignore me.
They're confident in who they are and aren't looking for women's approval, which is masculine. Women have different taste in aesthetic or the way certain traits are presented but they're all attracted to the same traits.
They don't seem confident to me at all. It's entirely different than the guys I would see with women in public 10 years ago and beyond.
I would prefer you give me a good cope for this rather than just spewing bullshit at me.
>They don't seem confident to me at all
>to me
It's not about you. Are they secure in who they are? Do they live their lives seeking female approval? No? Then that's confidence. Confidence comes in many forms. You don't have to be Chad to have confidence. A complete beta who accepts the fact that he's a beta and is cool with it is confident. He'll be able to find a woman. Maybe not the most attractive one but he can find one. As long as you pity yourself, you'll never attract a woman.
Sorry I'm not good with copes, I like to address my issues with facts.
You're just spewing bullshit at me which is why I skipped that and asked for a good cope. These guys sometimes look like carbon copies of each other, in the way their mannerisms project to the world. I see no confidence there, just young guys existing and reaping the benefits.
When I compare them to guys I saw in the past or even older guys today it's like night and day.
Yes, I understand they get women and I don't. You don't have to make another post saying that, that's the point of the whole fucking thread.
I hate to judge based on limited information but maybe you need to work on your emotional and psychological insecurities.
For instance. In your opinion you say that women are "letting other men enjoy them to the point of defilement" but you need to realize that this only really matters to you. Take Riley Reid for instance. She likes to fuck on camera and makes a lot of money doing it. To her, I doubt she sees it as defilement. It's probably empowering.
You see no confidence but the women do. Things change. What was attractive in the 50s isn't attractive today. Just because they look alike and behave alike doesn't mean there's no confidence. Maybe the have confidence because they know they fit in. I'm not saying the only thing you need is confidence but the fact that you think other guys don't have it shows that it's an issue for you. But if you really need a cope, become a porn addict.
I'm aware of the different ways it's portrayed. That's why I wanted to add a "perhaps" in there but didn't bother.
It's the contrast between the situations that bothers me.
So a bunch of guys slouching and having their voice crack when they speak meanwhile they all look effeminate and look very similar to each other equals confidence these days?
I don't care what the women see in them, the fact is that they have women and I don't, so I need a good cope for the situation.
Regardless of what I'm saying to you about what I see, like I said, they get the women and I don't, so those details don't really matter.
>That means nothing considering I see the most effeminate men imaginable in public with women.
why would you assume these people were in a relationship? if you feel safe to be around, women will go out with most anyone as a friend. it's not that black and white.
>I need a cope for this that doesn't involve the rope, women just don't like me.
here's some cope: 9/10 you won't notice women checking you out.
>So a bunch of guys slouching and having their voice crack when they speak meanwhile they all look effeminate and look very similar to each other equals confidence these days?
This is your problem. You think that just because I guy doesn't look a certain way, that means he's not confident. Confidence is shown through behaviors. Whether your voice cracks or not has nothing to do with it.
I can tell by the vibes and body language. Sometimes they touch and kiss and shit like that.
I notice when women "check me out" because only a small minority of women do it and it's very blatant. That doesn't do anything for me at all.
What? When someone is nervous, it shows in their demeanor. This may be the most retarded comment I have ever seen on here.
The difference between those young guys and actually confident older guys is night and day. How ironic, I asked for a cope and now you're coping in my thread.
This is like classic projection stuff, user.
Women are not monolithic and sometimes attraction is also inexplicable. People don't always act how they look.
>I notice when women "check me out" because only a small minority of women do it and it's very blatant.
is that not noticing the 1/10 times it occurs like i said? you're not catching them all, but judging by what you're saying in this thread, i don't really think it would matter even if you did. you'd still find an issue with yourself. you gotta let go and stop pre-judging yourself as these women without even talking to them. there's absolutely no way to assess a person based upon on body language alone. have you ever tried to image what your body language says when you're looking at them? if you're complaining that women look at you like you're trash, maybe that's the look you're giving them.
This post doesn't tell me anything except
>attraction is also inexplicable
In this case, you're damn right it is. But I know nervousness and awkwardness when I see it, and when I don't, and I can assure you that a lot of those guys have it. Must be a generational thing.
Wait, so now body language matters? Are you the same poster or a different one? Someone else literally said it doesn't matter, now you're saying it does.
The sporadic times women check me out in public I either got bad vibes from them or they do stuff like pressing up against me and rubbing against me in a checkout line. Nothing I can do with that. The women that 'like' me are not my cup of tea, you fucking faggot.
>Wait, so now body language matters?
nigger what? i never said it matters. i literally initially said:
>why would you assume these people were in a relationship? if you feel safe to be around, women will go out with most anyone as a friend. it's not that black and white.
to which your response was:
>I can tell by the vibes and body language. Sometimes they touch and kiss and shit like that.
body language doesn't matter in this context. you don't even know these people.
>The women that 'like' me are not my cup of tea, you fucking faggot.
"i somehow see 100% of the women checking me out despite acknowledging that i don't, therefore all 100% of women that check me out are not my cup of tea."
lol stay mad
You're backtracking and getting all mixed up because you don't even know what you're trying to say to me anymore.
Yes, demeanor matters and yes you can find out a lot about a person in that moment by looking at them. And you can find out even more by studying their demeanor over a period of time in different situations.
You said attraction is also inexplicable, you dumb faggot, which we can agree on, since even though these guys come across as unconfident and weak, women still validate them, as I told you by the fact that they are around the guys and at times they are intimate with each other.
Why do you invest so much time in arguing with a guy on the internet who knows women don't like him? If women like weak effeminate nervous guys and they don't like me, that's on me to cope with. Hence the purpose of this thread, you idiot.
You know, some girls are attracted to nervous/awkward guys. One I know in particular loves lanky ass dirty looking punk boys. She has told me how she has no idea why she is attracted to this and hates it.
The biggest turn offs that I have heard from women in the 18-27ish age group are essentially these:
1. Emotional instability (usually an obsessively controlling and distrustful attitude towards their partner, gaslighting, power games)
2. Regressive social and political views especially about women. (sorry to most 4channers)
3. Personal Hygiene issues (Body odor, smoking, personal grooming)
You put women on a pedestal, get a productive hobby or do drugs or something, stop giving a fuck what others think so much
try not being an incel, sweetie
I smoke weed sometimes but it's not a good cope. I need a good cope. Can you guys help me out?
Not him, but this is bullshit. No, they're not confident in who they are. The effeminate guys like that are beta as fuck.
Oh, you are just chatting shit, i see. These are the type of guys that get walked over by people in public, especially women, because they are so liberal and guilty for even existing. These are the guys who completely change their behaviour in the presence of a woman, whether it's trying to put others down to look good or giving too much preferential treatment to them
OP, ignore that faggot ^ and his bootstrap-tier, blue pill, "you're to blame", "just be confident, bro" advice. I don't have an answer but his definitely isn't going to help you
Do you constantly smell like weed? This is also a turn off according to my little cousin who is breaking up with her boyfriend because he spends a lot of his time smoking weed. If you only smoke weed occasionally, that's no big deal.
Really what you probably need most is to go out and like talk to people. Maybe join a club or go to community events or something. Like you could go clubbing if that's your scene but it doesn't seem like it is and you will likely find other events and settings more comfortable. Also like probably try to actively not be creepy towards women. Don't make sexual comments about or around women for really any reason.
>You're backtracking and getting all mixed up because you don't even know what you're trying to say to me anymore.
>Yes, demeanor matters and yes you can find out a lot about a person in that moment by looking at them. And you can find out even more by studying their demeanor over a period of time in different situations.
>doesn't talk to them but assumes he understands who they are by stalking them
>You said attraction is also inexplicable, you dumb faggot, which we can agree on, since even though these guys come across as unconfident and weak, women still validate them, as I told you by the fact that they are around the guys and at times they are intimate with each other.
i never said attraction is inexplicable. you're responding to someone else. learn to read, nigger.
>If women like weak effeminate nervous guys and they don't like me, that's on me to cope with. Hence the purpose of this thread, you idiot.
>women don't like me, an alpha male, that stalks them from a distance, assumes to understand them by glance, and doesn't approach or have a conversations with them
>stalks them from a distance
Nothing he said indicates this. HE. JUST. WANTS. A FUCKING. COPE. Why are you arguing with him like your have a personal stake in this? Who are you working for?
You said attraction is inexplicable in a post up above. I thought I was arguing with two different people but in another post you took credit for what I thought another guy said, so it was you.
Anyway, no it's not projection. Look at the post you just made. It's incoherent scribbling on a page. I know women don't like me and they like other guys, I just want a cope for it.
You're the one who is getting offended at this for whatever reason in your head.
I never said I was an alpha male (lol) or that I stalk them. You're even more autistic than I am, if your posts here are anything to go by.
I can talk to women fine, my voice doesn't crack, either.
Remember user, guys can struggle in life too, you've been brainwashed by internet bullshit to believe that we're all privileged or whatever the cool term for it is now.
No that was me. I'm this guy
Like how old are you, user? Are you in college?
But you just said in another post that you were one guy all along.
I'm much older than college age. It's not that it's over. It just never even began.
Nah, that wasn't me. I'm not the guy green texting.
What does your life look like socially? Do you have any clubs or community events at all that you can be a part of?
Then why did you say you were one guy earlier? That other guy is a faggot anyway.
Right now I work and socialize with friends and family every now and then. I've been that guy who goes to social events and is either invisible or tries to socialize and it goes nowhere.
I don't care what you or the other guy say. I just want a cope. Not every guy is going to be liked and respected by women, it's not rocket science.
Well that's not super abnormal or anything. Really substantial social interactions are built on familiarity. And like literally everyone experiences profound loneliness and isolation as a result of being over worked and over stressed.
I would bet that to some degree you are overexaggerating to yourself your failures in this department at least relative to the average person.
Finding something, some cause or group you can contribute to can be really helpful. Honestly I dealt with very serious depression and self esteem issues for years until I took a shitty retail job and learned a lot about myself and was forced into constant social interaction with both the other staff and customers.
>What is the cope for this?
Becoming so disgusted with women that they are no longer sexually attractive to you.
No, I don't think I'm overexaggerating. To be brutally honest, I'm probably not even as honest with myself as I should be. You just don't understand. I am a complete failure relative to the average person in this regard. At this age, it's just complete overkill at this point.
I don't have the energy to sit here and tell you what I've experienced so you can deny it. But let me tell you, user, it's not fun being on this side of life as a guy. Men want respect and women, when they don't get it they go fucking nuts.
I work in retail too. It's awful. But my job is just a sliver of who I am.
Since you and everyone else has failed to provide me a cope, I will gymmax and videogamemax until I find better copes.
>>Women let other men enjoy them sexually on camera for others to see, even to the point of degradation and defilement
Not entirely. In their minds, said content is still "for Chad's eyes only" and "private"; similar to how they like larping in public about wearing revealing or no clothing "because it's comfortable".
What exactly do you mean by cope. I was sort of looking to provide you with a way to better your ability to relate and build long term relationships with people.
Going to the gym and video games are a distraction and if you want distractions that is fine but it's not really going to help the situation.
Not thinking about it and treating it like whatever?
Cause women sure do think it is whatever.
How do you not know what cope means? Regardless of your intentions, the thread is not so hostile towards me, anymore that is, but hostile or not, you don't fully understand the situation.
I'm not looking for sympathy when I say this but people like you just can't seem to conceive of the fact that a certain amount of guys like me exist and life is not full of male privilege for us or whatever. That there is a lot of struggle and disrespect involved. You cannot fathom this, so I do not want to hear your suggestions anymore.
So I made this thread asking for a cope since gymmaxing and videogamemaxing are so old for me now.
I could also rope but I have people I connect with in this life and I don't want to do it, until they're gone.
>Cause women sure do think it is whatever.
At least you understand.
Oh I completely randomly came in here. I used to be on Jow Forums a lot but have left after Jow Forums took over so I don't really understand the slang that has changed a lot since I was last active here.
Like I was involuntarily celibate for a long time too, dude. You can't let it become your personality and outlook of life. I was just sharing what eventually got me to open up and deal with my personal issues.
Put your hormones on a leash and act like you're a eunuch.
It's not my personality and outlook of life. But it affects me deeply. I've had plenty of experience with people like you and also observed how people like you are with others, where you claim to have experienced what we/they did yet you still make stupid assumptions and false assertions.
You don't have to agree with me or tell me what I want to hear. But lots of people on the internet are like you, in this case assuming that all guys have it easy and not understanding what certain individuals have to go through that shatter your preconceptions of how society functions.
If women don't like me, there's nothing I can do about it, especially since I'm in very good shape now and I've gone through the phases of changing things about me to appeal to others. No more. If women don't like me for who I am then that's too bad, I'm an adaptable guy but only to a certain degree.
I wonder why you deny random stranger's experiences and talk down to them, but that's an answer only you know. I'm used to people like you saying all guys have it easy and denying the personal experiences we go through in our own skin, but I feel bad for the younger guys who have to be talked down to like that, they don't have the experience to handle it.
I just go about my business and live my life. The more I try to repress my hormones - the more they come back with a vengeance.
Coping via roping is the best solution, but now is not the time for that.
Why cope? come to terms with your position as an inferior. There are so many ways you can please a woman and feel happy for doing it