Demystifying Sexual Attraction ToChildren

There’s a lot ofmisconceptionsabout what kinds of feelings pedophiles have towards children, or how we experience our attraction. Some are based on ignorance, some on thestigmasurrounding pedophilia due to its conflation with child sexual abuse, and some are spouted purposefully by those who want tovilifypedophiles for the mere reason of existing, refusing to acknowledge that pedophilia and child molestation arenot the same thing.

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Did you know that most pedophiles have lower than average Iq's'. Crazy right?

That's why I have 2 STEM degrees.

silly spanish paedo

What is “sexual attraction”?

We talk aboutsexual orientationsin terms ofsexualattraction. However, we know humans experience a lot more than feelings of a sexual nature for the type of people they are attracted to. Heterosexual men not only find women physically or sexually appealing (hot), they are also capable of developing an emotional attraction—often referred to as romantic feelings—towards those women:they fall in love with them. Or they simply enjoy being around women because they find them to be pleasant company, in addition to being generally beautiful.

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I said most. not all

>they are also capable of developing an emotional attraction—often referred to as romantic feelings—towards those women:they fall in love with them. Or they simply enjoy being around women because they find them to be pleasant company, in addition to being generally beautiful.
I can't do this. sounds like bull shit

only problem is all these "low iq" teachers and successful business owners, and politicians who get busted for it...

A common misconception is that what attracts pedophiles about children is the feeling that we can dominate the child, that we get off on the idea of overpowering an innocent child, of basicallyrapinghim or her. The reality, though, is that this is not true, or at least not any more true than it is for people attracted to adults.Rape fantasieshappen to be more common than most people think, and there is absolutely no evidence that they are more present in pedophiles than they are in the general population. So any assumption that pedophiles—by definition—get turned on by the thought of raping children is simply unfounded, or pureslander.

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While this idea sometimes comes from a willful intention to vilify pedophilia, it is often the result of ignorance. But that is understandable. Most people only hear about pedophiles in the context of child sexual abuse, when there are news pieces on TV or online articles on the topic, and where the terms pedophile and child molester are oftenconflated. In the case of organizations dedicated to helping victims of child sexual abuse, law enforcement or mental health professionals that treat offenders, all the exposure they’ve ever had is to child molesters, who may or may not have been pedophiles to begin with. So their view of what they perceive to be pedophiles is naturallybiased,since they see pedophilia filtered through the lens of those who chose to commit acts of sexual abuse. It stands to reason to believe that those who crossed the line with children—whether pedophiles or not—may have been motivated by power, have an inherent lack of empathy towards the suffering of their victims or impulse control issues, although that may or may not be true on an individual case by case basis. But to attribute those characteristics as an inherent aspects of the sexual attraction of all pedophiles to children is simply misguided, and it justisn’t true.

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>Researchers Taylor and Quayle reported that pedophilic collectors of child pornography are often involved in anonymous internet communities dedicated to extending their collections
>anonymous internet communities
>anonymous internet communities
>anonymous internet communities

Although what causes pedophilia is not yet known, researchers began reporting a series of findings linking pedophilia with brain structure and function, beginning in 2002. Testing individuals from a variety of referral sources inside and outside the criminal justice system as well as controls, these studies found associations between pedophilia and lower IQs,[48][49][50] poorer scores on memory tests,[49] greater rates of non-right-handedness,[48][49][51][52] greater rates of school grade failure over and above the IQ differences,[53] lesser physical height,[54][55] greater probability of having suffered childhood head injuries resulting in unconsciousness,[56][57] and several differences in MRI-detected brain structures.[58][59][60]

I pity the foos
one needs to have lower confidence and self esteem than me (implying thats even possible) to be a p*do

In summary, a pedophile’s attraction to children is virtually indistinguishable from a heterosexual man’s attraction to women or a homosexual woman’s attraction to other women. Of course there are variations in the way pedophiles experience their attraction to children, but not in a greater or lesser degree than there are variations in the way others experience their own attractions. For some it is more visceral, more physical/sexual, while for others it is much more emotional, and even paternal in many cases. Pedophiles can certainly obsess over children, but not in any higher degree than any other person can obsess over someone they are attracted to. And of course, pedophiles can behave inappropriately with children, making unsolicited and unwanted sexual advances, but once again, there is no evidence that this would happen at any higher rate among pedophiles than people of other sexual orientations.

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Are you new in quoting scientific studies?

Wikipedia isn't a scientific study

You are quoting a study quoted in wikipedia, so you are quoting a study.

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Im gonna go call chris hansen.

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