I have a car, decent looks, my life together, a job I'm not cheap, I have a bunch of friends including female ones, am Eagle Scout, have gotten drunk and smoked weed, go to the gym semi-regularly...
I'll try to have more patience but I want to actively better myself if I can
Lincoln Martinez
Genuine question, do you have any 'annoying' habits or idiosyncrasies?
Mason Powell
sometimes I will talk to myself silently and repeat words other people say verbatim, but I never thought that was socially awkward since other people have done it and i've never gotten any negative reactions.
Mason Rodriguez
Well you gave a lot of reasons why someone should be willing to date you, are there any other reasons you could see why they wouldn't? Just for the benefit of self awareness. Maybe you're not getting out enough or not expressing your interest/'making the first move' with women enough? Women aren't the mind readers they've been made out to be, many times. They're also afraid of being rebuffed and often want to know if there's any interest in them before they start showing interest themselves... for lack of better phrasing.
Noah Ward
I get out of the house sometimes, Im going camping this weekend with 4 other friends
I guess if I have a flaw its that I have no real hobby. I considered playing guitar, or getting heavy into DnD, trying my hand at smash tournoments, and playing intramural baseball. I havent really done anything so maybe I would be more interesting of a person if I did something with my time.
Hunter Ortiz
I also never got braces so I have some gaps in my teeth maybe thats part of it
Hudson Martinez
Just settle for a small penis fetish and pay escorts to ball bust you.
Josiah White
>decent looks nah nigga u ugly as fuck, you're overrating your looks
Kevin Taylor
No rules active Jow Forums server, get the fuck in here already: https:\\discord.io\KvmJ3kb
You are supposed to talk to girls and ask them out. You have never once in your life done that.
Jordan Williams
You're absolutely right. Having a hobby would make for better conversation and make you more attractive/interesting. You mention you get out 'sometimes'. Does that mean social activities where potential gfs will be? I mean, you gotta be putting yourself out there to expand the opportunities of meeting someone.
Chase Evans
I feel the same way as you. I don't feel entitled to a girlfriend, but I feel like I've done everything that society says you need to do in order for women to like you.
I have a semi-decent job that I love, I have my own place, I lift and have a great body, I'm a nice person, I dress well and am hygenic, and yet nothing...
Leo Reed
A woman's attraction to a man has so much more to do with his charisma and attitude than looks. Maybe, you should read a bit about how to be more charming and magnetic. That could also be a potential hobby to pick up, if you read a full book and not just some internet article. If that's too much work, however, there are quite a few great videos online related to the subject.
Aaron White
I suppose I could, I just don't know how to raise my charisma stat, if only it were that easy... do you have any ideas? I did marching band for 4 years and im good at playing the trumpet thats about it. I love ranting about sports and sports management but idk what to do with that. if i was ugly as fuck i wouldn't even have friends i talk to girls all the time, ive never asked one out because I feel like there should be some semblance of interest before I make a move. maybe im just bad at flirting
Camden Perez
talk to women and ask them out, have you actually ever done that? i mean it might seem obvious but that's literally the best thing you can do.
Anthony Hill
>if i was ugly as fuck i wouldn't even have friends You don't need to be good looking to have friends, just don't be some socially inept weirdo
Hudson Edwards
just move to japan and get a QT japanese girl (srsly)
Parker Howard
>never asked a girl out >waaaaaaah why don't I have a gf I wonder.
Jason Nguyen
I talk to women all the time but every time I do i get friendzoned. I think i might need practice at flirting.
Benjamin Sanders
there is no such thing as "friendzoned" it just means theyre not interested in you romantically, just find a girl that would be interested. its literally all a numbers game.
Josiah Wilson
Well I recommend not simply blowing off the idea of gaining charisma and shifting your focus to the importance of it. It isn't something that changes over night, but generally nothing of 'real' value comes quickly or easily.
I'm sure the trumpet is interesting however if you already have a musical inclination, I suggest you keep trying with the guitar. I don't know what it is about those damn things, but if you can play one even half decently, your attractiveness to any given woman increases drastically.