Ok here's the deal! if you want a best friend, post in this thread! post your interests, traits...

ok here's the deal! if you want a best friend, post in this thread! post your interests, traits, whatever you feel is important to know about you! mbti, hobby, zodiac sign, favorite anime, whatever you want. and reply to anons that sound interesting! i just want someone i can always chat with, don't you?!

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Honestly I don't give a fuck since I already have too many people to talk to and it's eating all my time up
But have a bump

also! if you feel like it, please mention if you're the type that never knows what to say, or the opposite and love telling stories! it actually helps!

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I'm actually socially retarded.
I'm from Brazil so I don't use the voice chat too often because of my awful accent.
18, male, INTP


Hi I like hiking, camping, fishing, drawing, music production and reading Wikipedia/watching documentaries


Be fren plz

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do you have favorite tv shows???

Whenever I am not forced out of my room I just play videogames
Just as much of a waste of time as lurking on this board but at least less boring
INTJ Pretty calm and I like to over rationalize things
Most of my favorite anime are from before 2013~ish when ecchi was a weird sub-genre for degenerates that would ruin a good story (vs now being the main selling point to 3/4 anime)

I like talking on almost any topic if the conversation is interesting


Honestly I just want a best friend that forces me to tell him my secrets and bullies the fuck out of me
Maybe it's because the only friends I've ever had were shitty friends so that's just what I associate with friendship now
Besides that I like to shitpost and take naps

>pajeet (I know a lot of you will be put off by this so I will mention it first)
>Taking long walks, listening to music, practicing my harmonica
>naruto I guess (never been interested in anime. I know naruto is for plebs
I like doing things that made me happy as a kid. So for example, playing osrs from time to time, or watching old spongebob episodes or cartoon network shows. Anything to make me relive my childhood. Anyone remember those two wheel skateboards, ripstiks? I like to ride that sometimes lol

if anyone wants to hook up then here ! ! !
im bi