When was the last time you and your discord friend used each other for sexual relief?

When was the last time you and your discord friend used each other for sexual relief?

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Literally never, who does that? Some kind of sexual deviant, I assume.

Masturbated with a couple discord dudes before. There was only one time I did it that was enjoyable

I just want a discord friend that gets fucked by dogs and BBC, is that too much to ask?

Like 2 months ago

user there are countless discords full of people like that

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couple monthes ago
I know its a dude but they like to erp as a slutty 2d girl (good at it) and it gets me off so I just ignore the first part

Do you not like fun, user? You should try it sometime.

God, I wish I had a friend like that

>I know its a dude but they like to erp as a slutty 2d girl (good at it) and it gets me off so I just ignore the first part
That's exactly how it's supposed to be.