Whites not in asia are volcel

whites not in asia are volcel

Attached: ASianwomen.webm (900x446, 1.56M)

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lol i was the one that linked the pornhub

literally throw themselves at you next to their husbands

Attached: asiancocklust2.webm (854x480, 1.01M)

not even mad. is that really her husband? she seems excited

i honestly feed bad for both guys. one is being cheated on in front of him and the other one is being assaulted by a whore.

they're faceblind and assume every white guy is leonardo dicaprio or something.
unfortunately I wasn't blessed with le epic aryan blonde hair and would probably do worse over there.

White men are objectified by them and I'm okay with that

>guy just walks away
At least he did this. Have to save some dignity.

I think it's a result of media representation. If you see people on TV, and you look around and don't see anyone who looks like that, it's going to be a thrill to see someone who does.

>"i honestly feed bad for both guys. one is being cheated on in front of him and the other one is being assaulted by a whore."

How do you people make up these make up these hypothetical situations in your head and honestly get upset about it? You have no idea what the situation is or the relationships between these people so you just make it up and get upset. Why do you do this? You realize you're the architects of your own misery, right?

honestly I think I might just pretend to be a streamer if I go to japan, and just talk to myself about random shit like I'm pretending to be on joe rogan or something, they seem to love to come up to anyone on camera

>they're faceblind and assume every white guy is leonardo dicaprio or something.
This, if you're white they'll say you look like brad pitt or some shit, doesn't even matter if you look nothing like them.

Bold of you to assume user gives a shit or can even comprehend what you're saying.

Are those girls tall or is he a manlet?

he's clearly a manlet

he's a manlet but he's white so

I figured, the midget girls near the other white guy made me unsure though.
If it's that easy as a white manlet just imagine if he was like 6'3

You got anymore gifs like these? I've never seen this phenomenon outside of pop culture.

>tfw Im white but 5ft 5 so this would never happen to me

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Don't lose hope user! I heard the general Japanese populace is actually deformed fish eating creatures so I'm sure you'll be able to find something that wants you peen

>below average height for a guy in Japan
ouch user

but i dont like asian girls i want a white gf

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My westernised asian wife has some fob friends and they actually said I looked like Ed Sheeran. When I looked up the guy I couldn't stop laughing for two minutes. He's a ginger with shaggy hair, no eyebrows, a patchy beard, a puffy face and thin lips. I have short light brown hair, thick and dark eyebrows, stubble that is uniform and not patchy, a completely different nose, completely different face shape and way thicker lips.
I legit thought it was a joke but they were actually serious.

>they're faceblind and assume every white guy is leonardo dicaprio or something.
true, asian asians can't tell caucasian beauty apart, just like dumb weeb yellow fevered incel fags infesting the chinz find all asian women gorgeous

>unfortunately I wasn't blessed with le epic aryan blonde hair and would probably do worse over there.

It's fine I am not blonde either (light brown) it's important you look fair and/or have light eyes tho

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Can you imagine chain chemical reaction when inferior Gook women sees superior White guy genetics? Its comparable to nuclear fusion.
Its almost instopable, they can't resist to touch him, grab him, and ultimatle they want to extract his seed from his balls .
Asian women would genocide all Asian males just to get chance to fuck and be impregenated by White Hercules!

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Fuck your discord user. Bring the discussion here.

user who's been all over the place here. Japan is interesting, the women there have different taste from most of Asia. In Taiwan, HK, SE Asia, etc., girls will jump on just about any white cock if the dude can make the play but they're most into chad types. Japan is different, Japanese girls fucking hate chads, they're smart enough to know that those types of dudes are just there to pump and dump and the chad attitude has a really bad rep because of the hordes of Australian chads who visit there every year. Japanese girls actually prefer white guys with dark hair and eyes, moderately healthy but not muscular physiques, 5'9-5'11 or so, and less aggressive attitudes, I think because they're not too big of a leap from Japanese guys.

Also, Japanese girls aren't that bad without makeup etc. First of all they're almost all in pretty good shape, and secondly it's rare to find one who's actually ugly, it's just that they're not as gorgeous as they are when made up and they're much more pacific islander looking than their media would imply.

>pound sign
why are british women such disgusting whores

Ewww. You can be attracted to Asian girls or w/e but this stuffs gross.

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Do you have any tattoos user? Perhaps that's too Chad-like. I have a sleeve and am afraid the Japanese women won't jump on my superior Caucasian features due to their society associating tattoos with criminals.

t. black yellowfevercel

I don't but I wouldn't worry too much about it, Japanese women who're "progressive" enough to hook up with foreigners know shit's different in the West. Might be an issue for longer-term serious stuff if she's got traditional parents she's worried about introducing you to, though.

People will think you're scary initially, doubly so if you're tall and muscular, but it won't matter too much. Japanese people treat a foreigner doing things differently to a Japanese person doing the same.

How does Jake do it everytime? Is it scripted? Is it just that easy?

>social media following
He probably has it easy everywhere. The fact that he's had multiple girls just completely drop their boyfriends they were with the second they saw him says a lot about how easy it must be though.

>yw never be chad
feels bad man

probably south korea or japan. the price of being an american colony desu

So you're saying.. yellow pussy was made for big whito cocku?

my friend who is a real Chad said Jake is cringe but his gf is hot. hes also in Asia jake better watch out he migh take yo girl

No, that is not what I'm saying. Also that's such a cringe expression zoomiecucks use

>n-no p-p-please dont fuck asian girls i didnt mean it!

t. chang

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>be a 20 year old white borderline femboy
>severe social anxiety, no gf since high school
>meet a 33 year old filipina online
>bbw with HUGE tits
>falls in love with me right away
>willing to do anything with me sexually
>cam with her everyday
>she's a squirter

Just need to get a job and save up enough to go to the philippines. Can't wait to suck her toes, lick her armpits, play with and suck on her huge tits and belly, cum on her boobs and lick it off, I just wish i was uncut so i could enjoy her body the way nature intended.

fucking disgusting m8
philip women are ugly as fuck too. would rather get myself a thai!!!

Before i visit her I'm going to save up for at least 2 or 3 weeks so i can explode a huge load on her tits and belly and lick it all off.

What are you talking about dawg you post the same type of girl those incel weebs orbit. You have a distorted view on reality my dude

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This explains why Indian males are beloved by white women.

>falls in love

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The media doesn't prop up indian and asian guys like they do black guys,

beauty standards are a lot more than juts exposure.

They don't put ugly people on TV except on the news and to fight

asian women basically worship light colored hair like royalty

Attached: AsianguyCucked.webm (1280x720, 2M)

>she is a squirrel
So she is incontinent, how luck of you that your girlfriend pisses the bed

the euro dude on his stream the other day?

if that's your friend he is not a fucking chad he's a Brad at best, more so some eu equivalent of a bro dude.

being an asian male is literal hell on earth why did god do this to me

these women are genocidal, can't wait for the 2020 tokyo olympics

>can't wait for the 2020 tokyo olympics
checked, but I don't know if the olympics is such a good thing for the white man.
There will be so many white men available for the jap girls that the mystique will be gone. Every single jap girl with even the slightest attraction for a white man will have sex with one. After that a lot of them will probably check it off their list and be done with it.
Unless it's a pandoras box kind of thing and they end up wanting more and more and chasing the dragon. But familiarity breeds contempt.

At this point I don't care if it's piss. I want it all over my face and in my mouth.

it doesnt matter if ur asian or not
if ur a robot beta bitch women will see right through that

I'm not a robot, but I'm also not attracted to Asians so it wouldn't really work for me. Had a Korean mom try to hook me up with her daughter in a shop once though.

are u gay?
why wouldnt you just enjoy those sweet walls for a night or two?

I'm only attracted to white women really. I would fuck a latina I guess, but never marry one as they age like milk. Asians do nothing for me. I like their submissiveness, I just don't like their appearance.

>Guys, I'm not sure if this girl likes me

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Being asian isnt totally the end depending on your roots. By the offshoot chance you are japanese you should be a natural in animu just draw all your fantasies n shit.

At least you're probably smart and ambitious/hardworking and not a dumb and lazy NEET piece if shit like myself.

>6'6", blond hair blue eye
>Two years ago moved to Tokyo, to teach English in a high school(JET was a mistake)
>Since then no GF, no sex
Face is still a problem in Japan you fucking weebs.

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Goddamnit. Sam looks legit hot in that pic.

U gay af son

this was proven to be scripted

Shit, forgot to say no homo. Honest mistake.

People that post this kind of shit are so fucking cringey

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You have to actually talk to women still, they aren't just going to dogpile you and hop on your dick as soon as you step off the plane

No matter how many times this has been said, there are still fucking autists that expect to fly to Tokyo and live out their anime adventures while surrounded by a harem of Jap sluts

>stable family structure
>close nit community that actually sticks together
>likely to have a successful career later in life

lol fuck off.

>You have to actually talk to women still
I'm If you don't have the face and still live in Japan.
Women won't talk to you.
2 years in japan being white, I'm so fucking sick of this meme.

>bbw with HUGE tits
let's face it m8 you mean she's obese and saggy....

user I've seen literal 1/10s get laid with ease in Japan

>implying kpop is not popular
>implying foreign women are not traveling to South Korea to get riced by Korean man.

I know a few Latina that are in South Korea and that understand the language.

That guy looks fucking chadly to begin with

Same here, Poor korean mom and her daughter were really interested in living in my country but i could tell right off they wanted to use me to get permanent residence, daughter would marry then bring her mom here. Once everything was done 9/10 she will divorce and take half your money. Glad I knew someone who went through that and I wasn't stupid enough and had enough self respect to not be thinking with my dick.

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Whenever I see these before and after pictures they always shave way too much off the jaw and they end up looking weird as fuck

>asian women are loy...
kek you don't give a fuck about loyalty if it's your dick they're thirsting at, do you?

This is why there are no white incels

Attached: asiancocklust4.webm (854x480, 1.79M)

>Confidently wraps his arm around her
100% of white guys would behave the same way

>Can you imagine chain chemical reaction when inferior Gook women sees superior White guy genetics? Its comparable to nuclear fusion.


lets be real here. Its a power pairing because of the fact that every guy wants an asian girl, and every girl wants a white guy.

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the girls on the right look like typical asian girls without surgery though. I see plenty that look like that.

>find all asian women gorgeous
This is nowhere near true, though. Models and pop stars that are picked largely cause of their looks make weebs obsessed, the average Jap woman is a complete uggo however.

at that height, just become someone else's girlfriend

> the average Jap woman is a complete uggo however.

you could've said any other asian country but this. I went to Tokyo for Christmas and they have by far, the best looking girls on earth. Cuties on literally every street.

if someones enough of a depraved cunt to buy pictures of feet then i'd sell it to them.

that doesn't even register as pornography to me.

>for centuries asians were seen as short and unattractive, not even considered human by whites
>enter 21st century
>all of a sudden they are attractive to certain group of bakas.
hmm i wonder why

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Pretty by general standards or pretty for asian women? I'm personally not really into Asians, but I can tell the few pretty ones apart.

and thats a good thing. i wish white men and asian women would be less gay online, but they are a -based- couple.

t. azn

OK, guy who actually hangs out with Japanese people and talks to them about shit like this here.

Japanese women's taste is totally counter intuitive if you're coming from a Western perspective. People see "beta" "manlets" getting wives etc. and figure that if they can get it there, then a guy who'd be closer to a Chad in the West should be a real hit. That's not at all true. In reality, dating and marrying foreigners (particularly American White men) has become MUCH more common and normal over the last decade or so, but Japanese women are still Japanese women and they're still pretty conservative. They don't want tall, muscular, blonde, exotic, etc., they want a guy who's pretty similar to a normal Japanese person but just different enough to be interesting. That means they actively prefer guys with dark eyes and hair, heights that are tall by Japanese standards but not by Western ones (5'9-5'11 seems to be the sweet spot), more reserved personalities, etc.

In other Asian countries, white guys are exotic sex toys for adventurous sluts. That used to be kind of true in Japan too. It isn't anymore. White guys are now viewed as legitimate romantic partners and that creates totally different standards. Japanese girls want a guy who feels relatively "normal" to them, a guy they can take home to their parents, one they feel they can emotionally relate to, etc. You, unfortunately, are too exotic for that, they look at you and see somebody SO different that it's like looking at an alien, or like the way a White person in America feels when they see a 7'2" black person walking down the street.

Anyway tl;dr go to Taiwan if you want easy fucks with attractive East Asian women

t. gatekeeping "white" male

f*ck wh*tes and race mixing asian sl*ts i hate them -.-

Japan has the best make up in the world. Tokyo is a very competitve place for fashion and looks. To the point that ugly people there have to erase themselves from existence so you only ever notice the attractive ones. Now the chinese are catching up, so they're getting more attractive, but in the end its all smoke screen and mirrors, there is no true beauty. If society collapses one day they will all return to being gooks.

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Treat your women better and maybe they wouldn't come to us. There are tons of surveys and interviews with women in WMAF relationships out there and pretty much every one of them boils down to "he's nicer to me than guys from my country."

well its true, asian men in asia treat them like sh*t. they all run away to the west to escape oppression.

but im western born and raised. f*ck wh*tes and their asian sl*ts.

i wish white men and asian women long happy relationships. but i hope they also get fat like sukisuki girl did.

see ya later sl*ts and backstabbers