What's your favorite pokemon robots?

what's your favorite pokemon robots?

Attached: Mollie_Raticate.png (1174x881, 1.57M)

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Kill yourself you fat retail working useless nobody

Anonymous, is that any way to talk to your mother?

it's between gardevoir and umbreon and whimsicott.

Attached: 2896575D-CFE0-45B6-9DFA-41729E20F93B.jpg (320x239, 31K)

>what's your favorite pokemon robots?

>ask a simple question
>get told to kill myself and have assumptions made about my life
you okay there friendo?

Torterra. I mean what pokemon is literaly called 'The Continent Pokemon'?

Attached: 250px-389Torterra.png (250x250, 69K)

that's a cool one. just like that native american myth

Missingno is the best.

Attached: missingno.jpg (1280x720, 111K)