>being asian and living in western countries
please don't do this
Being asian and living in western countries
holy shit I hope that's a larp
He could honestly look much better with a different hairstyle, glasses, and a nose job.
and make his face less asian while you're at it
>nose job.
oh you mean get the incel plastic surgery?
this is actually fixable, rhinoplasties are cheap. not sure about his lips tho.
But he has good facial symmetry so if he can get that fixed he could definitely get a girlfriend.
>ricecel, nosecel, lipcel
lmao ive never seen a nose like that
i feel sad for him
>just talk to them brah
Bruh is ugly lol
Go for ugly girls
you dont get the cops called on you for asking for a girls number. even if you are ugly theyll just reject you and use it as an ego boost. he did some creepy shit.
so a different face then?
i wish faggots like you who said shit like this would unironically get cancer
>dur he would look so much better with a completely different face
How is the subreddit not called r/Incelfies?
Why didn't he just be himself?
Holy shit I thought you had a picture of me
a sec there
so you're ugly aswell as an expectant father, burger flipper and avatarfag?
Things not looking good for you
Aren't you black? Or are you a different avatarfag?
Redditfags like you need to return to reddit. Gtfo.