Can we all agree that it's fucking hilarious and immensely satisfying that women age so quickly?
All that power, all that privilege, and it MASSIVELY declines before they even know what to do with it. Even if you say "yeah well they'll lock down a provider husband before then, or some betabux will always be willing to eat their shit," you can't deny that no woman wants to age, and they start aging fast. They have like a five year window of being their "peak self," and then they have to watch themselves transform into a leather catcher's mitt.
The pedo shit is retarded but the fact that men are most attracted to barely legal women, probably even slightly younger than that, is true.
It makes me so happy to know that millions and millions of roasties right at this very second are probably looking into a mirror and going "How is this happening to me? Why can't I be the center of attention forever? What's the point of life if I can't be pretty?" Go to hell, roasties.
>Hello, I'm Olivia Munn, a talentless nobody who had career opportunities thrown at her feet for years simply because she was a young attractive woman. Oops, I blinked and it's already over! Nobody will ever care about me or pay attention to me again! Time to go insane now!
It s what brought me out of a dark depression. I realised the biatch who ghosted meme was litteraly at her peak and would waste it all with fuckboy until she is old and ugly and no good man would ever want her.
To top it all she is on the thicc side and already alcoholic. She is 21 but she ll ne a landwhale by the 25. Meanwhile I ve been fucking 18 yo.