Why are Americans so proud? It legit makes me sick? Who the fuck do they think they are?

Why are Americans so proud? It legit makes me sick? Who the fuck do they think they are?

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being civil or sumsh*t

you should totally invade us OP

Because at least I know I'm free.

cliche and beyond overused. c*ck

>Who the fuck do they think they are?

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the generic non-answer "answer"

God grants special protection to the USA due to its position as a country that forms its ideals based off of Christianity.

july 4th as a holiday only exists because we want an excuse to blow things up without bothering other countries

You asked and he gave the answer, what's the problem?

Yes, the only cunt where Jews rule and yet, you can do anything Nazi related in public without going to jail, that's one example

No, God grants that protection because we support Israel.

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>improved the world's economy
>gave the world technolgy and culture
People still hate us. You can't win.

The United States is actually the new Israel due to more Sons of Abraham living there than Palestine.

I think, niggers now have more protection than Jews, idk, this is the core of the clown world order, Jews n niggers are allies,

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Gods. Well the white ones anyways, niggers can go die and burn. Excuse the language.

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im sorry our superiority is upsetting

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God fucking damn I'm proud to be an American
Of all the countries you could be born in, I was lucky enough to be born in the United States of America, the greatest country to ever exist in the history of the planet, so you fucking bet I'm going to be proud of it.
Freedom ain't free bitch, 9/11 never forget, America 1776 we are the champs

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You are all sons of the Most High.
Psalm 82:6b

alright you all made me delete the nice post i made. go suc a fat one

It feels good to know all these foreigners bitch about America but still visit an American website, consume American media and discuss American politics. Livin' rent free in foreigners' heads. Don't @ me, foreigners. I won't read it.

no you're not you oppressed wagie

lol and just like that, wh*tes are suckn their toes without me to mend morale

I wish I was an American
Reading the founding fathers, their recognition of inalienable rights, the freedom to pursue happiness, life and liberty was great.
Government grew and grew, but it's not as bad as Europe, where bureaucrats decide whether you live or die, it's still more of a market economy in many ways.

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There's also how much of technology gets made, Permissionless innovation
The first airplane wasn't made by France or Germany, but two guys with a bike shop in Ohio
If you look at the technology shaping the 21st century, Airbnb, Uber, Facebook, Google, Ebay, all those stuff. They all come from America. Except or like Soundcloud, Europe hasn't come up with shit

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we play video games now. half of those men would be transgender, and other half would be holding dakimuras and MLP merch.

That room is so fucking white lmao

ya. why do people keep insisting these wh*te drag queens are responsible for anything? let the past stay buried