Anyone here getting more bleeding heart after a cringe teenage Jow Forums phase?

Anyone here getting more bleeding heart after a cringe teenage Jow Forums phase?

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More like burnt out. I still agree with all the racial shit honestly but you can only see so much retarded Q and moloch shit before you get sick of it.

>lefty shill fag

>calls himself Christ
>is a fascist

Bleeding heart? Yeah Ive always had one, but only for my own people. Niggers would never do anything for me and I would never do anything for them. Fellow huwhites are a different story.

Liberalism and fascism are essentially the same thing. One is just colonialist in nature and the other is imperialist.

Just leaving this here, caveclones.

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that's just the weakness coming out
empathy isn't a virtue, it's a vice
there's a time and a place for vices, race relations, primarily with niggers, isn't it

>empathy is a vice
I can't believe you're this retarded.

>he thinks liberals have empathy

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tell me what the excessive empathy european countries have for migrants has gotten them
tell me what the excessive empathy that not only ended slavery, but didn't make all the blacks go to liberia got the US
tell me what empathy gets you in a conflict

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"Excessive" is the key word.

Good, embrace it. Youre becoming a person again. Leave pol and never go back

>babbys first word salad

Lmao you think this is deep too

the reason people don't show you empathy isn't because empathy isn't real, it's because you're a dick

I never fell into a pol phase even if I have always been weary of minorities as a black man but thats due to experience

I have always thought racial humor the most funny though

No but after I got a good job after dropping out of college I started becoming more conservative and less sympathetic of college kids bitching about wealth distribution and wanting free college just so they can get black out drunk and sleep around on my dime.

Nope, if nothing else life experience has further cemented my beliefs. Individuals should be ultimately judged by their own actions but stereotypes are very real and a good guess of what to expect. Also left ideologies are the spawn of satan. From class warfare to HAES/#effyourbeautystandards, it's all driven by jealousy. Prosecution of the people who have more money than you or who are more liked than you or who get more pussy than you, with no regard towards the content of their character.

I actually read theory insted of image boards, breitbart articles and some retarded youtube videos, so I never went through that phase.

if anything, all the identity politics being played by the democrats has made me even more pro Jow Forums

I'm more bored of politics in general.
Lots of people spend half their life getting mad at random shit on the internet rather than concerning themselves with stuff IRL that they have more control over. It's not healthy to have a huge emotional investment in something you can't really change (like politics on a national or international level). I'll still read up on stuff before an election and vote but that's mostly it.
There was a guy I knew who wouldn't shut up about trump, like it was all he talked about (I don't even live in america). It's exhausting for everyone involved.
Also tired of people latching onto failed meme ideologies like fascism and communism. You'd think someone's entry into politics would start with moderate positions and maybe become more extreme over time but on the internet people just dive headfirst into insane genocidal shit and larp as revolutionaries, if you take time to think about it, it's just embarrassing.

I still uphold most of my cringy Jow Forums beliefs, the difference is now that I don't fucking say controversial beliefs in public. Its social suicide, its retarded and it does nothing for you, unless you're like a conservative you-tuber or something, stay the fuck away from politics in social situations just be neutral.

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Not really, I've always found stuff the progressive types to be suspect since I live in the UK and have watched my country bring more and more immigrants here over the years and pull completely retarded stunts while trying to please everyone other than their own people. At the same time though I agree with the user a few posts up that people should be judged by their actions even though stereotypes are real, in my ideal world people would value freedom instead of trying to curb it for everyone they don't like, and there would be none of this progressive nonsense. That would probably be enough for some retard to call me far right, but I just want to live free and not worry about being spied on the powers that be, or getting stabbed as soon as I step outside my door.

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not bleeding heart but its just the same edge that internet atheism and sjws pwnd used to be
most of these kids will grow out of it and develop more balanced views even if they dont change opinion

half of the shit they do currently makes no sense like hating jews while worshiping jews, hating elites while worshiping elites etc.

I don't think I ever wasn't. When I was in my deepest Jow Forums phase i was sad for the state of the world for future white children and weak white people who will have to suffer so rich middle class people can feel charitable and Jews can win.

I'm not hopeless about it anymore I think the trend is turning. I was watching a comedy based in the 90s last night (newly made) and it had charity leaflets about Children in Africa as a fucking gag.

Forgot to say I've never been a full on Jow Forumstard anyway, I posted there a bit in 2012 but the board has no real worth so I haven 't been there in years.

it's alright for Americans, they've been brainwashed to love shitskins then go about their day, but when you see your community being taken over in front of your eyes, it's a whole different perspective.

I never had Jow Forums schizo politics but I was a libertarian. Used to see Peter Thiel as a role model, god I was cringe.
About a year ago I realized that this libertarian label was incompatible with a lot of views I had and became more of a liberal. Then I stumbled upon Contrapoints and ended up consuming a lot of lefty media. Started reading theory and finally a libertarian demsoc if that makes any sense, minimal state to guarantee basic human rights like health or security but heavily democratic workplaces so enterprises can provide for their workers.
I wish I was more socially competent to do more than read and shitpost.

>implying that 1/3rd were liberals

>If I don't understand it, it's word salad
You sound like that retarded Molyjew.

I went through the reverse. As a teenager I cared deeply about everyone and everyone's problems. I wanted to make the world a better place.
As an adult I've stopped caring. Everyone is fucking stupid anyways. 99% of the world's problems are self-made because people are lazy, selfish, and have no self-control. Fuck me it would be so easy to make the world a better place but you're all just fucking idiots

Still never went full Jow Forums though. You gotta be real autistic to get into that shit

I wouldn't say bleeding heart, but more cynical liberal than anything else.

>minimal state to guarantee basic human rights like health or security but heavily democratic workplaces so enterprises can provide for their workers.

You're so close
Please just read a little Marx
We've almost got you
Max out that class consciousness

I never really went to either extreme. Maybe I was brainwashed by the school system, but I've always felt most aligned to "classical" liberal beliefs.

i showed everybody my power level in highschool

i knew it was going to end soon and nobody liked me anyways so i said fuck it

gossip is the bane of my childhood

>gossip is the bane of my childhood

Maybe the bane of your childhood is being a hostile retard?

>untrue rumors make me a hostile retard