Vent thread
What's on your mind?
Vent thread
I want to get a gf but I don't think I should rn, feel like I can't handle the pressure, and I never talked to a girl that was more the my friend before so I don't know what to expect.
Waiting for my dad to fuck off to work so I can smoke in the living room
irritated my shoulder blade is constantly tense and needing to be popped
That is it new qt I matched with on Bumble looks promising
I feel pretty dead inside after getting told by my father that my girlfriend is going to leave my ass. It was over something stupid. But it hurt to hear him just insist over and over, she's going to dump your ass.
Over something as dumb as, I was running late to work yesterday morning and pulled on the same shirt I had on the day before. I don't do that normally, but he just seems to think I'm some kind of pig.
Just constantly, with all the conviction in the world, he's yelling at me about how I'm a dissapointment to him and about how my gf's going to leave me.
My gf broke up with me last month and i just don't fucking understand how she can be okay and having the time of her life when im still so fucking miserable
This shit is every damn day since I was able to understand the guy. He picks things precious to me to rag on ("If this shit worked like a videogame does your retarded brain would get it.")
I'm not retarded, I'm almost out of uni with a decent degree, and I have a gf. Yet, I'm still terrible. Constantly fucking told I am. I believed it so much when I was younger that I almost hung myself with a belt in middle school over something as stupid as getting a C on a math quiz. I was so fucking sick of hearing it. Hell, I wasn't even scared, as an eleven year old kid trying to get up to the top bar of a bathroom stall to loop it around. I only stopped because a teacher checked in to make sure I was okay. They didn't see me obviously, the door was shut.
I haven't let on that a damn thing has ever happened internally with me. I feel like he'd win then. As soon as I can earn something consistent enough to leave, I'm leaving.
i can't fucking sleep dude
>tfw no alt-right yandere neo-nazi gf
same i feel like time is running out all the time
i feel like a good wife comes from god which is my only comfort in the matter
start having personal conversations with girl friends and see if you guys match, but dont get hasty and get serious with someone that is gonna cause problems
He's abusive, possibly a psychopath. That's a clear manipulative tactic. You being independent keeps him from controlling you. He could be doing it over his own anxiety of not having you, but he could just as well be because he enjoys hurting and dominating you. Either way, not good. If you have an escape, threaten to use it, permanently. He'll probably rant how you couldn't possibly do it, that you need him to x/y/z. If he knows your triggers he might get you to capitulate or at least be upset enough for you to self-sabotage.
whores like that will be lonely in the end, even if their circle of like minded friends supports them
my dad did similar stuff
put some distance between you and your dad if he just fucks with you all the time
thats what helped me, i have my dad blocked on my phone and it is such a relief to not have to hear his voice
i beat up my dad a while back and he didnt send me to jail
i want to hate him for how he raised me but this shows that he does care
i still dont talk to him
also i was on hella antidepressants which made them empathetic
Did it feel good to kick his ass?
it did at first but now i just regret it because i essentially put myself at his mercy
I got my second day of work,
The real training begins today,
For the 3rd time in my life I have 2 jobs.
One job pays good but, has cut my hours.
And this job has good hours but, a low pay rate.
I'm incredibly fucking angry because of shit that happened to me these days but I have been suppressing my emotions for so long that I feel the anger bottled up and can't let it out in a healthy way.
What should I do to let all this anger out except beating someone to death or screaming like a chimpanzee?
Was seeing a 25 year old for 2 months (i'm 32). When we started hooking up she told me she didn't want a relationship because she was seeing several guys. I was so thirsty so I agreed to this. But after a couple weeks I developed feelings, I told her and she surprisingly reciprocated. So for a few weeks I was feeling great, thinking that we were falling in love. She called me after work one night to let me know to not text because she was gonna go out (ie fuck) a guy from work. So I explained that I would have to stop seeing her. I'm so stupid for letting this whore become so important to me.
Yesterday I dreamed of putting my head between a girls thighs, she reciprocated, then hugged me from behind. Felt genuinely sad all day.
Well at least you have moni. Buy plushies.
Punching pillows helps me. I know that seems fucking retarded, but I took out my shit on my couch and pillows once and it really took the edge off of immediate anger. As for long term anger, that's a different story.
Fuck bitches hug pillows until you can get a non-bitch.
they do exist, just a matter of luck, hang in there
Sure, the guy is out of line but this proves women have no empathy. No one cares when men are hurting
What do you recommend for long term anger?
I kept up this autistic mindset of repressing any negative emotion for years, thinking the "stoic" mindset was the best.
Turns out I feel I could explode any moment now.
You got to release it gradually through mediums like vent writing, music, whatever normal hitting things are available (punching bag, exercise, KOing a pillow) while you build your mindset that anger comes and you must release it at some point, but control it as you have been when you absolutely must. Bottling it up for the sake of your job or friends is something that is good to do, but just bottling it for the sake of everything and anything is no good. Release it through your mediums, consider writing, make vent threads, do some research on this as well.
As stupid as it sounds to go to Dr. Google, I've gone there before to get told the obvious facts I've missed before.
I found out that screaming like a madman and crying helped me a lot. The feeling of exhaustion makes me feel light, as if I threw out the bad feelings from my body through screams and tears.
Problem is that I want to avoid sounding like a complete fucking psychopath to my neighbours... I guess I'll try writing down what is bothering me and then burning the paper or something.
Thanks for listening though, idk what drives you to help retards like me on a filipino basket weaving forum, but I appreciate it
I help people on a basket weaving forum because I both made this thread and replied to it as one of the vents.
I'm just someone else with a different problem that wants non-consequential venting and possible advice.
And if you scream into a pillow that scream will not reach your neighbors I assure you. If you're too loud for a pillow to contain, try comboing it with going inside a clothes closet or some shit. Just don't hurt your voice or head or something, that'd be ass.
Yeah I know of the pillow trick but I also usually run around and flail my arms. I know it sounds autistic... it is.
What's your problem, by the way?
Why the fuck do women always scream?
>See friends
>eeeeeeeekkkkk omg omg omg omg
>Slight verbal dispute
>gets slapped by another food
Just shut the fuck up holy shit.
I wouldn't sweat it. It isn't like they can see you. If they confront just say it was a movie.
These are.
My life has fallen apart and I don't see any future. Nothing makes me happy so I don't have any hobbies or interests. My brother doesn't talk to me anymore, my childhood friend doesn't keep touch anymore, my first gf I had for a month that was crazy about me suddenly dumped me(no sex so don't freak out even though I'm a normie), I have no father, I was in a car accident, I lost my job because I finally snapped at a rude customer, my dog died, I hate what I'm going to school for, I'm constantly tired, and my body is in physical pain from grief. On the bright side, I haven't touched a drop of alcohol since my gf broke up with me so I guess that's a "positive". It wasn't healthy but when I went to work a little drunk, I opened up socially and made people laugh. I had friends there and people liked me. I haven't gone by there since.
I think I am going to off self after I paid my debt. should be easy enough given my line of profession. i am just a failure and i dont feel like doing this anymore.
i feel like i'm weirdly attached to my ex, she was awful for me but i can't stop thinking about her. i've got a new girl who's fucking amazing and i worry i'm going to fuck it up with her due to my baggage.
getting sober at the same time, life sucks right now but i know it's going to be better
at least i still love my music sober
Tired of commuting 80 km on daily basis
Holy shit, how much does that take you every morning?
just had a wet dream and woke up 5hrs early to take a shower and switch underwear, shit fucking sucks
I spent 70 cents for 80km commuting using commuter train service. 35 cents spent on each journey (home-office & vice versa) that took about 3 hours & 40km distance.
Yeah public transport is cheap here.
Look at the positives. Be your own man, go travel on your own, enjoy being able to do whatever you want without thinking of somebody else.
I a relationship I don't think I want in and I feel trapped. Fuck her and go have some fun.
dude i just pissed the bed. what the fuck man
I'm seeing this guy who's really cool but the problem is he's "too cool"
Dude is so far out of my league socially it hurts. Always posts these parties he goes to, his cool band friends, etc.
Meanwhile I'm here talking to you guys. Thinking of cutting it off because I really don't think I can step up and offer them anything they can't get elsewhere and better. Anyone here have similar experiences?
Best of luck to you user. I hope it works out
I'm in love with a girl but I physically can't meet her in person because of circumstances outside of my control to ask her out and now I feel like shit when I masturbate to porn. I have never felt like shit when I masturbated.
Loving a girl does have benefits though. I'm now running 5k every morning and I have significantly better abs, although there is still room for improvement. My diet is getting cleaned up too.
I just hope I don't miss the next chance to at least tell her. Or see her face again in person.
>Be femanon
>Dating super hot chad whos really popular
>wants to cut it off because hE's OuT oF hEr lEaGuE
STFU. THERE ARE NO LEAGUES WHEN YOU'RE A GIRL. Just wear pretty clothing ( by this I mean super revealing ) and have sex with him once in a while.
Also tits or gtfo
Remember the old Psychological Issues threads? I wonder what ever happened to those.
So did I and I've run out of pants
I'm a faggot and they're a tranny. But one of those successful ones with a great support network. Not ones like here
I'm very unlikable, people genuinely would be fine with me disappearing. I cant get a gf or make new friends so I'm always feeling stuck and empty. I'm not depressed but since I cant make friends, I choose to be secluded then I get shit from my family because they think I'm avoiding people as some type of hatred for them. I dont hate you, I just cant be your friend. Then they blame me for being anti social. Thanks family, you're really understanding.
>no gf to play splatoon with
I got a job in healthcare that pays really well (as my parents intended and hoped), I hate the job and I want to switch careers.
I will probably never make as much money as I do now but I can't do this anymore.
I don't even know what else I want to do.
i have an inability to love but i played myself into a relationship. i think so i'll at least get a thrill out of this i'll break up with them at the worst time possible to see their reaction. i don't feel bad about this at all but i realize i should be.
What do you do for a living? And what kind of debt are you paying off?
Im in the same boat as this user but im not too sure if I want to breakup with them but I dont want to bring them down with me either, I feel worse and worse everyday I really think Im going to kill myself soon and I want to breakup with my partner without them having to be with me during my suicide because its not their fault im depressed
even if you can't feel love you should avoid doing things like that.
I just cheated on my gf, and I don't feel bad about it even though I should. I'm her first, and she's madly in love with me. I don't know why I did it, I don't even enjoy sex really. I
barely fuck my gf as it is, and I think it makes her want me even more. She'd do anything for me (kinda clingy desu), and I feel nothing for her other than the fact I like that she loves me.
samefagging here, but I've got real bad borderline/schizoid pd. I know its not an excuse but it certainly doesn't help prevent me from doing stuff like that.
I'm lost bros. sex doesn't make you a normie, I'll never get over this shit, there's no cure for being a fuxking schitzo.
>borderline/schizoid pd
those are opposite personality disorders. how can you have both? if you've self diagnosed with schizoid there's no need to because the emotional numbness part is already covered in bpd.
I'm so slow at everything I do every day. I'm really weird too. it's embarrassing to be around people. I've been trying to be normal for so long and I'm not getting any better at it.
diagnosed borderline, tried CBT but it was shit. I guess when I'm not manic I feel like a schizoid..
I love the mania though. It comes on so fast, it's like being on cocaine for days on end. I can't predict when it will change though. I think my mania is the only reason I have any success at all with girls
>the emotional numbness part
how can I be numb like that? I'm overly emotional and moody and I have to hide it or people will think I'm annoying and childish.
op with borderline pd. I alternate between numbness and really moody/emotional. feeling numb is miles worse than anything else. I promise you don't want it.
I hope you work on your emotions and regulating them.
I've been manic since Sunday night, I hope this lasts forever but I know it'll be gone in a few days. I cheated on my gf Monday night. I'll probably feel like shit if I get sadness instead of numbness or anything else. it's like rolling the dice on emotions every time and I want it to stop
My friend has gotten drunk and told me she texted her ex, I told her to not talk to him til shes sober but she hasnt responded.
I just want whats best for her and idk if she listened to my advice or not.
I am a fag btw so no calling me white knight or cuck allowed
Whilst I agree with a lot of what this user says, don't do this. It's likely to aggravate the situation and if he twigs on he might even try and put more obstacles in your path. In a best case scenario he'll wind his neck in briefly before going back to the way he currently is. Just focus on getting yourself out of there
In the meantime try and keep irritants to a minimum
Best of luck
Numbing yourself is a bad idea mann
It won't necessarily help with the over emotional stuff. Either you will find a different way of showing unhappiness or you'll just end up breaking over the smallest of things. It basically just makes you more irrational whilst dimming down your abilities to communicate via display of emotion, both in happy and sad times.
It'll have a domino effect on the rest of your mental health (or at least usually goes hand in hand with other problems) along with impacting your relationships with people and is a son of a bitch to unlearn. You're better off just learning how to incorporate healthy coping mechanisms into your lifestyle