I have 10 chicken eggs. I boil 2 and eat them, hard boiled

I have 10 chicken eggs. I boil 2 and eat them, hard boiled.

How many eggs do I have left?

Whoever answers this correctly has a high IQ

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two eggs

8 duhhhhh dumbass lmao

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10, because you still have chicken eggs. It's just that some of them are in your belly.

Unknown because u only said u have 10 chicken eggs but we dont know how many other types of eggs u have

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I thought you had to eat all the eggs


Average iq

Godlike iq

Nigga 8

Smart but wrong
High IQ haver who thinks outside of the box, detected

Ik its kinda cringe cause u could do this with any thing, (I have 5 picnic tables I break 2 how many tables do I have left, and then I just say I have party tables)

But yeah thanks for playing nigg ers

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if op was high iq he would crack his raw eggs into a beer and drink it, not waste his time worrying about the ins-and-outs of hard boiling

You don't have to tell me what happened, but have to eat all of the eggs.

That only would work if he said "I boil two eggs". Grammatically he's referring to two of the chicken eggs.

>how many eggs do I have left

That question begs the question of "is he talking only about the chicken eggs"

I'm op. I know what I was doing man

Zero eggs because you ate the other ones raw

None. A hand without its functionality is not a hand. An artificial, metal hand with the functionality of a hand is a hand. A hand detached from the arm and unable to do what a hand does is not a hand.
By cooking the eggs, you denatured the proteins and removed all hope of performing the egg's function.

Zero. You never had any eggs in the first place.

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Based autismoposter

>like idk its kinda cringe but u kno wateva lol
cringe zoomlet

>that begs the question of
low iq

t. Got the answer wrong and is now upset

Lets see you answer this, smart guy.

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false therefore low IQ

Damn that world salad looks tasty
Thank god I brought my bacon bits
I never eat salad without bacon bits

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Fuck nature, I always knew it was those Green commies fault.

The grammar dude is right. You stated the object was chicken eggs. Therefore, "how many eggs" refers to chicken eggs, unless stated otherwise. Learn to english.

This. Without any other context, the only way to interpret eggs is in reference to the chicken eggs.

OP would never understand a legal document because he would immediately lose track of what every word refers to lol.

5, filename implies this is meant to test English reading ability from a second language perspective. it's obvious for a native speaker

>muh grammar

I mean sure but this isn't some serious legal document. It's a dumb little riddle. Relax. U nigg ers take shit way too seriously


You have a bowl of eggs, and you do have to eat this.

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Yep. And the answer to the riddle is 8 eggs.

Whatever u say lol. It's unknown but u can tell yourself what u want mr epic grammar man

Thanks for your understanding kiddo!

>being the kind of person who points out the grammar in a random dumb riddle

Please dear god let me never become this insufferable