How would you improve Jow Forums?

How would you improve Jow Forums?
>remove Jow Forums, Jow Forums, /soc/ and /b/ and try to eliminate their influence on the rest of the site, maybe /v/ as well but it would be weird for a site like this not to have vidya
>create e-celeb board and ban discussion of them outside of it, this rule must be enforced strictly in the same way as MLP
>improve moderation in general, especially on /v/ and /tv/ to cut down on shitposting but also on boards like /lit/ and /sci/ to cut down on off topic shite
>ban checkmark Twitter post threads (count them as 'extremely low quality')
>ban Discord from being discussed
>word filter cringe or unironically
Picrel has already had an irrevocable impact on this board even though it was /soc/ and Discord's fault, just fucking end it.

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>ban namefagging
>ban myself

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Amendment: also add 'Have sex' to the candidates for word filter

Why do you browse this shitty board

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The only ones that should be removed are Jow Forums and Jow Forums. /r9k should be replaced with a machine learning filter board.

Final amendment: While I still think that 'Cringe' and 'Have sex' in particular need to be filtered (not based, based is too much of a part of the culture even if the more recent spammy upvote usage is annoying) the main word that needs to be filtered is 'incel'
Why not /soc/ and /b/? Genuinely curious, /b/ hasn't even been ironically good for years and /soc/ is the kind of Discord cancer that's currently ruining the site along with Jow Forums

>repeal world filter entirely, because fuck jimmies you've rustled over the words you tend to see often
>rather then creating an e-celeb board, create a board for discussing rest of the Internet and it's culture, which takes care of both e-celeb and twitter post threads

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Shit, *word filter.

Nah, I like seeing basedboy and soiboi instead of so yboy, desu and 2bh instead of t bh and senpai instead of f am.
Also while your second idea would be efficient, does anybody ever actually want to see blue checkmark Twitter post threads? I'm pretty sure they're only attractive to shitposters, and even then only to post and then abandon. What you're suggesting seems like sending sneedposters to /co/ so that 'they're your problem now lol'

>does anybody ever actually want to see blue checkmark Twitter post threads?
You've answered your own question.
>What you're suggesting seems like sending sneedposters to /co/ so that 'they're your problem now lol'
More like "Let's lock all tards in a toilet. They might shit on a floor but at least they'll be doing it somewhere you'd expect to find shit and not on kitchen table".

If you don't like it, then why are you still here? Stop trying to change what some people love just because you hate it cunt


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Leave co alone it's the only board that minds its business

ban mentions of tulpas and succubi from /x/

And bada bing bada boom you've now created Reddit! I agree those things would probably improve the site but most of those things are part of Jow Forums's appeal anyway.

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>Remove Jow Forums and /lgbt/
>E-celeb board
>SFW /b/ and Jow Forums like /gif/
>Better general mods especially on /tv/ and /v/


Jow Forums is what it is today because of these main boards. go back to reddlt fag

If it wasnt for those boards you wouldnt even be here gtfo

Expand Jow Forums and ban faggots

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Also every time someone writes nigger it is automatically multiplied 50 times.

>this lego edit

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